HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Kaiser 3v3 BB Tournament **Registrations open**

    11. 06. 2011 02:13

Hello everyone,
I am in the process of setting up a player run tournament.
It will be 3v3 teams of 3 bb's a side.

Rules: *(Final)= rules set in concrete.
>3 BB's a side 1 subsitute  (Final)
>No smoke (Final)
>best of 3 games (if bb crashs within 30 seconds of start a rematch is done) (Final)
>any crew setup (Final)
>No PHH/HH (Premium Hedgehog) (Final)
>No escort (Final)
>AA is aloud (Final)
>Tier 4 scout and below (Final)
>No Border Humping (this means planes & ships) (Final)
>No BB/CV Setups *aka Ise (Final)
>Any rule Breaking will mean you automatically lose that game(Final)

How to enter:
Beta run is open we need 16 teams of bb4's send vk222u a pm with the following:
>Team name:
>Team Members (3):
>Subsitute name (1):
>any extra info you want to add

BB3, 3m team fee
BB4, 5m team fee

I have a reply from TNF, they said if the teams entered don't want to trust me with the fees we can use a tnf member to hold onto credits, so once I have 16 teams I will ask all teams how they feel about this issue.

Time of battles:
Time is to be decided by Teams (A) & (B) each team will be given 3 days from match/draw information release if no time is made one will be made for you as we do not want the Tournament  to be help up.

I have created a Microsoft Exel spreadsheet which I have set up a teamlist which will place teams vsing each other at random everytime, this will be used for the knock-out Tournament.

*What a Referee says is final. *Referees will be drawn for each round.
> vk222u
> No1shero

application for referees are open pm me with the following:
email: (for contact purposes)
why u want to ref:
what fleet u are in:
how long have u played NF:

Prizes: *What you all have been waiting for xD
The prize is a major part of this event, otherwise why would you entrer... For Fun haha thats a good one (yes enter for fun) but the prize will be the entry fee, it will go to the team which wins, I would give a 2nd and 3rd but this is a knock out tournament so  for now it will be 1st only wins. Yes once we get enough people say 32 teams we will do a 2nd and 3rd


*Stickied by Angus725* 


  • Re : Kaiser 3v3 BB Tournament **Registrations open**

    11. 18. 2011 09:50

Cool Registrations are open I will go get 3 mates and make a team expect a pm with info soon.

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