HA Infomation



  • H44 advice.

    01. 19. 2013 21:00


Hey, tis me again! Huzzah, I've made it to H44. Howver, I am still new to the ship, and I am looking for any tips and tactics to use with my shiny new ship. Also, keep in mind I havent gotten used to the new gun angles yet. Thanks!


  • Re : H44 advice.

    01. 23. 2013 20:43


Ah, but alas, the thing is, I can't sligshot to save my life. I am at a total loss how to even do it, even after people show me. Simple fact is that I can't comprehend how to do it. Can't wrap my mind around it. If I can't slingshot, will that make H44 or BB play in general difficult/useless to play?

  • Re : H44 advice.

    01. 24. 2013 12:01


I could try to help you. I think it will help since we speak the same language.
You won't be able to get the max out of the H44. Besides I believe everyone can learn it :)


  • Re : H44 advice.

    02. 05. 2013 10:50


I played my H44 today a few battles with relatively low attack (but won the south most of the time) 

I kind of disagree with it being an "aggressive" ship. For me the H39 was the aggressive of the two and I remember hunting BB5s quite easily with it (high lvl crew). It cannot do that against thew newer, smaller, stronger hitting ships.

The H44 is weird. The range advantage is miniscule to the other BB5s and having played other BB5s the pros don't outweigh the cons.

First off, the hitbox is MASSIVE.  Most other players will kite you to negate your advantage MOST of the time. Thus, if you take a nasty hit playing aggressive on a runner, he just has to turn/rush finish you.

Second, the guns are still relatively weak when compared to other nations. Sure I LOVE that they were fixed (I killed a few L2s today with 33ish k fraction salvos as they came nose on) but I also took huge hits. It doesn't retaliate enough to deter a very good rusher who knows his timing/angles.

Third, the NF server lag. This is the most difficult part of the KM playstyle now, at least for me. You NEED to control your speed  at all times. Peronally, I run into too many problems when it comes to speed management. When i try to come off OH (to avoid a rusher) and use range, I either come to a complete stop. The time it takes to get back UP to full speed (if they decide to rush) usually results in getting sunk. THere's a huge delay when it comes to slow down and speed up, which is why it's like a lighswitch. I never found this as much of a problem with say L2, Monty, SY the VV or wahtever.  You couple this with the 1st and 2nd points i've made above, and things get difficult, especially when trying to play it aggressive depending on your setup. I ran both 3 rep (scout and engies) and 2 rep. The Extra engie does give you extra OH time so you might be able to chase after a cv at the end, but watch out if you get hit.

For me the pros are the spread (vs the H39 especially) and the AA battery. AP seems to kill AWs now too vs the old days.
Cons are the hitbox, damage output, and lack of OH speed or rep ability. I wish it turned slightly better to match the H39s manueverability, but that's asking way too much.

There have been very very few H44s that haven't been food for me while playing other nations. 


  • Re : H44 advice.

    02. 07. 2013 06:18


Originally Posted by Titainium

I played my H44 today a few battles with relatively low attack (but won the south most of
The H44 is weird. The range advantage is miniscule to the other BB5s and having played other BB5s the pros don't outweigh the cons.



I agree. The range advantage is extremely small. The current lag situtation makes it null.

  • Re : H44 advice.

    02. 12. 2013 03:09


Originally Posted by mustangman

Originally Posted by Titainium

I played my H44 today a few battles with relatively low attack (but won the south most of
The H44 is weird. The range advantage is miniscule to the other BB5s and having played other BB5s the pros don't outweigh the cons.



I agree. The range advantage is extremely small. The current lag situtation makes it null.

If you can hit a BB5 and he can't hit you, then please tell me why you want more range? =.=
I think the H44 is the best all round battleship. I can't kill BB5s and below, SS and Bombers with any other BB5 with same set up. 

When I am not blind, I am having trouble with experienced H44 players and BB6s.. The rest is just free food :) 

  • Re : H44 advice.

    02. 13. 2013 10:31


Never said I wanted more range. Always remembered everyone raving about the H44 having a "massive" range advantage... It's no where near as massive as bragged about.

  • Re : H44 advice.

    02. 13. 2013 21:32


Originally Posted by mustangman

Never said I wanted more range. Always remembered everyone raving about the H44 having a "massive" range advantage... It's no where near as massive as bragged about.

I have never EVER seen or heard anybody "brag about" a "massive" range advantage for his H44, for at least the last 4 years.

That is just such a ridiculous claim.

You either know very ... errm ... particular people or you mix up the H44 with another ship or you've been playing a different game, mate.

  • Re : H44 advice.

    02. 13. 2013 23:26


Originally Posted by mustangman

Never said I wanted more range. Always remembered everyone raving about the H44 having a "massive" range advantage... It's no where near as massive as bragged about.

I thought because you agreed with last post that you wanted more range.
Perhaps those folks are monty players...

Watch niborger, yixi, etc play H44 :) 

  • Re : H44 advice.

    02. 17. 2013 19:08


Originally Posted by joris92

Originally Posted by mustangman

Never said I wanted more range. Always remembered everyone raving about the H44 having a "massive" range advantage... It's no where near as massive as bragged about.

I thought because you agreed with last post that you wanted more range.
Perhaps those folks are monty players...

Watch niborger, yixi, etc play H44 :) 


Not at all. If you know how to slingshot or slowly retreat and let people chase you (which HAPPENS alot), you get quite a bit of range advantage.


I love when people say "NOOB RUNNER" when I play my H44 because they chase me and I sink them while coming out unhurt. Nothing is fair in war. If I have range, I'm exploiting it!

  • Re : H44 advice.

    02. 17. 2013 19:09


Originally Posted by EricIdle

Originally Posted by mustangman

Never said I wanted more range. Always remembered everyone raving about the H44 having a "massive" range advantage... It's no where near as massive as bragged about.

I have never EVER seen or heard anybody "brag about" a "massive" range advantage for his H44, for at least the last 4 years.

That is just such a ridiculous claim.

You either know very ... errm ... particular people or you mix up the H44 with another ship or you've been playing a different game, mate.


I stopped playing before the new nations came out. When it was orginally just 4 nations. That's what I was basing my judgement on.

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