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Imperial Japanese Navy



    07. 03. 2010 16:03

WHO do you think would win in a 1v1 match between Fuso and Ise?

  • Re : FUSO VS ISE

    07. 08. 2010 10:58

It's the same since they both use the same engines and same guns are exactly
possible. So whatever one can use the other can too, and whatever one can't use
the other can't either.

  • Re : FUSO VS ISE

    07. 08. 2010 09:54

i want a table with the max speed of FUSO and ISE and settings gunz

  • Re : FUSO VS ISE

    07. 07. 2010 21:23

Fuso because it looks better.

OK seriously IDK. But I have the fuso and I love it.

  • Re : FUSO VS ISE

    07. 07. 2010 19:13

Ohh another ISE/FUSO thread, seriously can anyone use the search button, jeesh!!!

If you're concentrating on using your Tbs at the time with a cv deck Ise vs a fuso,
the fuso will win. Since the fuso is rushing you, and is better at rushing than the ise
in general, it also has 6 guns compared to your 4 not including the T slots. With the
Ise with 14s or 16s, and planes it can't hold that many planes.

Again if you're trying to DB and or TB the fuso, you still have to load up planes, that
do take more than a second to load up. I honestly doubt that anyone can play a 4
gun Ise at the same time of manuel TB or DB or auto DB.

Althought the fuso in this fight has to have a scout to have almost any kind of
chance at winning. Also has to relatively know most of his gun angles, and how to
play the IJN ships.

The Fuso's gun lines are a lot easier to line up too. Three gun lines right on top of 3
other 3 lines easier tha putting 4 on 2.

I have both and I choose Fuso in all arguements. I played a fuso for 35 levels
straight and have a 120 IJN crew for credibility. The fuso and a the player (with a
scout) will win almost everytime, no matter what kind of ise it is.

  • Re : FUSO VS ISE

    07. 07. 2010 18:12

""Ise with a carrier deck would win, but if they're both BBs, I'd say the fuso has a slight
upper hand. "

Ise with a carrier deck is a BB nonetheless. Ise would win with a bunch of TBs"

False. Using the few support slots available for anything other than engies, reps, FP
and maybe a scout is a waste.

As long as the Fuso player is blind, it is impossible for the Fuso player to aim as well as
the Ise player.

  • Re : FUSO VS ISE

    07. 07. 2010 08:21

99% of the result would be quality of the player.

  • Re : FUSO VS ISE

    07. 07. 2010 06:50

I've played both with high level crews. The gun spread is slightly tighter on ISE, but
you have less of an error of margin as the fuso can land shells in a slightly wider
pattern(especially on those h39's hehe)

  • Re : FUSO VS ISE

    07. 07. 2010 06:12

"Ise with a carrier deck would win, but if they're both BBs, I'd say the fuso has a slight
upper hand. "

Ise with a carrier deck is a BB nonetheless. Ise would win with a bunch of TBs

  • Re : FUSO VS ISE

    07. 06. 2010 22:37

to be honest, I went Ise.
There's virtually no difference between the two aside from gun placement. I liked the Ise
because it had the nice carrier remod that allowed me to go from Ise (CV) -> Yamato faster
than Nagato -> Yamato.

  • Re : FUSO VS ISE

    07. 06. 2010 11:00

well, fuso has better gun placement and scout space, ise has slightly better speed.
Assuming both are driven by really good players, it would come down to who screwed up
first or got impatient and tried to chase the other.
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