HA Infomation



  • KM BB?

    06. 24. 2012 11:00


I've been thinking about getting a 2nd BB line and KM is on my list but I'm kind of hesitant due to  things i heard and experienced about KM BBs. Is it worth getting one of these?

(plz say more than just yes or no)


  • Re : KM BB?

    07. 01. 2012 00:17


Originally Posted by the_slasher

NO.   I have an elite km lvl 102 h39.  its just not worth the grind.  maybe if they were  smaller ships and had harder hitting guns and stronger lower lvl ships it be worth it.

Sounds like you are leveling RM...

  • Re : KM BB?

    07. 01. 2012 03:08


well at lvl the spread is a issue, but as soon as gunner hit 115+- it gets good enough to make full hits. KM is its own playstyle (not including O-Pro2 which is a awesome rush ship, at least the ebb version). All other nations make a in and out fight to land a good shot and dmg th opponent badly but km is more like just a bit in to barely reach enemy and then again just a bit out to evade enemy fire by 1mm and beeing able to go in in the next second.


in short:

USN,RN,IJN,MN,SN,RM+OPro2=rush or run

KM+m.onty110=push or counterrush

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