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  • anti sub warfare

    03. 13. 2011 07:06

in GB and GB2, one of the deadliest lurk under the ship, exspecially KM and IJN subs,
so here are some tips for you DD and FF users.

1.) stay close to your capital ships (BB, CV, BC, CA) as they are completly blind to
subs attack.

2.) move in threes, always in threes or more to triangulate the enemy position.

3.) always load a SONARMAN, hes cruitial in sub hunt, ignore the repairer or engine,
they are useless in DD.

4.) load HH projector of r slot, and depth charge launcher on T slot. guns are
acceptable if you want some AA or surface capability.

5.) speed, speed, speed, forget armor, grab all your speed and manueverabilty.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 14. 2011 14:34

@ Lucw1990 - So what you just said is that you have no experience doing ASW in a DD but
yet you are trying to give them tips on how to do their job because you feel that they
aren't doing the job good enough to your liking and someone in a DD shot down your A5M.
You say that the Engineer is not needed but you admit that you don't do ASW so how do you
know? You say that you don't need bulge cause you got sunk one time in a D38. You probably
got wacked by a SS4. You aren't thinking about torps from SS1s and SS2s or your own DCs.

The only thing that I've seen you post in here that I agree with is:

"my last post was a mistake. it wasnt suppose to get there anyway. so, fold."

You are completely correct. Its a huge mistake because you're giving out advice to people
when you have almost no ASW experience at all. I'm no great NF mastermind, but I'm smart
enough to know that its not my place to be publishing tactics for new people to read. By
stats and your own admission, you really aren't qualified to be giving out advice. Perhaps
some advice for you is if you are frustrated with the way a player handles his ship,
direct him to LK's sticky that teaches people how to do ASW so he or she can play better.

Can a MOD please lock this thread so that it new people won't be reading it and acting on it?

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 14. 2011 14:24

thanks for the tip very useful

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 14. 2011 14:21

@ Typsyco - Yes, I agree with your point about the limited use of an engineer. Yes, you
need to watch your OH when you're hunting a sub as it shuts off the sonar. Where I think
you are missing the point was his initial post stated that repairs and engineers are
pointless in the support slots. So what do you put in them? 1 Sonar and 2 Restorers???
Being realistic, one or two hits from a BB is going to wipe you out. No restorer is going
to save you. Likewise, a SS 4 is going to clean your clock with one or two torps. Once
your speed is gone with a DD, you're effectively done. BUT with engineers, if your out
hunting a sub and suddenly his BB friend decides to give him a hand, you get get out of
there on OH for a longer period of time and engage the SS again after as opposed to being
dead. I hate OH when chasing an SS but I hate dying before I get the SS even more.

Also, when talking about hunting in groups or threes, as the poster said, that is a great
concept. Its nice to be able to have on ship OH while the sonar on the other is showing
the target. However, I've found that there are a lot of high level players that are there
to get the SS kill stat. They're lone wolves and their out for the kill some of that
attitude has changed the way I approach ASW. Sad, but true. You aren't going to find three
people merrily playing together to help kill a sub very often.

Overall, I think that you and I are thinking along the same lines, but approaching the
tactical issues a little bit differently.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 14. 2011 12:41

"So load out your gunners, make sure your crew has decent AAW skills for autoflak, and
escort BBs/BCs/CVs around."

AAW not active. Why use it?
DD ASW guide summed up:
Don't OH. HH if you have money. DC. No torps. Don't rush and be shot by BBs. If you are
planning on just wasting this crew or only ASW, minimal sailors. Don't put unneeded
engies or reps.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 14. 2011 12:14

Kruniac I agree very much with your views. May I ask what server you are on?

Also I think I see Lucw? You've seen many more destroyers than usual and most are
not doing there job? I'm guessing they are also just Russian destroyers rushing the
enemy? Is probrably because they are just starting the Russian line and don't care
about doing the destroyers job and are just trying to advance as quick as they can.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 13. 2011 19:13

im back again, first of all, im not fully ASW player, im a CA/CV (mogami 44) and CL/CV
(Oyodo) person, and this advice solely for the DD and ff that escort (not auto escort)
the capital ships and or went sub hunt only to get sunk by the thing they hunt. as
most people know, when you lose DD, you lost underwater sight, so it was irritated
to get kill by sub when you have more DD that didnt function well.

