HA Infomation

Technical Support


  • vets conversion boost? 590 experts = 0 vets

    05. 25. 2013 13:55


again a bad joke from TNF : veteran conversion boost. i burn 590 experts and nothing, null, 0 vets. before this battle i burn another 500 experts, on the same sailor, of course 0, null, no vets. i win in both battles, @33k experince with sn ca maxim gorki, i didn't try, it was directly 1st try on that sailor (i want to put 149 to 159 vets, the pair had alredy 159, is gunners pair from lvl 1).

over all, contact support don't work.................... hahaha



  • Re : vets conversion boost? 590 experts = 0 vets

    05. 25. 2013 14:56


when you have the chance to climb premium vet are very low

  • Re : vets conversion boost? 590 experts = 0 vets

    05. 25. 2013 18:44


You know winning a battle has nothing to do with vet conversion(then again with your bulkhead thread I'm not surprised).  Don't expect many conversions with 150 vets.  I'm not sure if you are on a premium account but it does make a difference as well.

  • Re : vets conversion boost? 590 experts = 0 vets

    05. 28. 2013 01:28


Hey there,

Regarding your first screenshot regarding the support ticket system.
The internal server error generally occurs when the title of your support ticket is over a certain number of characters.  There is a stickied post about it in the technical support section.

Regarding the vet conversion rate:
The base vet conversion rate is generally low, I forget the speculated conversionr ate, however, there is also speculation that the more vets you have, the harder it is to roll more.  Even though during the event there may be conversion boosts, it is only double of the original chance, which could still be low.  Therefore it is possible for someone to roll any number of experts and not get ANY vets.

(Please confirm that speculation someone if it has been confirmed accurate)

  • Re : vets conversion boost? 590 experts = 0 vets

    05. 30. 2013 11:28


yes, it was some problems .................. and of course, no any compasation for my loose, what is that, "compansation for your loose"?
this is the aswer


Chat History :


The system should be working as intended at this time. We will be monitoring its status throughout the weekend.

Thank you,

TeamNF MK2

(05.26.2013 13:41:18 PST)

  • Re : vets conversion boost? 590 experts = 0 vets

    05. 30. 2013 13:58


When I am lucky, on average, I can get a vet conversion with 400 experts during 200% conversion weekend.  When I was not lucky one time, I used around 14 of those 100 experts (1400 total experts) that I got from the event to get one vet conversion (10 vet) during 200% conversion weekend.  I believe this is the most I have used.  These are for high level sailors of level 60+ and more than 100 vet.

This is normal.

I have heard that there is a barrier at 40 vet than around 80 vet and 140 vet, and then 210 vet.   The level of sailors also matter but I am not sure about the relationship.

Hope this helps.

  • Re : vets conversion boost? 590 experts = 0 vets

    06. 05. 2013 23:30


I love all your posts...... not really. Why are you always and I do mean always pointing the finger at TNF for your game issues or problems with game play. TNF are moderators that in general enforce rules and a few other tasks. SDE yes SDE is who everyone of your issues should complain about. TNF has no control over your game issues.

  • Re : vets conversion boost? 590 experts = 0 vets

    06. 06. 2013 05:06


Originally Posted by skindeep2366

I love all your posts...... not really. Why are you always and I do mean always pointing the finger at TNF for your game issues or problems with game play. TNF are moderators that in general enforce rules and a few other tasks. SDE yes SDE is who everyone of your issues should complain about. TNF has no control over your game issues.

As long you dont post in Korean SDE wont reply so ofcourse he turn to TNF. Most tickets also got anwered by TNF.

About conversion rate, I think it's bad business that there isnt a way to check the true conversion rate. What tells me they didn't forget to activate it when there so many occasions that they forgot to activate XP Boost or No Crew Dead.




  • Re : vets conversion boost? 590 experts = 0 vets

    06. 06. 2013 06:09


The 200% Veteran Conversion Boost only works on new sailors. higher the vets, higher the failure. I got 150+ vets on my gunners and i got 200% fail rate insted of 200% success. So I dont even try. IF i tried to convert, i would lose over 6k experts if I tried to add vets to my sailors and gain 10 vets total or none. Most of the time the event for better vet chance is false in a way. Still i look at it this way. 150% fail and 50% success at times.

  • Re : vets conversion boost? 590 experts = 0 vets

    06. 07. 2013 09:24


Originally Posted by Whatzup

Originally Posted by skindeep2366

I love all your posts...... not really. Why are you always and I do mean always pointing the finger at TNF for your game issues or problems with game play. TNF are moderators that in general enforce rules and a few other tasks. SDE yes SDE is who everyone of your issues should complain about. TNF has no control over your game issues.

As long you dont post in Korean SDE wont reply so ofcourse he turn to TNF. Most tickets also got anwered by TNF.

About conversion rate, I think it's bad business that there isnt a way to check the true conversion rate. What tells me they didn't forget to activate it when there so many occasions that they forgot to activate XP Boost or No Crew Dead.

Turning to TNF is one thing but placing blame wrongly on TNF is another story. EVERYTHING WITH GAME INTERNALS IS HANDLED BY SDE. TNF cannot modify database values let alone code that manages the vet conversion.

Lastly 590 experts and 0 vets withthat many vets on your sailor is not rare in any occassion. I burned through 84000 experts a few months back just on a CV5 crew to get them all to 200+ vets.  


  • Re : vets conversion boost? 590 experts = 0 vets

    06. 07. 2013 09:59


Rule of thumb when you want more vet:
1) Don't burn exp if you are NOT on Premium
2) If you want 100 vets, Premium should be enough;
3) If you want 200 vets, wait till 200% conversion event;
4) If you want 300 vets, wait till 300% conversion event.

1090 experts = 0 vets, given original vet = 159, that's somewhat unusual if you are in 200% event. Maybe you were in really bad luck.

Last weekend during 300% event, I burned 1400 experts on my lvl120 Eng and turned the vet from 280 to 340.

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