HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • statistics for boxes

    12. 28. 2014 06:32


At the end of the event, if a significant number of players would post their
page showing what they won, a count could be made and some statistics

As an example, if there are 100 boxes total count and only 1 EBB coupon, then the
drop rate is 1%.

Personally, my EBB drop rate is 1.4% of all boxes and I suspect it will go lower.

15% of my drops are HH and 12% are experts X 100.  This will change as the event goes on.

You could post your page here and then everyone could do their own stats especially if
you have a thousand boxes to look at.

Have at it if you want but only after event ends.


  • Re : statistics for boxes

    01. 03. 2015 03:12


Originally Posted by ErwinJA

People are making a big deal because the event this is replacing had a guaranteed EBB coupon at the end! If it wasn't a guarantee in the previous event, or it was in this one, most of the complaints would not be here. But when you promise something to be won, and then remove the reward, people who would have gotten it get understandably upset.

So what? Including today (3rd Jan. :D) there are still 36 boxes to get till the end of the event. Means 36 chances to get the one coupon dropped. I can see the hate train moving forward after event finished and people haven't received such a coupon. Yet the event setup changed due to a well-meant, but poorly executed bingo event. Now there is no right to gain a coupon. Thats life.

Also not forget that this won't be the last event to receive an ebb coupon. For now it is only about being one of the first to get access to a new ride. And peoples ego is going crazy when they can't be posing with the latest toy in GB. Most people cant even handle bb4, how are they supposed to control and make use of ebb6?

This whole "discussion" at the moment, as long as the event is still running, is beyond being pathetic!

  • Re : statistics for boxes

    01. 03. 2015 03:22


Gonna drop my statistics here too.
100 boxes opened so far:

2x "Veteran Increase +1"
8x "Expert Increase +10"
16x "Smoke Bombs"
11x "Hedgehogs"
8x "Veteran Increase +10"
5x "Expert increase +100"
9x "Premium sailors"
6x "H.Q. expansion"
7x "Ship Tree Reset"
2x "Elite Potential"
0x "Elite Engine"
0x "Elite Bomber"
3x "Elite Repair"
5x "Elite Fighter"
2x "100 Olives"
10x "EXP +30%"
0x "5 Medals"
4x "10 Medals"
1x "Neutral Sailor Lv. 90"
1x "EBB, ECV Coupon"

Since I openend 100 boxes these numbers can be transformed into percentages right away. 

  • Re : statistics for boxes

    01. 03. 2015 04:56


I will never be without 30% on a win and without bo resets. 

  • Re : statistics for boxes

    01. 03. 2015 08:20


at this point, its fairly easy to see how the award system works.    The awards are set up in a table with a "random number" or per centage  value for each item.

A simple 3 item example:  Smoke, HH, EBB. and a random number generator range of 1 thru 10.

This would work like so.    60% Smoke, 30% HH, 10% for EBB.   Generate Random number 1 thru 6 and you get smoke.  7 thru 9, you get HH.  Generate a 10 and get an EBB.

Of course, the table for the event is much larger then the imaginary 3 item example.

When you open the box and your "icon" starts spinning, the random number generator is cycling thru the numbers.   The moment you stop the "icon", what ever number is "stopped" is checked against  the table.    Then you are awarded the prize.

There is little doubt, based on the statistics that some items are more likely to be prizes then others as they have a larger range of "random numbers".  

Question:  Does this mean that the longer I play, the more likely I will win and EBB coupon?

Answer:  The chance to  win an EBB coupon is very small and no matter how many times you open a box, that probability doesn't change.   However, in the long run, the more times you open a box, the is a chance that the right number will turn up.   I doesn't mean it will, it just means you have more chances and in this case, statistics are your friend.

Question:  Is there a limit to the number of particular item I can win?

Answer:   Unknown.  There is no data that infers this.    This is at the whim of the programmer.   It is possible that there is a limited number of EBB or other coupons available and when this limit is reached, other items are substituted.   If this is the case, no matter how many boxes you open, you cannot get the "item".   One might suspect that the EBB coupon would be limited to a certain number, which would increase the "value" of the EBB.   Again, this is only speculation.

Question:   I recieved tons of HH.  Why?

Answer:  Obviously this is about the easiest award.  There has been an onging complaint about SS being too powerful.   By handing out lots of HH, you hand out a SS counter.  Perhaps,  In a way SDE has listen to the complaints and taken a step to lessen the impact of the SS.   This is pure speculation.

Feel free to look at these data and draw conclusions.  Thats why its being compiled.   Thanks to all that are doing so.

  • Re : statistics for boxes

    01. 03. 2015 12:53


You all got the short end of the EBB stick that's all I know.

80 some boxes total.

  • Re : statistics for boxes

    01. 03. 2015 13:02


after 100 boxes

  • Re : statistics for boxes

    01. 03. 2015 13:35


Lucky people.. I'm 51 boxes in and not even a sniff of a EBB/ECV. I am pretty sure SDE has decided I'm not worthy of getting one.

  • Re : statistics for boxes

    01. 03. 2015 15:35


I think this system is seriously unfair when someone gets for example 5 ebb coupons after 80 boxes and me 0 coupons after 169 boxes. This is ridiculous.

  • Re : statistics for boxes

    01. 04. 2015 06:44


There are two possible answers to the 5 Ebb boxes.

1 is photoshop......there is another thread where someone photoshopped a very large number of EBB.   This was done as a joke.

2.   It is factual.   The random number(s) required to get an EBB are just that.  Random.
It is possible that a player could win 5 (or more) EBB coupons.    5 or more is a statistical streatch but not beyond the realm of impossiblity.

  • Re : statistics for boxes

    01. 05. 2015 14:23


OK after 104 boxes here is my listing

Vet +1 = 4

Expert +10 = 9

Smokes = 8

HH = 14

Vet +10 = 6

Expert +100 = 5

Premium Sailor = 7

HQ Expansion = 14

Ship Tree Reset = 7

Elite Pot = 2

Elite Engi = 2

Elite Bomber = 2

Elite Repair = 1

Elite Fighter = 4

Exp +30% = 15

Medals +5 = 0

Medals +10 = 3

Neut Sailor = 0


My only issue is that 14 HQ and I cant use any cause my HQ is already at 20 pages 

1 2 3 4 5 6 7