HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • Feeling useless as UK CV

    12. 22. 2011 10:07

Recommend : 0

ok, i don't know it might just be me, but i rarely see UK CVs.

i seem to be compeltely out guned and other done y every other nation so far. maybe it's just cause i'm a CV1 and using TB
every game i just seem to get DBed long before i even get my planes half way across the map and thats with loading 3 planes to each pilot.

also my fighters just seem to be unable to do anything, against the fighetrs of other nations, all mypilots are Elites with VETs and Experts.

should i just give up?


  • Re : Feeling useless as UK CV

    12. 22. 2011 13:06

Are you playing Blitz or GB? And are you using locals or T1s?

  • Re : Feeling useless as UK CV

    12. 22. 2011 13:23

I'd like to point out several things.

You are a CV1 so don't expect to be competetive in GB.

TBs are in every respect worse then DBs... however RN TBs might be managable.

Low level fighters tend to be useless at fighting. Use locals instead till you can use T2

  • Re : Feeling useless as UK CV

    12. 22. 2011 14:10

locals?, and blitz.

  • Re : Feeling useless as UK CV

    12. 22. 2011 18:58

Just start over as US KM or SN. UK fighters are the worst in the game. You won't ever have good fighters no matter how much you over-vet them. Until they actually balance the nations fighters you WILL get destroyed. 120 UK +12 fp's with 170 vets get destroyed by everything not UK or IJN.


  • Re : Feeling useless as UK CV

    12. 23. 2011 06:10

don't really want to change nations as all my pilots are elites and they aren't cheap.

  • Re : Feeling useless as UK CV

    12. 23. 2011 07:42

learn how to kite enemy FTs with yours, and as for the TBs, wait until you get T2 TBs and see their evil. hitting them is a chore tho, but if they hit... >:]

UK CV is hard, but it's worth it ;) it's better to play CV - hard mode at times anyway.

  • Re : Feeling useless as UK CV

    12. 23. 2011 12:34

Unfortunately, without BVE Elites, you're perpetually doomed. Even at that level, you're only as good as a L11 US or KM setup.

It isn't as bad as it seems, but with each release of new fighters, the old T1s and T2s fall farther down the pecking order due to obsolescence. Simply put, they are totally outclassed. Everytime NF releases a newer version, it makes grinding through older models a painful exercise.

NF just needs a new game where BB1-3, CV1-3 w' T1/2, and SS1-SS2 can play competitvely and get decent exp without getting annihilated from better, faster, more devastating newer ship lines. 1920s era ships can't compete with 1940s.

  • Re : Feeling useless as UK CV

    12. 24. 2011 08:05

Originally Posted by darkAegis

don't really want to change nations as all my pilots are elites and they aren't cheap.

very true but you might be able to find someone who would be happy with a like-for-like trade. If you decide swapping is the way to solve your problem, you should work at it. There must be someone out there with Elite Pilots of a nation you want who is desperate to swap to UK =P

  • Re : Feeling useless as UK CV

    12. 24. 2011 09:25

Originally Posted by darkAegis

don't really want to change nations as all my pilots are elites and they aren't cheap.

It's going to be a long hard grind, I won't sugar-coat it. When your pilots get to 100 make sure you have at LEAST 170 vets. At 120, you're going to need 200+ vets to compete with 150 vet US, KM, or SN fighters. Hopefully they balance the fighters sooner rather than later, but until then it's not pretty. I've HQ'd my CV6 until they fix it, so when the balance comes I'll be ready.


  • Re : Feeling useless as UK CV

    12. 24. 2011 14:10

dark this can take a bit long time but whit the insane exp those day is pretty easy

just do like me lvl up a bb creew (for me pow line is the best) then when your support are high lvl(+115) you replace them whit your fp and tb (never replace engy on some ship 2 x115 rep can easy do the job of 4 )
then you lvl up your fp and bomber whit average 60k-70k exp a game ( whit the even you can run a average of 100k exp a game) and you finish whit pilot like mine 2x 120 + 3x 114 after this your cv will rock .

pow is hard but if you play well ist super power level machine for anything last even i was training km elit engy on my pow whit 100k exp a game.

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