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U.S Navy


  • Best way to train new CV crew?

    01. 11. 2011 08:52

I started a US cv crew, got 4 ftrs, 4 bombers, all lvl 14, BO lvl 18, medic lvl 14 . and
gunners lvl 15.

My main crew are all lvl 75. US.

Should I use my lvl 75 gunners to train the cv crew or just keep using the lvl 15

Im not sure the best way to do this..

  • Re : Best way to train new CV crew?

    01. 12. 2011 08:45

Get a pair of KM AA gunners and level them Z1-Z99-Emden-Dland-PPro. The best AA line in
the game makes leveling super easy. If you insist on USN then AA with
DDx-Atlanta-Brooklyn. Just remember that AA experience depends on how many planes you can
shoot down.

While AA experience does depend on how many planes are shot down, its actually
significantly more influenced by the team wining or losing. AA xp is insanely high in any
respect (fairly easy to see on non events and no shadow of a doubt with events).

As for USN AA, really no problem with it, 3/70Ns have a respectable reload rate, hit hard,
just have to get used to the tight grouping. You will sacrifice some range compared to KM
(32/36 GA to 37 GA), but the power balances it out well.

Medics - While vet loss on planes is gone now, players still lose recruits and experts on
planes. While the average person is not going to be too concerned with the expert loss as
they can be replaced much easier than vets. Also bear in mind that in Clan area and HAs
there is no crew loss so FL and HA needs no medic and another sailor class will be more
beneficial to fleet events.

Seman - This is more or less a perceived benefit. There may or may not be significant
benefits but with no real way to test it or prove it, you either believe it makes a
difference or it doesn't.

  • Re : Best way to train new CV crew?

    01. 11. 2011 20:35


  • Re : Best way to train new CV crew?

    01. 11. 2011 19:18

Oh does CV crew need medic or seaman or both?

  • Re : Best way to train new CV crew?

    01. 11. 2011 14:05

Get a pair of KM AA gunners and level them Z1-Z99-Emden-Dland-PPro. The best AA line in
the game makes leveling super easy. If you insist on USN then AA with
DDx-Atlanta-Brooklyn. Just remember that AA experience depends on how many planes you can
shoot down.

  • Re : Best way to train new CV crew?

    01. 11. 2011 10:13

last group i brought up for my cv's i used new gunners until they were close (within
the 20Levals for Exper gain) then sold the gunners
and not sure if you still need medic with lack of vet deaths in the air now i took mine
off for now until it changes again so maybe a seamen instead?
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