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  • Kaiser 3v3 BB Tournament **Registrations open**

    11. 06. 2011 02:13

Hello everyone,
I am in the process of setting up a player run tournament.
It will be 3v3 teams of 3 bb's a side.

Rules: *(Final)= rules set in concrete.
>3 BB's a side 1 subsitute  (Final)
>No smoke (Final)
>best of 3 games (if bb crashs within 30 seconds of start a rematch is done) (Final)
>any crew setup (Final)
>No PHH/HH (Premium Hedgehog) (Final)
>No escort (Final)
>AA is aloud (Final)
>Tier 4 scout and below (Final)
>No Border Humping (this means planes & ships) (Final)
>No BB/CV Setups *aka Ise (Final)
>Any rule Breaking will mean you automatically lose that game(Final)

How to enter:
Beta run is open we need 16 teams of bb4's send vk222u a pm with the following:
>Team name:
>Team Members (3):
>Subsitute name (1):
>any extra info you want to add

BB3, 3m team fee
BB4, 5m team fee

I have a reply from TNF, they said if the teams entered don't want to trust me with the fees we can use a tnf member to hold onto credits, so once I have 16 teams I will ask all teams how they feel about this issue.

Time of battles:
Time is to be decided by Teams (A) & (B) each team will be given 3 days from match/draw information release if no time is made one will be made for you as we do not want the Tournament  to be help up.

I have created a Microsoft Exel spreadsheet which I have set up a teamlist which will place teams vsing each other at random everytime, this will be used for the knock-out Tournament.

*What a Referee says is final. *Referees will be drawn for each round.
> vk222u
> No1shero

application for referees are open pm me with the following:
email: (for contact purposes)
why u want to ref:
what fleet u are in:
how long have u played NF:

Prizes: *What you all have been waiting for xD
The prize is a major part of this event, otherwise why would you entrer... For Fun haha thats a good one (yes enter for fun) but the prize will be the entry fee, it will go to the team which wins, I would give a 2nd and 3rd but this is a knock out tournament so  for now it will be 1st only wins. Yes once we get enough people say 32 teams we will do a 2nd and 3rd


*Stickied by Angus725* 


  • Re : Kaiser Player run bb vs bb Tournament

    11. 06. 2011 21:04

were interested to this thing going?theres registration?or etc...

  • Re : Kaiser Player run bb vs bb Tournament

    11. 06. 2011 21:16


  • Re : Kaiser Player run bb vs bb Tournament

    11. 07. 2011 02:59

Originally Posted by kirk_t

were interested to this thing going?theres registration?or etc...

I am working on a website layout with a ladder setup and team pages :d I will post a link here once it is all done but until then any registrations will be done via pm to me.

Registrations are not open yet.

  • Re : Kaiser Player run bb vs bb Tournament

    11. 07. 2011 06:26

Hi all..

Nice idea VK. Sorry i perhaps been a little behind posting, as i see today you have started something off. I have 1-2 suggestions for the event if i may.

1st - I will assume referees will be needed to make sure no-one breaks the rules. Perhaps a little referee recruitment would be handy before the competion starts?.

2nd - Who holds the entering fees from the players? . Could i suggest a Moderator . Little details i'm sure the entering players would find useful knowing.

3rd - The entering fees themselves seem a bit high to me - perhaps to lower the entering fees to allow more players to enter the fun? .Perhaps even just a standard entree fee used for all BB tiers - 2mill / player .

4th - I do not see prizes? - Is there a prize?, i will assume the entree fees added up, will split into 1-2-3rd places? . Or just 1st place prize? , etc . Or no prizes at all? . Teams will certainly want to know this before paying entree fees.

The final idea of having different tier BB battles i think is a good one,(i was going to suggest this before i noticed the lastest post saying entree open), Perhaps to just do 2 tiers to get the event started, and i would suggest - BB4's and BB2's . I do think BB2 should be the lowest level tier ,for the new BB players to enjoy, and because i think it would be fun, just a suggestion. Also i think 1 tier BB event per week/weekend, otherwise that sounds like a lot of effort running all tiers in 1 weekend, kool if you are up for it vk.

