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Marine Nationale


  • MN vs other nations' BB5s (comparison)

    10. 21. 2010 07:00

If you think that grind from BB3 to BB5 is horrible enough, then don't forget that the MN
PBB is even worse than Strasbourg and Richelieu, plus the BB5...
I'll compare the Alsace to all the other BB5s, giving you a clear shot at why it's the
worst one.

I've used level 100 guns for comparison and some stats are based on my own experience with
all the ships.

MN has the overall weakest BB5, KM has a true linefighter, RN has the most powerful BB5,
USN and IJN are the most balanced ones.

Even though MN BB5 has great potential to be as a powerful ship as the Montana, the
terrible spread, reload speed and shell damage makes it most of the times damage-wise
weaker than the H44 is. Note that the defensive capabilities of it are also quite bad,
making your SD drop to zero after a full KM lvl 110 gun salvo.

I ommited AAW as all BB5s are unable to shoot down capped fighters/bombers at lowest
altitude (well, they will after long time...)

This topic is not intended to become a flame war of any kind. It's supposed to give an
insight on why the MN BB5 needs to be fixed/balanced.

EDIT: Just for the so-called "lulz": Monty and H44 (lvl 100 guns) reload faster than
Richelieu crapquads.

  • Re : MN vs other nations' BB5s (comparison)

    10. 22. 2010 18:35


my only wish, for MN, at least for alsace is the accuracy buff. I think it should be fair
enough since alsace can only bring a little shell and low in dp.

And don't tell me about superior AA since when you're in the battle, you will focus on
shotting the enemy's ships not the scout.

However, it seemed that the developer focusing in the new nation instead of fixing the

  • Re : MN vs other nations' BB5s (comparison)

    10. 22. 2010 16:59

37* will deal the smallest ammount of damage while 45* will have the longest flight time
and the highest damage. The 40* are the optimum ones, dealing a lot of damage and will
stay relatively short time in air.


Funny, I've had similar feeling lately (got 1-shot by Monty when I was 100% sure its
shells will land next to me, but, erm...)

  • Re : MN vs other nations' BB5s (comparison)

    10. 22. 2010 16:16

Also i really don't think you can take max gun angle into account for good or bad. If
your a good bb driver angles shouldnt matter. Angles can be really good. The 45
degrees on monty and Sy give them tons more range, and harder to charge, if your
in a L2. Also the 45 degree guns are really good for armor penetration.

However having a lower hangtime/lower angle takes less time to predict where your
shells will land, hence therefore you need less skill to use the ship.

Then on your chart to give 40 degree guns the green, but not 37's interesting. I
think it should be vice versa, if you are just to look at max gun angle and not the
ship. Just because the H44 doesn't do a lot of damage with 37 degree guns doesn't
mean it's the fault of the max gun angle. It's all about shell weight problems with

  • Re : MN vs other nations' BB5s (comparison)

    10. 22. 2010 15:28

@ SaddleRocker

where to buy that Alsace?

Hitbox of mine is screwed up.

  • Re : MN vs other nations' BB5s (comparison)

    10. 22. 2010 07:49

IMO DP is not a problem on the Alsace. Having less DP than other nations is the
written-down national disadvantage, but having terrible spread or very little ammo is not.

I removed HE/AP defense stats as they count for armor only.

  • Re : MN vs other nations' BB5s (comparison)

    10. 22. 2010 07:34

Excellent work. I totally agree with nekoeu. I've played since I paris to bb5 that was
really the only thing worth using, because, the BB3 and BB4 are the worst. BB5 Mn is
too weak. dp but at least more urgent.

  • Re : MN vs other nations' BB5s (comparison)

    10. 22. 2010 02:26


It's a fact that it's the strongest (not the most powerful). It can take the most
punnishment what is seen clearly on the chart.


I have to disagree. The spread is far worse and Alsace will never be as powerful as the
Monty. AA is awfully weak, reload isn't better, max angle makes it easy to get
fightercamped. Knowing that I can't spare ammo on CAs and smaller ships makes me usually
lose vets or the battle itself. Alsace is OK, but it still needs spread fix and 1 more
bind of ammo. I wonder how can you say it would be overpowered being able to do a
semi-blockshot once in a while... you get that almost always with Montana.


They don't. They have similar spread, but Alsace can only outrange Monty when its spread
fails (and I don't call it a feature...)

As I said, this is only a comparison chart. I myself have so far played all nations' BB5s
and I can say from my own experience that I've had the most fun in Montana and SY.

EDIT: Fixed armor penetration stats (forgot to take max angle into account).

  • Re : MN vs other nations' BB5s (comparison)

    10. 22. 2010 01:04

Actually US bb5 and MN bb5 have same range.

  • Re : MN vs other nations' BB5s (comparison)

    10. 21. 2010 19:21

I LOVE the Alsace,

Small hitbox (Hence the lower DP)
Great AA
Awsome Hitting power

Spread is no worse than the SY imo
I have no issue with the ammo, just have to actually think before you shoot, dont
carry AP

If they buffed it, it would be OverPowered

  • Re : MN vs other nations' BB5s (comparison)

    10. 21. 2010 19:15

The advantages on paper of the KM BB5 are negligible in game. The range advantage is
ridiculous, so is having some more DPs or a zillion salvos.

The RN BB5 along with the US BB5 is where it's at. Is the Alsace up to those two? IMO
no, but it's not that far behind. Correcting the ship's accuracy would be a good step,
and maybe all that's needed. Three binds instead of two would be nice also.

Curious note: Using the same guns on the Rich and the Alsace, with the same BB3 FCS
-someone forgot to design FCS IV and V- the spread on the Alsace is WORSE. Does that
mean the basic FCS of the ship is worse than in the Rich?

Nice job BTW.
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