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  • What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 27. 2011 00:01

Basically a list of things we think are done and things that still need work.
I want to know, because sde is thinking of patching some things pretty quick to the live
servers, and we need to know what is done and what not so we can split that up if needed.


- Bombers (bomb/torp damage)
- BB6 armor value change
- MN CV hulls (except gunspace and pcv level)

Not done:

- rest


  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 28. 2011 12:07

When I did the testing for the IM, we did not notice the submergence issue. The
submergence of the IM has already been adjusted (to 3000, which IMO is too much), I
asked for a speed and spread nerf in the last test server patch. Damage needs to be
addressed with the rest of the SN 12" guns.

  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 28. 2011 12:05

We need to stop doing more than one thing at once. Stick to one tier, complete it, then
move to the next.

  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 28. 2011 11:22

Oh, it does, nerf it. If it is enough that's another question.

But I can assure you, one of the biggest job was done turning it into a paper boat.

Now, what's left is fixing the godly armour piercing, damage, range, spread.

  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 28. 2011 11:18

making it a papership doesnt fix the fact that it has a godly spread and range,

i mean the yamato, h39 are paperships as well as far as im concerned they cant
take a hit for shit.

the IM is straight up broken. probably worse then when PBBs were originally

  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 28. 2011 11:14

I just got 1 shotted by an IM in a GB2 whilst travelling at an angle in an IOWA.

Smooth ****ing moves Angus.

  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 28. 2011 11:09

IM needs fixing immediately.

The thing is just ruining GBs... It is pretty much the exact same as a pre-nerf AD, that
is how bad it is.

  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 28. 2011 11:08

Fox to answer your question, ill provide information that will give you the general idea.
I won<t answer directly.

You know before the sub nerf, where they can take thousand of bb shells to get sink.
Right now, in our live servers, it is like the old sub, it can takes ton of hits along
with the tiny hitbox.

It's going to become a "paper boat", so the Imperatrista won<t be like "I can take
shitload of hits JAJAJA"

  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 28. 2011 10:54

I read here periodicly

and try to keep up but

What is being done with the IM?

I mean i see people using them to lvl to BB5/6 because its just so much better then
the BB45

the thing has range, an absolutely disgustingly tight spread, and great damage
output....not to mention it goes 39 knots and has the sprite size similar to

Not even a lvl MN Lyon (similar ship, 4 quads) with lvl 120 gunners have a spread
close to what IM has at lvl 100-110 or so.

not to mention its 4 knots faster etc.


  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 28. 2011 08:58

Mailman just a question.
I am not suggesting anything.

Say, if we ask the developpers to not change the sprite but change the hitbox.

You know it. Hitbox is a simple rectangle.

What if we ask to reduce the lenght or width of it? I mean, on paper it is quite simple.

Is it possible to do something with it. Knowing the BB5 has been fix in this similar way.
All, we need is to give them the pixels value

Or, is it nearly impossible due to a non efficient coding way?

  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 28. 2011 07:47

P24 needs no changes, it works fine in Harbour Assault, unless you want to change speed to
37. Don't touch the guns, they are just right to provide a unique play style.

What needs to be checked p24 vs nebby IMO (and same with p24-kaiser)

Damage - pretty sure they are the same, and both go through most armour. Might as well
check this to be sure. A good test is to record how much damage they do to each other -
they are rival ships after all. It should be that Nebby does less to P24 than P24 does to
Nebby, as Nebby has a much softer hull.

Reload time - I have a feeling P24 reloads faster than Nebraska, making it much more
effective vs the short ranged BB6 (QV/Charle). If it does reload faster by a large amount
(> 1second) , no need to change the range at all. See how many shots it takes to get 1
more shot in, E.g. P24 6 shots to Nebraska 5.

Range - not 100%, looks like Nebby has same range as P24.

Ability to take hits - similar to Damage, Test with Montana (high angle) and QV (low
angle). Record results.

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