So im tipping them to improve ASW capability in a fleet, rather than have them shoot
down my A5M to kill a SCOUT. the 5th is that engineer is not needed. buldge also
not needed. i once use buldge on my D38 and got sunk by a single torp (ss torp are
too powerfull) so evasive is more for DD armor.

my last post was a mistake. it wasnt suppose to get there anyway. so, fold.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 13. 2011 18:08

You again? You should read the advice in your previous post before giving out bad
advice again. Most of the issues have been covered but i will fill in and re-emphasize.

1) Too general. Stay IN FRONT of your BB. Shell dodge obviously as you will be in
range of enemy BB.

2) Ridiculous. If you know anything about GB, there is no such thing as teamwork.
Having too many bodies in the same place will just make it more likely for you to kill
each other with DC, HH, or enemy sub torp splash and it keeps up appearances as a
target for enemy BB and SS.

Also no such thing as "triangulate" as you can visibly see enemy subs near you. Oh
and for real life reference, you only need 2 points to triangulate, 3 is redundant, and
1 if you can spot angle and range; but youll learn that in a few years in trig.

3) Not true. DD and FF have auto sonar so it is not necessary esp if you are trying to
lvl a low lvl crew and dont want to sac a spot for one. Besides, some of us can play
ASW in a CA.

4) You failed to mention that HH costs 500 a bind and mounted PHH are lost if you
sink. DC is almost entirely sufficient in a DD and definitely in an FF.

5) Armor has pretty much been covered by the above. What about the 0.2 belt?

I hear no mention of OH and optimal engine setups, escorts or towed sonar arrays,
aircraft ASW, pre-game scouting and tactics, or mention of the game's best ASW
ship: the VII and its derivatives.

There a plenty of ASW threads out there that are more detailed than so please
search before creating new threads. Those posters have put in a great deal of time
and effort in gaining experience in the topic, testing, and writing their threads, unlike
the vague observations of asw in this one.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 13. 2011 16:22

I disagree with some of this. HH launchers aren't ABSOLUTELY needed to hunt subs. Sonar,
torps/DCs will work just fine. Essentially, you want to build your ASW ship (preferably a
DD) to fill an escort role, with emphasis on ASW.

So load out your gunners, make sure your crew has decent AAW skills for autoflak, and
escort BBs/BCs/CVs around.

Your primary guns ensure that you aren't useless against other ships, and your overall
loadout provides a DD which can..

1: Hunt subs.
2: Engage aircraft passively.
3: Provide extra firepower.
4: Provide torpedo cover if needed.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 13. 2011 13:40

Although I am not the poster I must say Lionel;

Regarding 2)

I agree this is not seen much but that does not matter as working in pairs or more
provides you with many benefits. Such as one destroyer can be used to shadow the
submarines allowing the other to engage whilst using overheat. Such as using one
destroyer to act as bait allowing the other to safely close with the submarine.

Regarding 3+5)

Engineers are as the poster says pointless. As these just assist your speed with
overheat and non-overheat speed is not adjusted by them. Due to the fact that you
cannot see a submarine whilst in overheat you should almost always be moving non-
overheat and using those engineers just makes you slower at that.

And the sole times you should be using overheat in your A/S destroyers is when you
must use it to dodge a torpedo. Or should you unluckly find yourself in a bugger I'm
about to be dead situation it, as then it can be some use to just overheat straight
towards him dropping depth charges as you go so that you at least manage to take
him with you, or even manage to close the range quick enough causing his
torpedoes to dud against you.

I agree though use as much bulge that is not going to harm your speed too much,
as this ensures your own depth charges dont actually damage you. Your asdic/sonar
operator is the most important thing on the vessel. With crews that are too large on
thier ships sacrifice recruits on every other in order to keep him at peak efficiency.
Because as you cannot fight what you cannot see and the larger the area you will
be able to sweep and the more warning you will get that a submarine is near.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 13. 2011 11:15


whats ASW ??? .....

1 2 3