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Tip and Tactics


  • anti sub warfare

    03. 13. 2011 07:06

in GB and GB2, one of the deadliest lurk under the ship, exspecially KM and IJN subs,
so here are some tips for you DD and FF users.

1.) stay close to your capital ships (BB, CV, BC, CA) as they are completly blind to
subs attack.

2.) move in threes, always in threes or more to triangulate the enemy position.

3.) always load a SONARMAN, hes cruitial in sub hunt, ignore the repairer or engine,
they are useless in DD.

4.) load HH projector of r slot, and depth charge launcher on T slot. guns are
acceptable if you want some AA or surface capability.

5.) speed, speed, speed, forget armor, grab all your speed and manueverabilty.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 13. 2011 10:18

Only 9 sub kills. I have proof too if you want to see it.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 13. 2011 09:47

1) Ok... a bit obvious but ok.

2) Where is this "move in threes" come from? With the exception of the SN DD crazy lately,
there isn't any threes of ASW ships to hunt SS. In fact, ASW ships and SS that hunt SS are
quite territorial and used to working alone. I don't see this happening.

3) Obvious again with the sonar and wrong about the engineers. See number 5.

4) Obvious again, but ok for new people I guess.

5) Totally disagree. Get max speed. Then load up bulge until you lose a knot then back off
one til you get the knot back. After all, you are hunting subs and they do tend to fire
torpedos. That little bit of bulge could be the difference maker and it doesn't hurt your
speed. Also, why do you state speed is so important here but you don't want engineers on
your ship? What are you putting in the support slots????

I went over to the rankings and I didn't see you come up anywhere. It should only take
about 20 or 30 sub kills to get you ranked. Perhaps you should get some experience and
then come back before giving new people limited or bad advice.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 13. 2011 09:26

Ive seen players post what jimmy has posted as if its a tip & tactic. It is in fact
illegal and against the rules of NF to use any form of communication to relay vital
intel from one team to the other.

Hacksheild has not evolved far enough to stop that, nor is it possible to program a
counter to every concievable way that someone might gain the upper hand in
battle. However, if your less then successful you can always blame it on the Easter

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 13. 2011 08:47

or you could have your fleetmate play on the other team and relay ss postion with
teamspeak back to you that always works

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