HA Infomation



  • Bizzie 43 first impressions.

    01. 11. 2013 05:21


 Well, its a very nice ship.  For the record, I'm using EBVE at lvl crew ranging from 82 down to 79. 4 Engys, 2 reps and scout. Gunners are irrelevant as the OPro trip guns are the guns we all know.

Speed is 35knts with .3 belt (don’t go there, I don’t care) and 62 bulge before I dropped a knot.

Fun ship! Probably the best thing that came out of this event.  I recommend it!


  • Re : Bizzie 43 first impressions.

    02. 01. 2013 16:08


Originally Posted by CA74

Originally Posted by NIborGER

Hey what do you think?

Bismarck1943 is a EBB3 and a real nightmare for anything that has BB3 or less range. Even EBB4s have barely a chance against it. Compare it with maryland, le Havre, Mutso, Vailant Izmail 1916, Guilio Cesare 1914 or Provenze and you will see that you have a pretty good ship in your hands. 

Exactly!  No, you cant AW it and No, it wont go 42kts but, if you know Km and want to have a good blocker for rush. This is it.  People pay for getting in range.

KM isn't an AW nation... go UK

  • Re : Bizzie 43 first impressions.

    02. 05. 2013 08:55


Originally Posted by phantom3442

Originally Posted by CA74


Exactly!  No, you cant AW it and No, it wont go 42kts but, if you know Km and want to have a good blocker for rush. This is it.  People pay for getting in range.

KM isn't an AW nation... go UK

Was this supposed to be advice?  I know exactly what Km is.

  • Re : Bizzie 43 first impressions.

    02. 05. 2013 10:31


Originally Posted by Derm

Seriously considered getting the new Bismark but a quick test in the old one quickly reminds you that it cant take a hit.

Agreed, with or without a high level crew. 

  • Re : Bizzie 43 first impressions.

    02. 07. 2013 03:26


Yeah,  after the new toy feel has worn off, its not a very good ship for leveling. 

It's too slow to ninja and its not capable of surviving being caught exposed.

According to the test team, it can almost go a reasonble speed with no armor and no AA with a 120 crew.

I'm not sure why they think KM needed a worthless lvling tool. 

  • Re : Bizzie 43 first impressions.

    02. 08. 2013 10:56


I don't see the point in this, to be honest. 
You guys have issue about the survivability when get spot, and that was exactly the purpose of the ship.

A slow brawler, weak at taking hits when getting spot but another story when you catch someone's off guard.

39 knots is fine, but reaching the speed cap might be the issue that pissed off everyone.

  • Re : Bizzie 43 first impressions.

    02. 10. 2013 07:26


Originally Posted by richardphat

I don't see the point in this, to be honest. 
You guys have issue about the survivability when get spot, and that was exactly the purpose of the ship.

A slow brawler, weak at taking hits when getting spot but another story when you catch someone's off guard.

39 knots is fine, but reaching the speed cap might be the issue that pissed off everyone.

Well, I can tell you this.  Any first year business/ marketing student knows that it doesn't matter what the developer of a product was thinking.  If the CONSUMER thinks it's crap. Its crap.

Ford Edsel anyone?

If I need a high lvl crew to use this ship why wouldnt I just use a ship with better range?

To try and use this ship as a sneaker, you need AA, if you use AA, you're too slow to sneak up on anything.

Its a dumb idea. I'll tell you that as many ways as you need to hear it. 

  • Re : Bizzie 43 first impressions.

    02. 10. 2013 09:47


Originally Posted by CAIV
Well, I can tell you this.  Any first year business/ marketing student knows that it doesn't matter what the developer of a product was thinking.  If the CONSUMER thinks it's crap. Its crap.

Ford Edsel anyone?

Because it wasn't the developper that design the current bissy 43, to begin with. So your comment are not made for them.


Because the consumer is a biased population and should not be taking in consideration with the whinning. I have to include all of us, player of NF. 

Yes, I dare writting that, since I will be using this information to back up this game, Navyfield.

The consumer are generally selfish and hypocrit, that keeps wanting to be spoonfed, more more and more. I don't think you have to prove this obvious, when you see in your surround, the whinning, the abuse of the consumer in real world and game. That is the fact.

You would listen to a consumer,when you care about money.


However, the product here "bissy 43" were done by rehor, myself  and couple of other volunteer (name please, forgot who else?) since these people are able to stop their bias opinion. We don't care about the money since we work for free. We don't listen to the player base. We would only listen to the player base if it is a constructive post.


Now to another subject, it took 2 pages before the real problem was pointed. It was not the speed the problem, but the overheat cap.


Originally Posted by CAV

If I need a high lvl crew to use this ship why wouldnt I just use a ship with better range?

That is exactly the reason of all EBB, level quick, couple of small buff in other stat. Got higher level crew, get the next tier ship. It's nearly the same thing for all EBB of course with couple of exception.


Originally Posted by CAIV

To try and use this ship as a sneaker, you need AA, if you use AA, you're too slow to sneak up on anything.

Its a dumb idea. I'll tell you that as many ways as you need to hear it.

I don't know the answer if you can't reply to this. What are you trying to sneak against?

  • Re : Bizzie 43 first impressions.

    02. 10. 2013 14:58


Richard, you can try to blame whoever you want. The software developer gave you a set of pixels and you created the ship behind it.  YOU made the ship the fail thati t is and that makes YOU the developer.  If you think the players shouldnt have a say in what's made then what the holy hell are you doing?  Are you saying YOU'RE not a player? Thanks for messing up a ship in a game you dont even play. 

And if you think this ship is good as designed, I will tell you that with an H39 lvl crew, putting 5 engys and 3 reps, no AA and minimal bulge/belt, it was a 36knot ship.   The regular Bizzie (iirc) was better in that regard.  By the time I can get this thing to 39kts, I'd raher use the H41 or the the H44.  You made a pointless, useless ship.

  • Re : Bizzie 43 first impressions.

    03. 18. 2013 09:36


Originally Posted by SSN762

Yeah,  after the new toy feel has worn off, its not a very good ship for leveling. 

It's too slow to ninja and its not capable of surviving being caught exposed.

According to the test team, it can almost go a reasonble speed with no armor and no AA with a 120 crew.

I'm not sure why they think KM needed a worthless lvling tool. 

I am just comparing your OP with this one.

Now I know why Richard doesn't listen to player opinions...

  • Re : Bizzie 43 first impressions.

    03. 18. 2013 14:03


I believe the test team did a good job with the new bizzie. We have to realize that no ship in NF will be perfectly balanced with each other, there are just way to many variables to take into account. There will always be a trade off for certain benefits. Thank you test team for releasing a good EBB.

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