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U.S Navy


  • 20" guns?

    04. 03. 2011 21:37

how come the USN doesn't gett the 20" guns? most navies were studying 18" and
20" guns soo how come US and GB dont have them?

  • Re : 20

    04. 04. 2011 12:44

just because the kaiser has 20" guns does not mean that it causes more damage, in
fact i hear the kaiser kind of hits like a girl lol

  • Re : 20

    04. 04. 2011 12:18

@Helms..I was referring to US battleships.

  • Re : 20

    04. 04. 2011 05:47

AlexCaboose wrote:
"AFAIK, there were no battleships that were planned with 20'' guns."

H44... which, for the record, was a design study about what it would take to have a ship
able to defeat (and be protected from) every threat that was known to exist at the time.

It was considered theoretically possible to build, but realistically it was never intended
to be actually built because of the limitations of German infrastructure, ship yards, and
port facilities, the shallowness of the North Sea, the lack of resources to commit to them
at that late stage of the war, and so on.

@ Baumcha31
You're thinking wayyyyy too much, dude. Just stop. These suggestions are pointless and the
changes you propose are completely unnecessary. End of story.


  • Re : 20

    04. 04. 2011 01:35

As I said in another post. Level up some more and you'll see what I mean. The H-44
has 16.5'' guns or 18.x'' guns. Both types hit less hard than the Montana.

  • Re : 20

    04. 04. 2011 00:54

So if gun size doesnt mean increased damage how come guns kept getting bigger?
wouldnt high velocity rounds be better?

  • Re : 20

    04. 03. 2011 23:11

You don't need 20" guns when you have super heavy high velocity shells.

  • Re : 20

    04. 03. 2011 21:51

AFAIK, there were no battleships that were planned with 20'' guns. I'm sure
someone with more knowledge could confirm or deny this statement, but either way,
there's really no need for them. Gun size does also not necesarrily mean increased
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