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  • Libya

    03. 02. 2011 17:26

We all know that gaddafi is pretty much insane so just thought id ask the community
what you think obama should do?

  • Re : Libya

    03. 03. 2011 08:29

The African Alliance are also looking at implementing a 'no fly zone'.
The US do not NEED to do anything, but they WILL stick their nose in, just as cameron here
is doing trying to threaen a 'no fly zone' when hes decommisioned our aircraft carriers, GG !!

  • Re : Libya

    03. 03. 2011 08:04

"Were it not for electricity, we would have to watch television in the dark."
"Democracy means permanent rule."
"A woman has a right to run for election whether she's male or female."

Hard to compete with a guy who has this reasoning on his side....

Half a page before the "I hate the US/Obama is an idiot/I think I know politics because I
took a poly-sci class" posters show up. That may be a new record. Quite a bit of the
response has been dictated by NATO, and if anything, you should be bashing the American
media for romanticizing the fact that hundreds of people are dying.

  • Re : Libya

    03. 03. 2011 07:55

There are certain parts of the world where peace would never be possible.
Let's just leave them to do whatever they want to each other.

  • Re : Libya

    03. 03. 2011 06:57

zieht dem Fratz das Fell ?er die Ohren.


  • Re : Libya

    03. 03. 2011 05:54

This wouldn't have happened if Libya stayed under British/French control. Much like the rest of the world.

  • Re : Libya

    03. 02. 2011 22:25

United States doesn't need to do anything.

  • Re : Libya

    03. 02. 2011 21:12

The funny thing is that the US's support of that nation will actually be it's downfall.
Can't go into specifics but it's pretty much our fault for supporting them.

  • Re : Libya

    03. 02. 2011 20:57

There's a certain country around there that if threatened, the US backs it up 120%.
That's where almost all middle east intervention starts from. To sum it up, the US has
it's balls in someone else's pocket.

No, I'm not going to mention it's name but, it all started happening right after WWII.

  • Re : Libya

    03. 02. 2011 20:51

No matter what happens in Libya or in any other part of the world, regardless whether
the US gets involved or not, it will be blamed on the US. So it doesn't really matter what
Obama does.

  • Re : Libya

    03. 02. 2011 20:46

id say since US is the international policeman, he should intervene (muck like the UK in a
century ago)

well, that's just me
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