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Marine Nationale


  • Complete DD guide

    01. 30. 2011 14:20

Welcome to my MN DD guide! In here I will teach you everything you need to know
about MN DD. First and formost let me appologies for not having images i'm not the
best at using a computer. If any body has any comments please just message me.

Stickied by Angus725.
Feb. 21th, 2011

(try not to edit the main post, as it un-stickies the post)

  • Re : Complete DD guide

    02. 01. 2011 15:27

Is there any way we could get this stickyed?

  • Re : Complete DD guide

    01. 31. 2011 15:16

Sure i'll work on AA today

Finished AA and will work on ASW but don't expect anything soon

  • Re : Complete DD guide

    01. 30. 2011 22:22

Complete guide? You didnt even mention AA or ASW, 2 of the primary missions of a
DD in Great Battle. Other than that your off to a good start.

  • Re : Complete DD guide

    01. 30. 2011 14:20

Well due to popular demand here is my ASW portion. Please note I did this with a
higher crew level, which means more weight, so the speed and armor amount may
be off and I used ONLY HH and DC

-DD1 Jaguar

Unfortunately due to me having a higher crew I could not use the Jaguar. But I do
know this: 1) each of the R-slots with HH hold 15 shots 2) each T-slot with DC
launcher can mount 15 DC each, the most out of any MN DD. With 5 R-slots and 2 T-
slots I뭢 assuming it would have been a decent ASW ship.

-DD2 Le Fantasque

Here is where things start picking up. With one more T-slot then the Jaguar your DC
capabilities start improving. Each R-slot can carry 25 HH and the T-slots can carry 14
DC evenly you can start being a threat to higher level subs. After I was all equipped
I went 36/48 knots (again I had a heavier crew) and I could put 9 inches of bulge on
before I lose speed. A fairly good ASW ship

-DD3 Mogador

Once again the Mogador shines. With 2 T-slots on both sides it can do the same
thing I mentioned in my first post for fighting. Its also retains its great speed, fully
equipped it can go 41/54 with 4 inch bulge. Each R-slot can carry 55 shots and the 4
DC launchers can carry 12 each. Excellent ASW ship

ASW Tips

1. Try to approach the SS from the side. It can not shoot at you from this angle

2. Fire your HH in front of the SS, he will try to stop and then use your speed to get
right on top of him and drop your DC

For more ASW info, read LK's guide in the USN Subform

  • Re : Complete DD guide

    01. 30. 2011 14:20

Well this is my AA of it and WHEW was I impressed with the AA. Please note this will
be short and straight to the point

Well the only AA gun the DD can use is the dual 3.5"/50 cal model 1929. But this gun
is enough. Now, I뭭e played the grind to the USN bogue, AAing in my Atlanta, but
this gun outmatched anything the Atlanta could mount. It had a range that could rival
the SY easily , it was twice the range of my guidelines and with a golden angle of 25
it has a LARGE engagement envelope (read Obst's AA guide for more info on AA).
With these guns I was one-shotting scouts before they even got to my BB's. There
where only two draw backs: 1) Damage per shell is 42 and 2) The spread was not
very good. Now I was using level 33 gunners and the spread was still bad, just
thank god there dual. But due to there massive range and engagement envelope
they were great.

-DD1 Jaguar

I would not use AA on the Jaguar as with those guns they only hold one bind of

-DD2 Le Fantasque

Well here we go! With 5 gun slots and enough ammo to be effective (5 binds to be
exact) you will hit the GBs and play hard and use your range as an advantage. Just
play like a regular AA boat

-DD2 L'Adroit

Like I said before. Just skip it, the Fantasque can do everything better

-DD3 Mogador

Well here comes your decision: Stay with the DD2 and keep 5 R-slots and 5 binds
of ammo OR sacrifice one R-slot and in return get a WHOPPING 17 binds of ammo!
(Which gives you 850 shells). Your choice

Personally I would stay with the DD2 because of the extra R-slot. But it뭩 up to
personal preference really :)

*Edited by Angus725 - Fixed some NF formatting fails*

  • Re : Complete DD guide

    01. 30. 2011 14:20

2/21/2011 V.1-Added statement about L'Adroit, fixed typos,ASW added
Thank you to DivingGiant for letting me use his statement about the L'Adroit

DD1 and DD2 have 5 R slots
Powerful torps
Great speed
All have 7 sailor slots

Low gun angles
No remodels

The MN DDs have VERY good firing angles, speed, torps and shell damage. But all
guns have a max angle of 40 or 35. All this combined make them great close range
fighter and terrible HA ships I am advising you to play as close range as possible.

