HA Infomation

Technical Support


  • vets conversion boost? 590 experts = 0 vets

    05. 25. 2013 13:55


again a bad joke from TNF : veteran conversion boost. i burn 590 experts and nothing, null, 0 vets. before this battle i burn another 500 experts, on the same sailor, of course 0, null, no vets. i win in both battles, @33k experince with sn ca maxim gorki, i didn't try, it was directly 1st try on that sailor (i want to put 149 to 159 vets, the pair had alredy 159, is gunners pair from lvl 1).

over all, contact support don't work.................... hahaha



  • Re : vets conversion boost? 590 experts = 0 vets

    06. 07. 2013 11:19


Originally Posted by jedizorro

Rule of thumb when you want more vet:
1) Don't burn exp if you are NOT on Premium
2) If you want 100 vets, Premium should be enough;
3) If you want 200 vets, wait till 200% conversion event;
4) If you want 300 vets, wait till 300% conversion event.



And agreed, I think you were pretty unlucky.

  • Re : vets conversion boost? 590 experts = 0 vets

    06. 07. 2013 11:44


Basicly, IF they dont like you, they will crap on you when trying to get experts lol. Since I'm not on SDE/TNF good list, I get bad vet conversion.

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