HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • SS vs SS warfare needs fixing

    12. 12. 2011 13:29

SS vs SS warfare usually seems to involve both SS sitting in crit dive until their torps reload, then coming back up and waiting for the other sub to come up, firing, and submerging again. The victor comes out severly lacking in air, and the loser comes out with very small amounts of attack. Even more broken is that it essentially comes down to who reloads faster. It especially hurts SS 1,2, and to a lesser extent 3, because by the time they're done they're at half health from crit diving and almost out of air. I'm not sure what can be done to fix it, I'm not a game designer, but I do know something needs to be fixed because in its current state, SS vs SS is just not fun unless you somehow manage to get into a real duel, and even then lower SS get screwed because they won't have enough air to do any real damage after that.


  • Re : SS vs SS warfare needs fixing

    12. 13. 2011 20:14

i understand completely DD in general games are in the same boat (pun)

they are ways to bypass by training the ss crew on a surface ship in blitz or in general games (you would make exp faster)

then you get to level 60 and you can jump right into your ss3 and have a slight chance against the higher subs

but ....

training in the ss1's and 2's will condition you...its hard as hell now but when you get higher up, your skills you learn will make the next class even that much more better when you gain more speed and air and better torps

i was lucky enough to start the ss1 when they came out and only ss1 were around and we all were noob ss and no HH around...its alot harder these days but training these days you have to chance to learn from the vets and learn the secrets and skills by observing how we do it... we didnt.

just do your best and work with the team..eventually you will be able to take it all on your own and perhaps even be one of the best...its a matter of doing your time and working hard

i would suggest to level up in blitz (raise a good engineer too) and youll be ok..but most of the people that power level to sub have no idea how to be effective in a sub..hence normal sub training teaches more

  • Re : SS vs SS warfare needs fixing

    12. 14. 2011 08:28

Brother subs..
Altsein does have good stratagies, well worth observing

Altsein only seeks the truth and is an honorable sub captain.... ..that is why he is the ultimate sub.
He types in broken english because he is Romanian (and a former officer), therefore his posts are difficult to interpret.

now is the time for all subs to rise above the oppression of paperships and star trek HH.

  • Re : SS vs SS warfare needs fixing

    12. 14. 2011 10:35

Wonder if I can be the ultimate sub if I reset my kaiser BO for SS, then talk so much I fail all the time, on top of that I get owned by PHH(which is the weapon that was designed to kill SS) and whine about how over powered they are. I want my SS to be able to go all the way to B.F.E. then do what it does, turn around and go back without coming up for air. I don't want ASW to be able to see me, and I want no reload time on my SS.

Altsein speak the truth? Yea, I will give you that he is one of the better SS drivers, but is not the best... far from it. Alt want's SS buffed to the point where they will rule the game. Yea no... my 4 year old daughter makes more sense then him.

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