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  • MN/SN CV gunspaces

    06. 02. 2011 08:52

This thread should be to discuss what guns cvs should carry. First of all this is the
state of play for the "old nations".

US: 0 r-space
UK: 0 r-space
IJN:0 r-space
KM: -

US: 0 r-space
UK: 0 r-space
IJN:47 r-space
6"/50 L single
3"/60 Dual
KM: 37 r-space
5"/45 single
4.1"/65 dual
3.46AA and 4.1AA

US: 24 r-spce
5" Mark15D single
UK: 0-43 r-space
6"/50 MarkXVII L single
4.7"/45 MarksXIX dual
IJN:47(136) r-space
6"/50 L single
3"/60 Dual
(6.1"/60 L trips)
KM: 37 r-space
5"/45 single
4.1"/65 dual
3.46AA and 4.1AA

US: 61 r-space
7"/45 Mark2 L single
5"/38 Mark38 L dual
5" and 3" aa guns
UK: 63 r-space
9.2"/51 MarkXII D single
6"/45 MarkXVII D dual
4"/45 L trips
IJN:65-73(136) r-space
6"/50 dual
(6.1"/60 L trips)
KM: 78 r-space
5.9"/55 L dual
3.46AA and 4.1AA and KM40

US: 140 r-space
8"/55 Mark11 (L) dual
6"/47 Mark16L trips with lots of ammo
8"/55 Mark13D trips with 1 bind
5"AA and 3"AA
UK: 82 r-space
9.2"/51 MarkXII L single
6"/50 MarkXXII L dual
4"/45 L trips
IJN:73/80 r-space
6"/50 L dual
KM: 88 r-space
11"/52 D single
6.75"/40 L/40s D dual
3.46AA and 4.1AA and KM40

US: 70 r-space
5"/38 Mark38 L dual
6"/53 Mark16 D dual
5"AA and 3"AA
UK: 70 r-space
9.2"/51 MarkXII N single
6"/50 MarkXVII N dual
4"/45 L trips
IJN:70 r-space
6"/50 D dual
KM: 70-r-space
5"/45 SK C/41
3.46AA and 4.1AA and KM40

US: 82 r-space
6"/53 Mark16 L dual
5" and 3" aa guns
UK: 83 r-space
9.2"/51 MarkXII L single
6"/50 MarkXXII L dual
4"/45 L trips
IJN:85 r-space
6"/50 L dual
KM: 85 r-space
11"/52 D single
6.75"/40 L/40s D dual
3.46AA and 4.1AA and KM40

PS: ammo wise IMO 2binds for a dual/1bind for single gun is enough since cvs arent for
long battle but for selfdefense against dd/cl/ss.
BTW i think cv6 never got balanced gunspace wise since they have all the same size altough
differnet gunsize and number of r-slots.

Important: if u want to suggest other r-spces as I do please do it the same way as I did
below and always give reason. not just "I feel this way".

  • Re : MN/SN CV gunspaces

    06. 02. 2011 08:52

Basing on that i would suggest for MN/SN cv following r-spaces to bring them in line:
MN: 33 r-sapce
3.9"/45 single
HH 2binds
->this is minimum so it can use the smalest gun
SM: -

MN: 40 r-space or less (many r-slots!)
3.5" 1926 (non AA) dual 2binds
SN: 62 r-space
3.9"/50 dual 6binds
-> bit more firepower then seydlitz (5 vs 4 slots)

SN: 62 r-space
3.9"/50 dual 6binds
->small gun but huge number

MN: 77 r-space
5.1"/45 1932 dual 3-4binds
->since all cv4 use 5inch-6inch dual guns
3.5inch AA and 5.1inch dual AA
->since all cv4+ can use all important AA guns
SN: 67 r-space
5.1"/50 1936 dual 2binds
->normal gun but huge number
->since all cv4+ can use all important AA guns

MN: 79 r-space
6.1"/50 1920 dual 3binds+
->since all nations cv5 can use 6inch plus and with
->6.1inch MN is low-average
3.5inch AA and 5.1inch dual AA
->since all cv4+ can use all important AA guns
SN: 97 r-sapce
6"/57 1938 dual 2binds
-> more firepower by number
->since all cv4+ can use all important AA guns

MN: 79 r-space
6.1"/50 1920 with 3binds
->6inch dual should bring cv6 in line with other cv6
->for now but i would suggest a reworking of all cv6
->in general
3.5inch AA and 5.1inch dual AA
->since all cv4+ can use all important AA guns
SN: 78 r-space
6"/45 1892 dual 2binds
->again a bit more firepower then all other but again
->i think all cv6 should be reworked
->since all cv4+ can use all important AA guns

MN: 91 r-space
6inch trips 2binds
->to compensate for KM11inch single
3.5inch AA and 5.1inch dual AA
->since all cv4+ can use all important AA guns
SN: 100 r-space
6"/57 B-38 MK-17 Pattern 1938 dual 3binds
->to have more firepower then Lexi, KM with 11single
->and MN PCV

PS: Furthermore lower r-space to 50-60 for MN 5.1inch dual AA since they are just aa guns
and even KM40 are mountable on dd1. so cv4-6 can use them (same as all other nations can
mount all main a guns of cv4+) thier r-space requierment should be lowered.

//CV6 rework// Delayed!
US: 79 r-space
6"/47DP cal Mark 16 L dual
->range: 21.5; reload: 3.79; HE 108

UK: 80 r-space
6"/50 BL Mark XXI L dual
->range: 21.5; reload: 4.76; HE 180

IJN: 112 r-space
6.1"/60 Type 3 D trip
->range:22; reload:3.92; HE 126

KM: 121 r-space
5.9"/60 SK C/25 L trip
->range:22.9; reload:3.76; HE 106

MN: 115 r-space
6.1"/50 cal Model 1920 trip
->range: 22.7; reload:4.12; HE 152

SN: 122 r-space
6" B-38 MK-9 Pattern 1938 trip
->range: 23; reload:4.16; HE153
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