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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Torps for the Kuma Kai

    07. 23. 2009 13:15

I've searched torp, kuma kai, and found an incomplete guide lacking the kuma line.

So I've been wonder what torps most people prefer to use on the kuma kai.
My torpers are lvl 70 from playing my sub so much. (only one torp option there).

I can equip the 24" type 93 M1 and M3s. But only the 4x m3 fit.
I know the mod 1s have the most range, and the mod 3 have the most power, with
decent range. Courtesy of trainworld.

So share your set ups with me please =)

  • Re : Torps for the Kuma Kai

    12. 03. 2010 17:15

I would have to say go with slow but powerful, they go farther and they will pack a
good punch. in blits they go all the way across the map so then people cant doge them
as easy. just make a good wall so it is even through out and even double up walls. just
experiment and see whats best for your taste.

  • Re : Torps for the Kuma Kai

    09. 13. 2009 11:19

I use them too. But i cant really hit someone with kuma kai.. lol

and it gets really slow leveling. is this normal??

any good tips from players that can help me to get good exp by torpedo-ing from a
kuma kai ???

  • Re : Torps for the Kuma Kai

    08. 04. 2009 10:25

Point taken Dy, But when you can do both.... ;)

  • Re : Torps for the Kuma Kai

    08. 03. 2009 21:49

Your Welcome

@ steelbreeze. I rather spend money/credits on something that lasts long term.. like
boosts? not hhs..

  • Re : Torps for the Kuma Kai

    08. 03. 2009 16:16

Bah the mod3 torps are way too slow, my grandma could dodge them! M3 mod 1's are the way
to go, 30k distance, good speed at slow, and 8k damage. And a KumaKai ASW is tons of fun
with M3 mod2 torps on one side, mines on the other, and 5 premium HH on the gun slots.
Don't forget to scout up with mines.

  • Re : Torps for the Kuma Kai

    08. 03. 2009 14:06

i have the same problem you had! and the question and answers helped a lot. thx.
I have higher lvl torpers due to subbing, and mi kuma kai Bo is lvl 45, si i have to grind
him up, having had the same torp choice problem as you did i came to the same conclusion
24" type 93 M1 and mod 3 torps.
Problem is the ship just hasn't enough displacement, so only the torpers, 3 50ish supports
and a slimmed Bo fit in it. No chance for HHs though it would be ideal ship for it.
Hope i get the Kita soon :)
and yes I also missed out the blitz pwnage. :(


  • Re : Torps for the Kuma Kai

    08. 03. 2009 10:09

K thanks guys.
and shame on those who gave me blitz advice at lvl 70. read please.

blitz is rolfpwnt with kita, sadly i never get to exp this. but instead i watch my friend
do it.

I has a kita now muhahahaa.

and I basically used the mod 1s. more range more chances of hitting something.
I might try to mod 3s but on the M3 mod 3s have less range than the mod 1 m3s.
but 18k damage! sounds so sweet. close to the ss1,2 damage.

I have tried making the kuma kai into a tw/aa or hh platform. Problem is crew
And the dp gunners i borrowed have sad spread. plus i don't like how weak ijn aa
shells are ==; (plays usn, like their aa better, and kms)

I ended up hhing more, easier, less to do at the same time. and lighter, Basically
stuck hhs on the back 3 r slots and after i was out of torps I harassed subs. Also fun
hitting dds with a broadside of hh. Very hard to learn the angles thoughs, 2 min
reload time. Funnnn. But to fit everything I either had to get a dd engy, or tirm down

  • Re : Torps for the Kuma Kai

    07. 28. 2009 06:23

hmm....okay, here is what I've did~
basically, I have 2 kita, 1 equipped with type 90, and another one with 93 M3 3...
for the 1 with type 90, I use for blitz, well, cheaper torps and better chance to hit
someone...not much BB and CV in the blitz, so wont get killed easily if I charged to
the front line, and greatly increase the chance for winning team~
for the 1 with type 93 M3 3 torps, well, it's similar to type 93 M1 3, but more
powerful...well, more expensive, I just use that for the GB~ XD

  • Re : Torps for the Kuma Kai

    07. 28. 2009 04:00

U can setup the torp, so that after casting, the wave look like a cresent moon.
Good luck

  • Re : Torps for the Kuma Kai

    07. 25. 2009 12:04

70s can't enter blitz. Anyhow, pends on who you're playing with, some people
bother dodging torps, others not so much. At any rate M1 Mod 3s are my preffered
range + damage. Mod 1s are generally bleh since the damage from them isn't really
enough to account for much. You can have some success with Mod 2s if you have
goood engies and torpers since you'll need to get up somewhat close and unload
everything prior to dying.

At any rate the whole thing really depends on other players. Though for Mod 3s you
normally get alot or none at all.
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