Dates and Time as stated above - I think players will not enter until they know if they can attend the event. Dates and Times need to be stated clearly.

Hmm, can't think of anything else right now, and i may also volunteer to be a Ref if you decide to recruit Ref's, i'll keep an eye on this post to see what happens :).

GL with it all.

I forgot about the event set-up. This certainly needs working out and posting before the event actually starts. lol, i just had a good idea. You(vk) could randomly write a number 1-10(20) beside each team which entered for a random draw. It could be held in Clan area , were perhaps a Moderator could random guess numbers from 1-20(20) to make the draw. You(vk) could then write in room chat the name of the team as they are drawn, so no cheating can happen. Thus making it a straight knockout competition from the start. Similar to world cup final stages.
If you wanted to try to allow each team to play each other, then i think a league/point system is needed. I.E. - 3 points a win - 1 point draw(ran out of ammo) - 0 point for loss .All teams play each other once. Top 4 teams go into a 4 way shootout - Team#1(position 1, top of the table) plays Team#2 for 1st/2nd prizes . Team#3 plays Team#4 for 3rd prize.
Still a bit more to work out, but theres some ideas.

  • Re : Kaiser Player run bb vs bb Tournament

    11. 07. 2011 20:51

All valid points to consider No1shero at the moment I will look into a mod holding the credits for entry fees and yes lets make it 2m entree for this first one and we will see how it goes and it is a knock out tournament so the one who gets prizes is the winner but I may add some credit from my personal lot to give more incentive to join in and maybe some prem items to. I am glad for your ideas on the topic and I am looking at setting a def time it just depends on my work and other issues that may come us. I believe it will be a fast run event so we can have say 3 weeks for each tier which would mean more people throughout a month and such win but I am thinking of adding a rule about doubling up in tier tournaments because we don't want 1 team winning everything. but you are right and have shown me some things that need to work on.

I have updated the Information on the original post to give more information on times tiers and fee's please feel free to ask questions.


  • Re : Kaiser Player run bb vs bb Tournament

    11. 07. 2011 21:48

I'll post a link to this on the Kaiser FL boards to draw some more interest.

  • Re : Kaiser Player run bb vs bb Tournament

    11. 07. 2011 23:01

Originally Posted by angus725

I'll post a link to this on the Kaiser FL boards to draw some more interest.

Thanks angus :D

  • Re : Kaiser Player run bb vs bb Tournament

    11. 07. 2011 23:06

a mate of mine just gave me a good idea for this kind of tournament, I will also add a PBB and EBB tier battles to the list as we all have at least one of these we never use :D

Yes I understand that there are 3 EBB's but I think we could do it like EBB1 and EBB2 event or EBB2 and EBB3 if u get what I mean.

  • Re : Kaiser Player run bb vs bb Tournament

    11. 07. 2011 23:32

I have 2 points I'd like to bring:

1st - Scouts

T6 scouts are currently unbalanced. Some nations can mount a lot of them on lower level ships, some cannot. But overall, they also are quite imbalanced. I'd heavily suggest limiting them to T5. Also, T6 can shoot down any other scouts quite easily, excepted another T6.

2nd - Time.

If you want your event to get any success, don't forget this is NFNA. I understand your frustration at the server main events being centered around times that aren't ideal for you, but 11 pm EST would mean you'd lose a lot of people potentially participating.

Not making it in the middle of the afternoon, I can understand. But know that past 5-6pm EST (2-3 PST server time) you lose Europe. Past 8-9 PST its the east coast that won't be there also.

I'd be quite curious to see the amount of players that come from the Americas and Europe, but I'm quite sure they make a good chunk of the server population. Its the reason FL at the time its currently held.

Server peek times are normally around 4 PST through 7 PST. (server time). I'd suggest keeping to them.

Oh and saturday can mean HA day. So some team might be unable to attend due to one or more of their member being stuck in an HA.

  • Re : Kaiser Player run bb vs bb Tournament

    11. 07. 2011 23:36

why u want to ref: Help out
what fleet u are in: VetS
how long have u played NF: Too long

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