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  • Libya

    03. 02. 2011 17:26

We all know that gaddafi is pretty much insane so just thought id ask the community
what you think obama should do?

  • Re : Libya

    03. 02. 2011 20:42

Libya only produces 2% of the US' imported oil. So no, oil is not the reason for US
intervention. The fact of the matter is, someone needs to do something. When the
government starts using military action on its citizens something needs done. And this
time its not the US that's going to be pushing this one, its the UNITED NATIONS, who's
goal is peace in the world.

  • Re : Libya

    03. 02. 2011 20:28

Since when did USA have a half-decent foreign policy? We've been pissing off the world
since we dumped tea off of British ships. And for the record Obama should leave the
middle-east alone. Instead of investing so much into unnecessary military actions just
fund alternative fuels so we're not so dependent on oil. But whatev, Middle class worker
like me gets no say on any of this

  • Re : Libya

    03. 02. 2011 19:55

i think we (USA) should just keep our noses out of other countrys issues if they dont
involve us or cause a threat to us and worry about our own issues.

  • Re : Libya

    03. 02. 2011 19:28

"What you think obama should do?"

Nothing and dance to the zenga zenga song.

  • Re : Libya

    03. 02. 2011 18:56

Libya and what should Obama do? Because we all know how great Obama is at
diplomacy, politics, and finance.

I'd like Obama to do nothing.

Heres a list of likely plans of action:
1. Hope/Change speech
2. Race Card
3. Throw money at it
4. Half arsed program(s)
5. Czar it
6. Throw more money at things surrounding problem
7. Beer Summit
8. Some how make it someone elses fault (but not Bush's)
9. Ignore the problem, go on vacation
10. Make another problem seem worse then the current one
11. Wait it out
12. Blame it on Bush

My bets on a mix of 10 and 11 and hoping for a 7...

  • Re : Libya

    03. 02. 2011 18:52

Supporting the rebels seems like a just cause and it also seems we are heading that
direction along with our European Auxiliaries ..oops.. I meant "Allies".

  • Re : Libya

    03. 02. 2011 18:34

If you had been paying attention poster above me, the UN has mandated quite a bit of
stuff. The NATO alliance which consists of many European countries and North American
countries, had been talking about using a "No Fly Zone". Basically a clone program of how
they kept Iraq pinned down to the ground from sending any jets up, if you also have been
paying attention there's pictures and videos of Mig's dive bombing protesters with bombs.
Now i don't know your culture but in mine that's wrong to massacre civilians with military
weapons or means.

  • Re : Libya

    03. 02. 2011 18:29

Everyone knows that all the reasons are always lies (the guns of mass destruction, etc).

What everyone knows is that USA would end getting into Lybia, and now 2000 marines are
sailing there along with 2 naval ships and 1 CV.

The same old story = USA involved again, as everyone anticipated.

  • Re : Libya

    03. 02. 2011 18:28

Same thing the US did in 19889 when the Chinese used tanks and regular military to crash
the young students.

  • Re : Libya

    03. 02. 2011 18:21

The same thing the U.S. made with Darfur or East Timor... NOTHING!

But... oh, I was forgetting there's oil in Libya but not in Darfur. Darned! Poor Libyans!
The U.S. will export democracy via fast track, like they've been doing for the last ten
years in Iraq and Afghanistan.

International Politics! HOW DO THEY WORK?
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