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  • New Middle east strategy thread.

    03. 25. 2011 10:19

This thread is about current events in the Middle east and your opinion on them.

Please refrain from bashing.

Personally my greatest fear is that by interfering in Libya the UN has inadvertently
opened a pandora's box. Many nations in the world have policies of violence towards
revolutionaries. Is the UN going to step in everywhere?

The reason I ask is today Syrians began large protests to force government reform.
However, Syria is well known for violence towards protesters and indeed many have died
already. It's my personal opinion that they are hoping for the UN to step in as they have
in Libya and that had the UN not gotten involved those protesters would still be alive.
Some of them are so desperate for change that indeed they would and have died to bring it
about for their families.

This thread is not about Syria or Libya only. Feel free to discuss any middle eastern topics.


  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    03. 30. 2011 09:42


there, sorted...

  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    03. 30. 2011 09:36


I suggest that you read the resolution.

The resolution is much broader in scope then you seem to think it is. There are mandates
within the resolution for a no-fly zone - blockade - and any action necessary to prevent
civilian death or facilitate the UN mandate.

Since many UN ships are being used in the facilitation of the resolution the sinking of
Libya's ships is logical.

  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    03. 30. 2011 09:34

That's the same thing every president in the US has done in recent memory, and is not just
unique to Obama (Bush in Iraq, Clinton in Somalia, Bush Sr. in Panama, Reagan in Grenada).
The US picks and chooses it's fights all the time, and has through its entire history.
Blaming one person smacks of watching too many political pundits over the last decade and
the "if you're not with me, you're against me" mentality.

We can't police the world, but we certainly do pick and choose our fights. I say we go for
a 100% non-interference policy worldwide, regardless of where/who is involved. Stand by
with humanitarian resources if requested (which would still be cheaper than conflict).
Eventually it may come to a point where people view occasional help as better than no help
at all.

It's a pipe dream, but a nice one :)

  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    03. 30. 2011 03:35

While I dont agree with messing in seem that there we are. Then after
watching the Pres speech, it still makes no sense why we are there.
The reasons he gave are total BS.
This "Obama Doctrine" as it been called is a joke.
On one Sunday morning show, they asked the Sec of State...Why not aid in Syria?
Her answer was to the effect of "well their not useing aircraft to kill people."

Its Awesome how he can Pick and Chooses what and who it is best to stand up for.

  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    03. 29. 2011 23:29

It's a naval blockade AND no fly zone.

  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    03. 29. 2011 22:02


  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    03. 29. 2011 21:56


So we can assume the 3 Libyan ships sunken yesterday, by the destroyer USS Barry, where
all flying?

  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    03. 25. 2011 17:15

I honestly don't think there is a long term goal as of yet.

As for the no fly zone. Generally anything that goes up will get fired on.

  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    03. 25. 2011 10:33

My Q from that other thread mate.

What is the long time point of this No-Fly zone that is being enforced? To remove Gadaffi
or aid the Rebels long enough to take him out by themselves? If the Rebels cant do it, is
NATO going to send in troops to take him out?

Also, did anyone hear about that training aircraft being shot down after it landed? Dont
the enforcers make contact with the ground to see what is happening rather then just
monitor everything that flies? Who knows who could have been making a daring escape in
that thing.
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