HA Infomation



  • Kaiser damage consistency.

    11. 18. 2012 11:47


I've been wondering about Kaiser's damage.
It seems like on the old H44.
HE hits 6-15 k on some salvos and on others it punch for about 50k if you luckily got all shells landed which is rather very rare. The spread between 6k and 50-60k salvos is insane.
AP ammo is the same even if not worse, it does terrible low damage and bounces like hell on low angles. Trying to hit AW QV or L2 with AP is a big joke, 10-15k average or maybe even less. Under 30 degree l2 and QV bounce your AP ammo making it almost impossible to damage enemy that rushes you.

Any own experiences and thoughts ?


  • Re : Kaiser damage consistency.

    01. 04. 2013 11:33


damage c.onsistency= shell weight.

  • Re : Kaiser damage consistency.

    01. 06. 2013 16:17


been playing some games with kaiser in BB select mode during the event to pick up the kaiser skills..
it didn't really give me too much trouble against all sorts of ships
sure, fixing the damage consistancy would be really nice, but i think it is somehow how kaiser gain its edge over other BB6s with its spread.... oh well..
all i want to fix about the kaiser is the damage consistancy, both HE/AP 

  • Re : Kaiser damage consistency.

    01. 11. 2013 13:12


It's discouraging when Phat has no hope for it.

  • Re : Kaiser damage consistency.

    01. 31. 2013 22:43


Originally Posted by Gundamx2

been playing some games with kaiser in BB select mode during the event to pick up the kaiser skills..
it didn't really give me too much trouble against all sorts of ships
sure, fixing the damage consistancy would be really nice, but i think it is somehow how kaiser gain its edge over other BB6s with its spread.... oh well..
all i want to fix about the kaiser is the damage consistancy, both HE/AP 

It's kinda discouraging when you do 2 34k salvo's on 2 BB5s... Later on a L2 rushes you and then I am thinking, I have not the right spread for this and if I am lucky I don't do the damage needed. 
I don't know why they make this mistake twice... H44 and now Kaiser, I hope this will take less time then the fix for the H44, thanks for awesome H44 Richard :D It would be fun to oneshot something, with or without luck...

  • Re : Kaiser damage consistency.

    02. 14. 2013 15:57


Comparing H44/L2 and Kaiser/QV isn't fair to the KM ships. UK is the antichrist of KM, and it's that way all through the levels. Just like IJN is to UK. And KM to US.

  • Re : Kaiser damage consistency.

    02. 15. 2013 07:49


I am comparing how the mechanic of Kaiser vs QV is flawed, and not comparing them in a balancing environment.

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