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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • CV6 V.s BB6

    05. 06. 2010 08:36

So Right now I have 2 B.Os, 1 is in Kongo and 1 is in Ryujo. Im planning on lvling one
of them to 120 first be which 1 should it be? For the people who say just lvl both I
shall say no. I want to do 1 fully then do the next.
Amagi= Decent BB6, But Shells are in the air FOREVER. Great AA.
De Grasse= Looks nice xD, alot to pay for repair, most plane space, Fits guns for
close combat, Costy like Amagi.
Keep giving me the Pros and Cons for these 2 ships pls and tell me in your opinion
which would be best to lvl first. And I will be using prem(50% chance) or not.

  • Re : CV6 V.s BB6

    05. 06. 2010 15:49

I've playd both and I really can't complain about either of the two, there both
wodnerful ships, just a word of advice though, at lower lvls make sure you rotate
your sailors in and out to keep there levels close together due to me being at say lvl
120 and my pilots scatterd by 15 level differences...=]

  • Re : CV6 V.s BB6

    05. 06. 2010 15:30

Level gunners on cv for bb6

Trust me having level 120 gunners for nagato all the way to super yammy is hella fun

  • Re : CV6 V.s BB6

    05. 06. 2010 10:48

Well I have a De Grasse and a Yamato, I got my CV6 first for a couple reasons, first I
just kinda enjoy playing CV, and IJN has quite a few CVs and Remods to choose from, making
the grind slightly less boring.

Second, both the BB6 and CV6 are very expensive, so unless you have some good sailors
you're willing to sell (I don't roll and grind sailors just to sell them), you're gonna
need to spend alot of time in a CV to earn the credits/points required.

Third, CV6 requires 12 sailors, BB6 needs 14. I simply didn't have enough to get a BB6,
so I figured I'd level the De Grasse first, and then I'd have a couple spare 115+ pilots
to use for the Amagi.

The downside to CV6 is that in GBs, you often have the best BBs stacked against you. I'm
sure they stack against BB6 as well, but at least a BB6 can defend itself.

That being said, I found that grinding an IJN CV seemed to go much quicker and easier
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