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  • Ultimate SS guide for Kriegsmarine

    10. 11. 2009 03:58

Noticed that most info is scattered into single question threads so here is the whole
thing from the top

  • Re : Ultimate SS guide for Kriegsmarine

    12. 15. 2009 08:46

welll seems my guide is somewhat usefull....
So now the updates

only get the repiarboy on the gun slot (or any sailor for that matter) if u REALLY think
you need his ability...yes i have seen SS take broadsides form montys...but it was
pointless they were crippled and just took another one a few seconds later...usually if u
run out of air near a BB it's game over...not much u can do...they are fast and will get
the better of u 75% of the cases
...plz stop bothering me with my
wrong is very seldom u can go around an enemy sub and by God u can only
try and sink a BB/CV if another sub is perpendicular to you and firing... in most fights u
have max 1 sub to go through and if u do it right u don't lose much air either
Border humping...i didn't mean it literally if u've seen me play i don't even do it...just
get out of the way of pesky Torp whores, DD's, ASW and the someone
says...sailing about the upper or lower third of the map is OK
PLS IGNORE the comments by most people...they are form when they had to spam the forum to
get points...hence the bulgeless Lion 2 which i have yet to see...and the pointles "hide,
survive, win" i'm sure they are usefull just not here
IN THE END i would like to say i am not the custodian of ultimate truth and my opinion is
not a rule it is just advice

  • Re : Ultimate SS guide for Kriegsmarine

    11. 26. 2009 12:20

Thanks.. i have my ss3 KM.. and this is usseful for me :D

  • Re : Ultimate SS guide for Kriegsmarine

    11. 05. 2009 13:01

There is actually no cap for the sonarman that we have managed to find. The highest
sonarman in our fleet is about lvl 109 and still offers an advantage over a lvl 90.
Cutting down sailors beyond 50% gives abysmal performance too, so why should you now ghost
or class him late if you loose true ability?
IF you really need the additional SD, get a ghosted restorer or repairer and put him on
the R slot.

As far as the .2 belt go - the difference seems to be academic. It reduces torp damage in
combination with bulge. If you put enough bulge on your sub to make a difference with DC's
and torp hits, you loose too much speed and run out of displacement.
If you are shelled by BB's at long range, those will all be deck hits and if you surface
close to an enemy ship you can bend over anyway since you just announced yourself as a
target to the whole enemy team. Apart from that, even .2 belt do not do much against a
DD's popguns.

  • Re : Ultimate SS guide for Kriegsmarine

    11. 04. 2009 09:28

Very informative guide, i would also suggest that you not class your supports to 1st
sonar or 1st planes man, as they reduce your rep and rest function, and add to the
survivability of the ship, and the +1 pot does nothing sigificantly to air supply or
sonar as these are both capped. You could also consider leveling support sailors to
higher levels so the rep and rest is maxed then class them to the 2nd class sonar
and planesman. getting SD on a sub is pretty important factor. Thats why you see
a ss3 take a monty broadside and still stay semi green. Although, these are just

  • Re : Ultimate SS guide for Kriegsmarine

    11. 01. 2009 22:41

Running with 0.2 belt is crucial. Major torpedo, depth charge, and hedgehog damage

  • Re : Ultimate SS guide for Kriegsmarine

    10. 29. 2009 19:30

KM SS Guide:



The end

  • Re : Ultimate SS guide for Kriegsmarine

    10. 29. 2009 13:16

If you have nothing nice to say, don't post anything...

  • Re : Ultimate SS guide for Kriegsmarine

    10. 29. 2009 02:27

Is not a bad post but my tactic is diferit,not any guide-tactic is help you to survive in
a front of torp wall of kita and two or three enemy ss near to you all time .
Dont share the tactic for BB, is never play beter with subs.

  • Re : Ultimate SS guide for Kriegsmarine

    10. 28. 2009 23:26

great post boule. I agree with pretty much everything. Especially watch out for other KM
SS as the prox torps will more often than not leave both ships screwed. Also view as
particularly suspicious any dd or ff that is sailing right towards you and not shooting
anything else. Hes probably got his finger on the depth charge or HH trigger.

  • Re : Ultimate SS guide for Kriegsmarine

    10. 16. 2009 13:30

A nice condensed guide, but there are a few points that I do not agree with.

First of all, your targeting priorities:
Subs make a damn bad target against other subs. Why? Well, they give off almost no XP, can
sink you easily if you get unlucky and you expend a lot of torps, air get damage from crit
diving and waste valuable time that is so much better spent on your opponents capital
ships. Additionally confronting a sub makes you visible to the whole world and when you
sit there playing shoot and scoot you are just SO inviting a few torp bombers to drop by,
not to count ASW.
ASW in itself is a completely other story. The frequent "kill'em'all" DD will run through
your duel area dropping DC's like crazy. Either he blinds you by using overburn, manages
to run into the torps you just fired at the enemy sub and gets you a nice TK or just
wastes you with blue on blue DC's. If that is not the case, a BB or CA will certainly fire
of a broadside of HH's at the two subs (so he does not get grilled should you loose) and
get you in the resulting blast as well.
The moral of the story - keep away from other subs and let ASW handle them.

Target priorities for Type II:
1) CA's,
2) AA ships, other escorting ships
3) low level BB's & CV's

Target priorities for T2 and T3 subs
1) BB's & CV's
2) support ships
3) anything else

Now, there is a target class that I did not enter because you are supposed to avoid it but
if you encounter it, it becomes point 1 on the target list:
1) Things that threaten you!
Or to make it more clearly - things that threaten your mission. This would include DD's,
CL's, FF's and SS that reveal your position, thereby chasing away your prey. Any
ASW-configured ship is to be considered an even higher threat.

Now the thing with running north and border-hugging. How many engis do you have on your
ship? Exactly, one! Even the most bad@ss BVE'd nerd medal holder will only get you up to
40 knots surface speed and then you loose submerged speed at the same time. Driving all
the way north or south and then along the border effectively takes you out of the game
unless you catch the enemy advancing. Swing towards the enemy after 1/3 of the way and
then charge them - that will get you into their BB line while you can still make a
difference to your team.

Now about running a repairer on the sub. OK, it is possible but depends on the level and
weight of your crew. If he does slow you down, make him swim home.

Engaging BB's at close range?
Well, they have some fun tactics to deal with subs. Either they run, circle or ignore you.
Ignoring is fine with me 'cause it just means they sink. Running tends to annoy. Unless
they are speed optimized, you should be able to keep up long enough with them in a T2 or
T3 to write farewell on all torps of the next two salvos that you are sending them.
Circling though has its own problems. If they circle, they want to stay below your mnimum
range so that you cannot fire or when turning, end up under them. If you send your torps
at max fast range, you do not just add the chance that all of the torps will do damage, if
they circle you stop, hit reverse and they will present their other broadside to you by
the time your torps have reloaded.

Armoring up a sub?
Well, some bulge/belt can help against close calls with explosives. As long as you do not
loose speed it is fine. Experimentally armoring up a sub with enough bulge and belt to
take direct torp hits from another sub causes an interesting reaction ( "U using hackz?
REPORTA!!!") but should be left for having fun with other players.

Last: Subs have no business in the middle of a map. Every rushing DD will reveal you,
every TW is going to launch across the middle and the escorting CA's will be more than
happy about a little bit of target practice should you decide to go accross on the
surface. This does not apply, however, if you feel trigger-happy today and WANT to blow up
a bunch of low-level DD's.
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