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  • I am proud of Soccer Roo

    06. 26. 2006 10:40

Well Done Soccer Roo~Well Done Aussie

  • Re : I am proud of Soccer Roo

    06. 26. 2006 11:39

Actually the sending off has been called near GBH (Grevous bodly harm) was
definately a red card.

  • Re : I am proud of Soccer Roo

    06. 26. 2006 11:36

The red card was an absurdity too.. As a person who would have watched the world cup
regardless of Australia being in it or not, i need to point that out.

Why is it not a red? Because there was no chance australia was gonna score.
Why? Cos bresciano had it :P

  • Re : I am proud of Soccer Roo

    06. 26. 2006 11:22

Well done u Australia, played much better than England did yesterday and have now been
robbed by the shocking standard of refereeing i've seen from this tornament,i agree that
there was no way in hell that was a penelty. And the number of desicions in the Brazil
game were just as biased against the Aussies. There has been alot of support for the
Soccer-Roo's here in England (or certainly where i live lol) and the manner and spirit
with which they played the game makes a welcome difference to the diving nature of some
Europena teams. I will certainly look forward to seeing the Australian team back in any
future world cup, and they certianly could be winners one day with the tenacity and
entertaining football we've seen in this world cup.

and in answer to Obst's question a 'roo' is short for Kangaroo as in on of the most
noticable animals in Oz, as the rugby team is nicknamed the walabies,
so subsitute in the word 'Soccer' for 'Kanga' and u get Soccer-Roo.


  • Re : I am proud of Soccer Roo

    06. 26. 2006 11:06

I was backing australia they should have won, bad ref and diveing italians.
The Austrlians can be forgiven for calling it soccer, because of "The Soccer-roos"
Once again the Italians have confirmed their title as the dirtyist and most cheating
team in the world, an obvious dive at the end, the Aussies deserved to win that one.
U got to admit that they always dive and intentially cause injuries. When Rooney got
injured in a league match against Chelsea while playing for Man U its was done by
an Italian national team player, and in a world cup year, i just put 2 and 2 together
and get 4.

  • Re : I am proud of Soccer Roo

    06. 26. 2006 11:06

Yeah, they done good. And there's no way that was a penalty.

  • Re : I am proud of Soccer Roo

    06. 26. 2006 10:51

Actually, since football can be mistaken many people use the term "soccer" to leave
no doubt in what they are talking about.

btw wth is "Roo"?

  • Re : I am proud of Soccer Roo

    06. 26. 2006 10:49

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