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  • Dreadnaught or Dunk?

    12. 21. 2010 09:25

I need a crutch ship to get my crew (currently at kgv - no range :() through to bb4. Would the Dunk or
the ebb1 make a better crutch ship?

  • Re : Dreadnaught or Dunk?

    12. 22. 2010 22:56

Dunk is more rox than dread
more range and speed

  • Re : Dreadnaught or Dunk?

    12. 22. 2010 15:24

only suggestion I can give is...get AT LEAST 3 more engies ASAP

with 3 engies your gona have hard time caping ship....I'm not gona eaven bother
explaning the low OH time with lvl 70ish 3x engies....

all so, if you can live with Dunk's spread at lvl....get Dunk.


  • Re : Dreadnaught or Dunk?

    12. 22. 2010 12:09

I haven't checked in the past, but based on US hitting power from BB2 and up, I'd imagine
even at 2 turret a SW sodak will hit as hard if not harder than a Dunk.

The UK line also benefits from the extra support slot (till bb6) which tends to mean
easier to cap speed, sd and repair rate. In other words getting hit in a dunk will likely
rep quicker than getting hit in a sodak. I would personally choose sodak over dunk but
that is a different conversation.

At level, or even slightly above I would not expect a dunk to do 42 knts, probably closer
to 39/40. As crew improves or vets/experts you will hit the higher speeds.

  • Re : Dreadnaught or Dunk?

    12. 22. 2010 10:27

Sort of. Except you're slightly slower, and you're missing a rear turret. Dunk requires
some patience, and like Sodak, you have to choose the right moments to rush and deal
some damage.

  • Re : Dreadnaught or Dunk?

    12. 21. 2010 19:57

ok. i was just keeping on a bit of deck to reduce the crew deaths (it's what i do with all my us bbs).

so would you guys say that dunk plays like a sodak?

  • Re : Dreadnaught or Dunk?

    12. 21. 2010 16:27

Use Dunk.

Maximum OH of Dunk is 44 knots, maximum OH of Dreadnought for me was 37 knots.
Dunk ranges Dreadnought, and does a lot more damage at the same time. To increase
the speed, I'd say get rid of the deck (Dunk was never supposed to AW), the bulk, and
the maybe some of the bulge as well (70 bulge won't do much against SS3-4 anyways)
and you should be able to get at least 42 knots out of Dunk. Of course, it all comes
down to preference, so it's only a suggestion. =)

  • Re : Dreadnaught or Dunk?

    12. 21. 2010 16:05

40 Knots is a relatively quick ship compared to the higher tier BBs. You won't get much
more than that out of a dunk or a dreadnaught (depending on the base speed). I doubt that
dropping the deck and the bulk will increase the speed, but as a general rule with Armor
its all or nothing. .3 will not bounce so it can go. Not sure the full effect of bulk or
how much is needed to keep OH during low DP so I won't comment on that other than to say
never seen benefit from it.

Trying a setup using the quad and the dual on the front will give you more speed, however
you need to be pretty accurate with your shots. With a full 120 crew (heavy) I hit 45
knts on a 2 turret setup (no AA). This is with .2 belt and minimal bulge.

  • Re : Dreadnaught or Dunk?

    12. 21. 2010 13:51

A back turret is useless if you're too slow to get into range so remove it. It also
allows you to stay more head on to your prey giving them a smaller profile to hit.
Bulkhead is far too heavy for what little benefit it gives ( especially at low SD like
you), 0.3 "deck won't stop a thing so both of those can go.
The amount of belt is too low to give the 45% torpedo damage reduction so
increase it by 0.1".
All this should increase your survivability and up your base speed to about 27-28 iirc.

  • Re : Dreadnaught or Dunk?

    12. 21. 2010 10:55

2x L81 11/11 Acc gunners BVE
3x L72 +12 reps
1x L77 +11 engie
2x L72 +11 engies
1x L70 +11 scout

478 SD, 24/40 kts

on a 3-turret KGV using 14"Ns
0.3" Deck
0.1" Belt
70 Bulge
16 Bulk
BB engine IV Heavy

  • Re : Dreadnaught or Dunk?

    12. 21. 2010 10:34

Not sure of the Dreadnaughts speed. Will see if I can ask around when I'm in game later

Dunk caps at 44, and typically runs 42 with a fat crew iirc.
I want to say that a 2 turret KGV does 47 speed capped but really can't remember could
check later tonight.

Unfortunately for comparison sake I can only go off Speed Caps which for anyone at level
(as we all have been at some point) can play entirely different.

Just out of curiousity what Ship/Crew setup are you using? In particular how many
engys/reps, Levels, Current SD and Speed in the KGV, Gun setup (2 turret/3 turret?)?
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