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  • The Best Sailor setting for USN CVs

    05. 04. 2011 17:51

Here is the best settings for USN CVs (this is for the final CV6), some content are true for
other nations as well.

1. one BO with 12/11 restore/repair or repair/restore, also looking for 10+ fight;
Class him to USN at level 12, then stop classing as BO, level him up at lv120 then class as
BO, he will give great SD and repair bonus (you will need another bo to carry him)

2. two huge reload gunners, look for 12 rld and 11+ restore, also 10+ repair, acc is not
important at all
Class him to USN at level 12, then stop classing, level him up at lv120 then class to
arnament/gunner/heavy/huge, he will give great SD bonus as well as acceptatble loading
speed for your aa gun on CV6(you will need to carry him)

2. two bombers, either torp or dive, depend on the need of your clan, look for 12 restore,
10+ in bomber and aircraft (aaw resistence and vision, if torp you need at least 11 bomber)
Class him to USN at level 12, then stop classing, level him up at lv120 then class to special
forcer/bomber/advance bomber, he will give great SD bonus(you will need to carry him)

3. 1 engine, 12 eng and 10+ restore/repair, look for 11 restore
Class him on time

4. 1 scout (optional) 12 restore/ 11 aircraft
Class to usn at lv12 then finish classing at lv120, you will need to carry him

5. 6 fighters, save your time use all elite fighter (13 fight), class on time
Don't believe in late classing or fighter cap, the number in fight is of utmost importance. You
will know when you meet other top fighters.

6. Last step, vet all of them to cap

Use this settings you can go with 6F/2B or 1S/5F/2B or 1S/6F/1B; you will have the speed to
dodge with the engine; you will have the enough best fighters against whoever it is; you will
have 900 SD and enough fire power to defend yourself against ff/dd/enemy planes/ or even
subs; 6 fighters for 12 deck is enough, go 2/4/6 or 4/4/4, and send out bombers when you
clear the sky.

The high restore is hard to roll and you won't get any of those on market, and also you need
to carry them all up to level 120 which will take quite a time. Reaching vet cap is also hard,
so make sure you have enough backup resource and always have fun on the way towards
this ultimate setting.


  • Re : The Best Sailor setting for USN CVs

    05. 24. 2011 16:41

I run with 900 SD. I would rather have 900 SD than have gunners. Using AA would just take
my focus from my planes.

Also, I really never have to worry much about Subs. Honestly, I have not been sunk by a
sub or even have had to dodge torps from a sub in quite awhile. Just don't be stupid and
be driving around your BB line. Now I am not saying I sit in the back but I am not right
up on my BBs.

  • Re : The Best Sailor setting for USN CVs

    05. 14. 2011 19:07

I agree with V2. I don't understand why you have a seaman on a Midway. At that point, your
fighters should be able to fend for themselves. Also, your gunners are just about maxed
out. The only other thing a seaman does is provide a lot of SD. But if you run a restorer,
you'll get more.

  • Re : The Best Sailor setting for USN CVs

    05. 14. 2011 09:32

so its not good to class pilots immediatly?

  • Re : The Best Sailor setting for USN CVs

    05. 10. 2011 13:44

"Dont use any supports except for a seaman 1 rep and restore or seaman
and 2 gunners. anything else is pointless. best setups are 6F/2 scouts

Seaman bonus is so insignificant its useless.

Bombers on upper tiered CVs should be used in groups of 3 to cut down on load time. Unless
you like sending out 6 planes per pilot on midway.

"this is a bad guide no offense. 900 SD is pointless ur not going into a
battle line. for CV surivabilty
1.6 belt max budgle with HH or Aa/HE guns
0.4 belt max budgle With HH or AA/HE guns

again 900 SD is pointless for a Cv as long as you can defend yourself"

Just because you dont have 900 sd dosnt mean its pointless. Id like to see what happens to
you when bombers get past your fighters and you have such low SD. And really, if SD is so
useless why would you suggest people have a restorer and repair for support?

"2.5 deck for reducing DB damage by a bit"

False statement

"never class gunners late because US gunner dont lose acc or reload
when classed unlike UK."

USN AA gunners do.

Oh and my late classed USN reload gunners with extra repair ability are capped and work
quite nicely. My only problem with them is I messed up classing and went rld-rld-rld
instead of rld-acc-rld so the accuracy isnt capped yet.

  • Re : The Best Sailor setting for USN CVs

    05. 10. 2011 10:45

um what exactly is wrong?

  • Re : The Best Sailor setting for USN CVs

    05. 08. 2011 08:17

above post is mostly wrong :/

  • Re : The Best Sailor setting for USN CVs

    05. 08. 2011 00:42

this is a bad guide no offense. 900 SD is pointless ur not going into a
battle line. for CV surivabilty
1.6 belt max budgle with HH or Aa/HE guns
0.4 belt max budgle With HH or AA/HE guns

again 900 SD is pointless for a Cv as long as you can defend yourself

My midway setup is
670 Sd
2 120 11/10 BVE Acc Gunners
1 Seaman
4 FPs
4 DBs
1.6 Belt with 160 budgle
(i can take 3 salvos of km ss4 torps)
2.5 deck for reducing DB damage by a bit
(I can take damage from 36 ijn dbs)
5x 3"70ds 0.98 reload per side 3/4s AA 1/4 HE Heavy
4x 5"38ds 1.98 reload per side 3/4s AA 1/4 HE heavy
the above gun setup allows the AA to fire off of each other giving it
shell output plus with HE small ships and subs take a beating this set
is excellebt for GB or Cv rooms

as for lower level Cvs dont use guns until essex
never class gunners late because US gunner dont lose acc or reload
classed unlike UK.
u can skip rookie pilot because aorcraft stats are inactive
spec ops get 30% more exp then rookie pilots (kinda like how
and bo get more exp theb supports)

With fighter always get as many experts and vets as possible boost
Reason why not to class fps to flight squad

+2 abilty is not as good a having 200 more experts and 200+ more
vets because Fighter abilty doesnt cap

  • Re : The Best Sailor setting for USN CVs

    05. 08. 2011 00:28

also theres no point of having 900 Sd u should have gunners for AA or Hh agansts subs for suivibilty options if u do
plan to be a tank 1.6 belt max bulge and AA/ HE guns or 1.6 belt and HH

  • Re : The Best Sailor setting for USN CVs

    05. 08. 2011 00:26

Dont use any supports except for a seaman 1 rep and restore or seaman
and 2 gunners. anything else is pointless. best setups are 6F/2 scouts
8 fps
or 4/4

as for gunners make them reload gunners and class on time
as for pilots
dont class them beyond ace u can get more vets and experts
as for SD i only have 670 with my midway but 2.5 inches of deck 1.6
belt and 160 bulge on y tico i have .4 belt and 170 budgle
as for classing u can skip rookie pilot so ur spec ops get 130% more exp

  • Re : The Best Sailor setting for USN CVs

    05. 05. 2011 11:58

"Don't believe in late classing or fighter cap, the number in fight is of utmost
importance. You will know when you meet other top fighters."
Don't believe the world is round, what you can see on the horizon is of utmost
importance. You will know when your ship falls off the earth.

A few other misconceptions but one that stands out... BO classed at 12 gives more
SD/repair than unclassed one because BO's gain 2 extra crew per level and no loss
in repair/restore.

While it's good that you are trying to write a guide to help other players, writing a
guide with incorrect information is counterproductive to what you are trying to do. I
would recommend reading Adalberts guide on ability and apply V2C's changes in
how aircraft works. Maybe crunch some numbers for the restore ability to see if you
really need that much and try it again.
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