-DD1 Jaguar

Well everyone has to start somewhere and for you this is it. It has 5 R slots just like
the USN Fletcher and 2 T slots. Right of the bat you get the 5.1"/40 cal model 1919.
This is the best at level gun as it gives 150 rounds at a decent reload speed with
100+ damage on HHE. It can go at a speed of 37 cruise speed and 47 OH. The
3.5"/50 cal model 1926 also gives out decent damage at about half the reload time
as the 5.1 and just as good for close range fighting, if you decide to stay in you
Jaguar a little longer though use the dual 3.5"/50 cal model 1926 which come at
level 18 as now you can put 10 barrels in the air instead of 5. This out beats the 5.1
for best gun because the 5.1 does only 30 more damage per shell.
Its DP is one of the lowest for DD1s, so play carefully

Play like any other DD: stay in groups, use torps on anything bigger then a DD3 and
now you limits.

-DD2 Le Fantasque

Ok next step up the tree huh? Just a little closer to that BB6 you want. Well the only
new guns you can mount are the

1) 3.9"/45 cal model 1930
2)5.46"/40 cal model 1927
3)5.46"/45 cal model 1929
4)5.46"/55 cal model 1910

With the 5.46"/55 cal you can get a speed of 40/53 and it gives you the best range.
I still prefer the dual 3.5"/50 cal model 1926 because of it being dual. The Fantasque
is really just a bigger Jaguar in everyway. The DP is also low so play carefully

-DD2 L묨droit

A tiny ship that is often overlooked in Blitzkriegs and even GBs. It is
wickedly fun in Blitz, kiting along with the pack. You will find your often left for last
and can rack-up alot of enemy kills and a high attack. In GBs, its great for zig-
zagging infront of you BB line, Working ASW magic. Although, admitedly, this will not
work well for newcomers.

-DD3 Mogador

Ah here is where MN really shines. The Mogador might lose a R-slot but it is a HUGE
improvement. At level it can mount the dual 5.46"/45 cal model 1929 which is a great
gun which can do 150+ damage per shell and your putting 8 barrels in the air, you
can easily do 1000+ damage in a full broadside, and your playing close range.
Another advantage: It has torps on both sides. Now your probably thinking "Why
does this matter??well this is why when engaging a bigger ship you can fire the
right-side torps then turn around and fire the left-side torps just like TW do in GB2
(this also works with DC for ASW). It also has great speed, fully equiped with torps
and guns it can do 40/53. But there뭩 even more: its DP is 8300 which is the highest
of all the DD in game even better then some CL1.

Last thoughts

When playing with MN DDs ALWAYS play close range the max angle for there guns is
40. Use torps on CL and up. Use your speed to get out of pinches. Also don't use
the Pluton as the Mogador can do everything better.

L'Adroit VS Le Fantasque

Well here comes the first decision of the MN shiptree, although It wouldn뭪 really
matter late in game why put yourself through unnecessary trouble?

*Ship Stats*


Type Destroyer
Cost 41000
Req.Level 17
FCS 30
Normal Disp. 522 t
Standard Disp. 1356 t
Maximum Disp. 1968 t
R-slots-> 4 (43)
T-slots-> 2 (28)
Turning Force 30
Durability 7200
Le Fantasque
Engine 90

Le Fantasque

Type Destroyer
Cost 53000
Req.Level 18
FCS 35
Durability 7400
Normal Disp. 1441 t
Standard Disp. 2469 t
Maximum Disp. 3380 t
Turning Force 28
R-slots-> 5 (58)
T-slots->3 (38)
Engine 103


Req. Level: L'A > LF
Durability: L'A < LF
Disp: L'A < LF
Engine: L'A < LF
R-slot: L'A < LF
T-slot: L'A < LF
Cost: L'A > LF

So as these stats show, The Le Fantasque (LF) is much better than the L'Adroit (L'A)
LF can carry a better FCS, Engine, has more displacement and better R and T slots.
While the L'A is one level earlier and cost less the Fantasque definitely is better

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