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  • What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 27. 2011 00:01

Basically a list of things we think are done and things that still need work.
I want to know, because sde is thinking of patching some things pretty quick to the live
servers, and we need to know what is done and what not so we can split that up if needed.


- Bombers (bomb/torp damage)
- BB6 armor value change
- MN CV hulls (except gunspace and pcv level)

Not done:

- rest


  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 27. 2011 10:28

What is not finished.

Alsace 2 guns SW set up and AW set up.


SN CA messed up gun range.

SN PCA gunset (needs to confirm if it's already been done)


SN bb23 range must be re-work.


SN Sevastpool.
It's speed, shell weight, HE damage needs to be basically the same as USN Sevast.
Basically, both ship are overpowered, but the SN version is MUCH more overpoered than USN.
We scale down it to USN sevast, then later we will fix it.

  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 27. 2011 09:25

Strasbourg requires over 8,9" L2 deck to pierce, I haven't find the exact value yet.
But at 8,9 it still kick ass armour.

Iowa bounce at 8,8
Nagato bounce at 8,7

  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 27. 2011 08:52

I think you got them all MM.

If I remember correctly, the Strasbourg 13" guns have better armor penetration than
the alsace or richy.

  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 27. 2011 08:05

"-Godly armour penetration for strasbourg, if we have time. "


  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 27. 2011 06:19

MN and SN (current project) only

  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 27. 2011 04:57

is the question meaned to fix MN and SN only?

if not, KM shell problems for the 18" guns and spread + 3 pixels more range

  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 27. 2011 04:22

Yep, MN 8"guns are still on the low end of CL range on the test server.

  • Re : What is finished and what is not ?

    05. 27. 2011 00:12

What is not finished.

-MN Submergence, which will be final shot soon.

-Dunkirque(UK and MN) damage consistency and bugged shell. Asking trial fix for UK
dunkirque, I hope they accept to patch my request.

-Final Richelieu T slot arc of fire proposal

-MN ECL speed and ability to carry too much lvl 120 crews (needs to confirm)

-SN BB1,2,3,4 T slot arc of fire. Needs to be tweak, no major change. Like 180 down to
160/170. But who will work on this, I have no clue.

-Godly armour penetration for strasbourg, if we have time.

(Needs to confirm, are the MN CA gunset still have ridiculous CL range?)

What else have I forgotten?
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