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U.S Navy


  • USN DD, CL, CA Guide

    01. 28. 2007 10:35

Welcome to my guide on the ships of the United States Navy in Navy Field! This
guide is a compilation of the knowledge of many players, new and veteran alike, and
is always growing. If you feel that something needs to be added, simply post in this
thread (or even better, send me a message) and I'll see if it's worth adding. I'm
always looking for more viewpoints about the ships in the game, so don't hesitate to
add something.

While the US is listed as being the most balanced nation in NF, many veteran players
will say otherwise from experience. Nonetheless, the US can be a fun nation to play;
some times you'll be very happy that you chose the US as your nation, though there
will also be times when you'll wonder why you chose it in the first place. It's true
that the US doesn't have any real strengths, but it also doesn't have many glaring
weaknesses, as the other nations do.


I. Update Log

II. Contributions and thanks

III. Basics of the game

IV. Destroyers
-Gearing DDR
-DDX Project

V. Light Cruisers
-Juneau II

VI. Heavy Cruisers
-New Orleans

VII. Ship Tree Branches

  • Re : Honor, Courage, and Commitment: Ships of the United States Navy

    08. 13. 2007 13:14

"You shouldn't be writing guides for ships you haven't even leveled up to yet."

It's a good thing that I've levelled up to and played with all of the ships in this guide
except for the Premium ships, Randall, and Portland then.

So what's your point?

  • Re : Honor, Courage, and Commitment: Ships of the United States Navy

    08. 11. 2007 23:53

chagrin, for ships LK has not played himself, he had other players supply the information
for him.

  • Re : Honor, Courage, and Commitment: Ships of the United States Navy

    08. 11. 2007 17:26

You shouldn't be writing guides for ships you haven't even leveled up to yet.

  • Re : Honor, Courage, and Commitment: Ships of the United States Navy

    08. 11. 2007 00:31

Guide has been updated. Now with prettier pictures and lots of new info!

  • Re : Honor, Courage, and Commitment: Ships of the United States Navy

    07. 25. 2007 10:23

great guide. can learn alot.

  • Re : Honor, Courage, and Commitment: Ships of the United States Navy

    07. 24. 2007 00:34

This is gonna sound quite noob, but it's not a bad thing to powerlevel a neutral
sailor to be a CV bridge officer? I'm assuming that's because a BO only affects sight
range for your guns, and a CV doesn't need it so the loss in +operating and extra
crew is no big deal.

This is a huge question for me because I was gonna go CV first, then BB. But this
excellent guide recommends BB then CV with a powerleveled neutral sailor. And I
was under the assumption that powerleveling led to weaker sailors.

  • Re : Honor, Courage, and Commitment: Ships of the United States Navy

    06. 26. 2007 19:17

thanks this actualyul helped me quite a bit

  • Re : Honor, Courage, and Commitment: Ships of the United States Navy

    06. 03. 2007 23:35

thanks for thiws guide is very necesary form all the uss players ^^

  • Re : Honor, Courage, and Commitment: Ships of the United States Navy

    05. 27. 2007 13:52

I do have to disagree about the Fletcher. Many times I have taken out DD3's, CL's,
and CA's with it. In OpCon back in the day I could get 900k+ attack in 45 min-1Hr
games. Outscoring Kita's and CA's. I've played it again on a friends account and
have gotten 25-40k attack in Blitz games.

  • Re : Honor, Courage, and Commitment: Ships of the United States Navy

    05. 25. 2007 14:40

TY for the update in the New orleans it's great
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