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  • My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 04:06

I know some people think MN DB's should be nerfed. My opinion is that the damage itself is
fine. What needs to be nerfed is the fuel amount for these bombers.

I'm fine with MN bombers hitting hard, I'd dare say it's the other CV's that don't hit
hard enough. What is broken is the ridiculously large fuel capacity of this nation. The
problem is that you can prepare a 20+ DB combo and have them all return to the carrier O.o.

In my opinion the fuel shoud be nerfed to moreless where KM DBs are. This should make
launching 2 waves pretty much useless for anything except a straight line attack against
enemy BBs.

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 09. 2011 00:58

For now the changes we made will go through

Please understand, the only thing we did is change the MN bomber damage to what was
intended by SDE.

Until now MN bomber damage was way higher than intended. MN bombers still had the value
that is used on the NFKR servers, while all NFNA bomber damage (the original nations) has
been reduced in the past. It is only right to put the MN values back into the place where
it was intended and make it so that the relative differences between all nations are the
same as on NFKR.


  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 23:06

Nice professionel BW beach party there though :)

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 23:05

Cool story bro. Now tell me which decent player HASN't done that in his bb3? And then time
and time again? The kicker is you don't have to be good at DBs, unless there's a wall of
AA waiting on the other side. MN DBs are not overpowered. They are merely in line with the
bbs in terms of tier capabilities.

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 19:39

FFs people that think you need overpowered content to be effective are retarded. The fact
of the matter is I very rarely see any MN cv456 break this attack and i did it with 4 USN

And the kicker is I'm not great at BW.

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 11:14

Nibo the problem is that if you give them too much fuel you will see people comboing with
20 DBS.

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 11:06

fara sorry i might be unfair to you but as you can see the dmg wasnt really offset
(although it was a bit above everyone else). The thing that they had too much fuel is
right in parts. yes they had too much fuel but the old nations (or atleast KM t2 db.. dont
have any other dbs) need a lot of more fuel. Dont know maybe IJN has enough but i would
rather go a bit on top.

Furthermore as i already mentioned i think T3 bomber are about time since T4 fighters have
been added which make it a lot harder for bombers to do thier job.

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 11:04

Problem is in GB2 tbcv exp gained is 100% shared exp
unlike DB where the more damage you do the more exp you get. This is a big reason why most
CV players don't use TB's.

This argument is as far away from truth as it could be. People dont use TB's because they
are relatively useless on the battlefield when the first torp salvo hardly does any damage.

I see no point in "fixing" the only db cv that isn't broken. It is imbalanced CV-wise BUT
it is balanced the-whole-effing-game wise.

As for TBs I simply don't know what to do with them. The perfect soultion for me would be
giving them some sort of bulge penetration (say 50% DMG goes directly to the ship), but I
don't think this kind of solution is possible.

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 10:18

Yeah, alot of the old site stuff hasn't been moved :/

Plus only 12 x T2 for KM/MN/IJN have been done, need all the tiers and all the nations done.

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 10:08

@ NIborGER

Korean bomber stats are adjusted for their servers, which is significantly different from
out own. Ships are far more durable than ours, and in the end NFNA bombers are just as
lethal as Korean ones, on our respective servers.

With regards to 'you only use fighters' I'm afraid I have to disagree. I have 6x lvl120 UK
T2 TB's which I use occasionally. Problem is in GB2 tbcv exp gained is 100% shared exp
unlike DB where the more damage you do the more exp you get. This is a big reason why most
CV players don't use TB's.

Also I have a Soviet DB CV that I leveled during the Soviet event and that I occasionally
play to level up. Even in fleet leagues and Harbour Assaults I do the occasional torping
game, just most of my youtube videos show me using my Midway with fps/scouts in very
important tiles.

So my dear friend, I do not wish to see bombers nerfed, I would love to have Korean stat
UK TB's... 11k! dmg, however I can be patient and I do not want a single nation horribly
out of balance.


  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 08:09

Well some here may want bombers a bit too strong but you on the other side want them as
weak as possible cause you mostly use fighter only.

And saying to do it in a future project after the T5scout/T4fighter and then Sub balances
are finished we should work on that it will be in 1-2years if we dont speed up this balancing.

It would be also possible to make all fighters interceptor like since normally ftrs have
much less fuel then bombers but I dont complain so much about it since giving them enough
fuel to fight across the whole map increases fun. So maybe look at this topic from another
point and understand that BW cv want thier fun too.

Furthermore be happy you are on NFNA since in the asian NF bombers are the superior plane.

Can u offer this from your own site:
but MN db data is outdated now
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