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  • My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 04:06

I know some people think MN DB's should be nerfed. My opinion is that the damage itself is
fine. What needs to be nerfed is the fuel amount for these bombers.

I'm fine with MN bombers hitting hard, I'd dare say it's the other CV's that don't hit
hard enough. What is broken is the ridiculously large fuel capacity of this nation. The
problem is that you can prepare a 20+ DB combo and have them all return to the carrier O.o.

In my opinion the fuel shoud be nerfed to moreless where KM DBs are. This should make
launching 2 waves pretty much useless for anything except a straight line attack against
enemy BBs.

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 08:04

Does anyone have a chart of what divebombers do what damage?

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 07:40

Last thing you want to do is encourage more db whore cv's but I agree that in the grand
scheme of things CV bomber damage is probably too weak. Not just DB but also TB.

For now the much easier option is to bring MN into balance with everyone else, but if in
the future after the T5scout/T4fighter and then Sub balances are finished you could
request a look into a universal buff to all bombers for all nations.

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 05:52

Fara the damage is realtively higher thatn in other CV's BUT it is NOT OP! It's the rest
of CV's that's way underepowered. Also look at what Niborger wrote. The difference gets
cancelled out by bomb weight or caliber.

And seriously? 12 dbs (you can bomb with that every ~2 minutes?) and 50k dmg? Thats just

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 05:48

Weird, I've dumped 12 MN DBs on PCVs and failed to kill them, let alone CV6s.

I think PCVs and CV6s DP should be nerfed by 20%.

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 05:42

You realise both damage and fuel is being nerfed on MN. If we were to balance french DB's
using the same forumale as the other nations its dmg would be 100 less (at 2750, instead
of 2850, 50 more than KM). The only reason we set it higher was in-consideration to CV
players who leveled dedicated DB crews.

Also the fuel is almost double other nations 250 compared to 150, now its being brought
into line.

And ... you think 3168 damage is fine!? its over 250 dmg per bomb more than the next
closest nation at 2947 (SU will be 2957). It's far far far too out of sync.

As much as people with MN DB whore CV's complain, the simple fact is for over a year a
highly broken part of NF is finally going to be balanced. (Just like the SU BB3 Imp
Mariya, which is also heavily out of sync with other BB3's)

I guess the point I'm trying to make is, no you can't have your OP bomb damage in exchange
for reduced fuel, becuase the fuel is also OP to begin with. If you want to make an
argument for all CV's DB & TB damage to be increased on a balanced basis I would support
that notion. But like I said, all nations not just France.

@ willg

Only the UK CV4 has a high submergance compared to its same Tier counterparts. The PCV/CV6
also are much heavier (max displacement) and ergo suffer from having less submergance than
lighter CV's. Their only saving grace is significantly increased DP.

My UK Midway, 900 SD, 0.4 deck took 12 MN T2 DB's during the ARA HA Tile. (its on
youtube). Can't guarantee there were no crits but I only just survived - critical yellow
DP, no sd.

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 05:29

@Will Assuming we are talnikg about normal leveling CV's it's fine. The problem comes with
CV's loading 2+ supports. On top of that there is the problem of using smoke.

@Free3play buffing it's damage output is a problem, but on the other hand i see a lot of
players running their bombers into fighters deliberately.

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 05:25

My 2 cent about this (i own a MN db):

The real dmgoutput of MN dbs is just slightly above IJN. if i recall correctly its 54 for
MN and 51 for ijn and 47 for KM (12 dbs max hight; test done by richard; see youtube).
Thus first off all KM dbs are less powerfull then anyone says and are even one of the
worst taking thier rediculess low fuel into account (KM: 130; IJN: 165). So a big dmg nerf
isnt necessary for MN. A fuel nerf is but i would like a huge fuel buff and a small ane
for all other too.

Furthermore i think in the time of superfast whole map raiding T4 fighters its time for T3
bombers.... as sprite maybe those of the Paracute troops.

@free3play: you running out of fuel tacitc is well.. bad. I have run out of dbs on my cv4,
5, and lately i ran out of dbs on my PCV. Furthermore thats expensive and thats the
morally questionable way.

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 05:21

The issue with reducing fuel, is that for me that would be a buff on the 8 DB MN CV4, as I
often find myself having to wait for planes to return before unloading another load of
pain, even when i run the 4X2 and 3X3 waves seperatly.

If I knew my planes had less fuel I could just make them run outta fuel after the
divebombing run and load new ones, in a GB2 environment there is more than enough plane
space on the C3+ to do this.

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 05:21

My personal feelings are the all nations DBs should be capable of oneshotting or close to
oneshotting CVs of the equivalent tier. At CV5 and below most CVs can oneshot each other
with 1 wave of DBs (apart from UK which have high submergency on some of their CVs). But
the submergency and dp on PCVs and CV6s is too high imo.

  • Re : My ideas for MN DB's

    06. 08. 2011 05:08

Short term, you're putting it back into the uselessness of other cv's. A fuel nerf is just
as simple to make and wouldn't ruin the only BW-able nation.

You might argue that it is ovepowered compared to other CV's and I have to agree with
that. However this is the only bombing CV that isn't 2-3 tiers behind compared to BB's.

To people disagreeing with that: Think which player doest more damage: one of the best
bb5's or one of the best cv5's? The answer is pretty obvious to me.
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