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U.S Navy


  • Colorado Aromor?

    12. 16. 2010 18:22

So I've come a long way since my BB rant, and I just got my Colorado last night
about 5 mins before the servers went down (use a ship tree reset that I got during
the Thanksgiving event), and I must say, all you guys that said "Just stick it out, it
gets better" were right. :) Now, I know the CO is a pretty durable ship the way it is,
but am I at a point where I should start worrying about deck armor, or should I just
still do bulge? At the moment, I only have enough credits to put about 3.5 deck on it
unless I start selling my brit ships and crew, which I don't want to do. Although my
gunners alone should be enough to armor the heck out of my CO, im curious to see
just how good boosted elite gunners can get at higher levels. But I digress... So
yeah. Should I start putting all my money into armoring this thing, or is it not going
to make a difference until I hit bb3/4?

  • Re : Colorado Aromor?

    12. 18. 2010 00:12

I have always been told that the way its set up in this game is "all or nothing" meaning
either you mount enough armor to bounce a shell or it does full damage even being off by
.1 can make all the armor you mounted useless, so based on that I stick to the usual, .2
belt and bulge till you loose 1 knot, thats even my setup on my UK ships cuz I prefer to
be able to hit and run not move like a turtle.

  • Re : Colorado Aromor?

    12. 17. 2010 21:52

I have not tested (or seen any tests) of the effects of 0.2" of deck, hence my not putting
a statement about it either way. It's possible that there's an effect against divebombs,
but as I lack the skill to get consistent hits, testing would be difficult.

  • Re : Colorado Aromor?

    12. 17. 2010 18:08

NM45/Pen43 can put 9"~ armor, and what the most important thing is, they are
invincible when fighting in BB2 range. Of cause these can`t stand Monty`s max range
shot, but who cares, while any of BB2s can`t? Just sneak into the range, and no
problem exists.
You should better point out the lack of firepower than thickness of armor...

Do you have tested 0.2 DECK armor? I wonder why some ppl insist on this, which I
think is a kind of myth.

  • Re : Colorado Aromor?

    12. 17. 2010 12:00


  • Re : Colorado Aromor?

    12. 17. 2010 10:58

I'm not sure that 3.5" of deck would be enough to bounce Brooklyn shells. And as for the
1.5" Deck/2.5" of belt combination...

0.2" of belt is well tested against torpedo hits. Bulge also helps, but I tend towards
speed over armor. Bulkhead can be of limited use, but only if you can expect not to take
any torpedo hits. (eg: BB rooms)

  • Re : Colorado Aromor?

    12. 17. 2010 10:53

I'm sure this has been said more times then people want to hear it, but Armor outside of
UK and perhaps MN is not a wise choice.

The amount of deck that L1s need is roughly 10 Inches to bounce I believe BB4 shells. US
armor is not as durable as UK, and I doubt you could fit that much to begin with, even
sacraficing guns/crew.

On top of all things with the number of Montanas, SYs and bb6 in games now a days, even
carrying enough Armor to bounce BB4 shells is not going to do you much good. I'm yet to
see a ship (outside of UK) bounce monty shells at 45 degrees... including a player that
likes to drive a 35 knt 2 turret AW montana.

.2-.4 belt and bulge till it slows you is the best armor you can run. Learning to use
Speed and awareness you'll be a better player down the road.

In terms of durability, Colorado is squishy, even at 900 SD it still becomes a task not
getting crippled particularly when played as a mini monty.

  • Re : Colorado Aromor?

    12. 17. 2010 08:33

If you want to do AW, choose NM45.

Col can`t put enough deck armor.

And I find no difference between 0 and 0.2 deck armor. Just all or nothing.
+100 bulge is noob way. Quit it.

  • Re : Colorado Aromor?

    12. 17. 2010 05:07

The normal armor configuration for US ships that Falcon suggested is correct.

.2" belt and as much bulge as I can fit before losing speed is as much as I equip.
You should b training yourself for hit and run since you went the South Dakota route and
speed is important.

USN armor is not really effective at stopping shells so you will just be making yourself a
slow target if you use too much armor

.2" deck if u must use it at all
.2" belt to reduce torpedo damage
100+ bulge to stop a few torpedo hits all together.

  • Re : Colorado Aromor?

    12. 16. 2010 19:31

I just got the same boat. I have 1.5" deck and 2.5" belt. 50 bulge and 4 watertight

should I reduce back down to .2" deck/belt? Input would be appreciated.

  • Re : Colorado Aromor?

    12. 16. 2010 18:28

don't armor it unless your gonna all out armor it, the colorado is a amazing battleship
that can be used to go toe to toe with the biggest baddest ones in the game. I've seen a
colorado take out a bb6, on the colorado for it's set up use the Dual 16 L's with either
LHE or NHE carry 1 bind of AP as a precautionary for armored UK ships or any other nation
for that fact.

If your going to run armor the set up i've always been told is this
2 bulk
.2 belt
.2 deck
bugle till ya loose a knot
1 2