HA Infomation

Technical Support


  • Tag keeps changing after every maintenance? Why is this????/

    05. 30. 2013 17:19


So once again we have a maintenance or server down situation and when it comes back up our tag is gone and has been replaced by one I have never seen before.
armada_venazula is now wearing our Original Tag.
So far since the last time this happened we have spent over 7mill creds changing it back only for it to change again the very next day.
This has to be an obvious coding error and we were told the problem had been found and fixed.
Well Obviously Not.
This is getting frustrating and to be honest its something that shouldnt be happening.
I would like to know what is causing this and when will it be fixed.

(Yes I have sent in a ticket , I am just making the community aware of the issue)



  • Re : Tag keeps changing after every maintenance? Why is this????/

    05. 30. 2013 19:27


uncomfirmed intentional credit sink.

  • Re : Tag keeps changing after every maintenance? Why is this????/

    05. 31. 2013 15:47


Seems like to me the database is compacting on delete/archive and what ever id is used to track fleet tag is not being updated to reflect this correctly.. Just a thought, I have seen random occurances of similar events in projects I work on daily.