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  • Gneisenau 43 vrs. Andrea Doria

    08. 10. 2010 16:53

With the new EBB at lvl 70, would it still be worth it for me to even look at purchasing
an AD for leveling? Your thoughts on which is going to be better for leveling.

Still debating between Gneisenau43 and Resolution atm.

  • Re : Gneisenau 43 vrs. Andrea Doria

    08. 10. 2010 23:57

being a good 10 lvls into my AD she is really staring to come alive for me and the type of
crew i run.

Ive got the 12.6 dialed in for med range HE to feed on small ships all day long. Once ive
chewed them all up, I take my poor place on the line... perhaps to shoot some planes down
and make the occasional rush toward the end of the round.

Point is it will stick and move really well, and has the extra support slot which is the
deal sealer for me.

  • Re : Gneisenau 43 vrs. Andrea Doria

    08. 10. 2010 23:08

AD becomes ridiculously powerfull with high lvl crew and one player who keep dodging.

Don't expect Gnei to do the same with its huge hitbox and "slow enough" turning force.

  • Re : Gneisenau 43 vrs. Andrea Doria

    08. 10. 2010 23:04

AD. Don't get me wrong I dust off bismark for BB123 battles, but that's about it. AD
is smaller, far more maneuverable, it has some firepower for a KM ship, good AA
capability, and an experience bonus. (edit) And an extra support slot, which in itself
would have made the decision clear for me. As a leveling platform, it's better. In
GB/GB2 it's far superior. In BB123 I'll go with Bis or O-pro.

  • Re : Gneisenau 43 vrs. Andrea Doria

    08. 10. 2010 21:51

Psh Ill take any normal KM bb23 over AD any day.

  • Re : Gneisenau 43 vrs. Andrea Doria

    08. 10. 2010 20:58

The differences between Old Gnu and Gnu '43 are:

1) 3000 DP
2) 1X extra support slot
3) New paint

There is nothing else anywhere that says anything about diff. engines, guns, or anything
else. Gunspace=same. T slots=same. Aircraft space=same.

I suppose that they could allow mounting the AD guns but is that really an advantage? Swap
14.96" out for 12.6"? The 14.96" are arguably KM's best guns (all things considered)...

Unless there are some goodies that they are intentionally keeping from us, these event
BB's are in no way comparable to PBB.

AD>Gnu 43'>Gnu

  • Re : Gneisenau 43 vrs. Andrea Doria

    08. 10. 2010 20:56

And your explenation whould be?

  • Re : Gneisenau 43 vrs. Andrea Doria

    08. 10. 2010 19:43


  • Re : Gneisenau 43 vrs. Andrea Doria

    08. 10. 2010 18:04

Don't forget they will *stop making event frequently* because they still want to sell
their product :3

Oh wait. Speculation FTW

  • Re : Gneisenau 43 vrs. Andrea Doria

    08. 10. 2010 17:09

well... the 5 lv difference won't really matter *much*

the other qualities on the other hand....

if the gnei gets good speed and either improved 11" or access to the 14.96... well it
could possibly outperform doria, though, i won't assume anything.

still, i'd be reasonable to assume SDE planned keep at it with PBB's...
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