HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • GB strategies for non-BB,CV,SS

    03. 23. 2012 19:30

Recommend : 1


Just curious,

In the event that you are levelling a relatively new BO with crew otherwise too highly levelled to participate in blitz, what are good strategies for surviving and gaining attack in GB?  One thing I've noticed, since the days of my old account, is that the variety of ships in G.B. has diminished immensely (and yes, those were in the days of blitz).  Whereas you used to have dynamic, line-changing battles with all levels of ships represented ... G.B. to more or less have become a high-end BB slug-fest - one in which, by the time the initial lines change, the battle has already been decided.  So, say you're a Mogami or Baltimore or whatever .. who just happens to have disproportionately high-levelled gunners and supports which prevent participation in blitz:  how do you survive and contribute to your team in a meaningful manner?


  • Re : GB strategies for non-BB,CV,SS

    04. 05. 2012 05:27


I do not have a problem playing smaller ships in GB at all, in fact I think its useful and a benefit to be a distraction too other sides ships. Yes I get sunk alot but feel that I have done my part to help my team. I usually as previously mentioned,use this oppurtuinity to equip with HH and SS hunt or sink other smaller ships.

Now as far as "little" ships being told by some annoyed BB,CV players to "go play Blitz rooms" I say "stick It" where the sun doesnt shine. 

Now for suggested strategy, I try to act as a scout when playing a high speed DD,FF and scoot up the middle  (or North or South borders), make sure you do NOT travel in a straight line,turn back and or N, or S, and recharge your OH. When being shot at go to overheat and charge straight at enemy ship, usually gives the target no time to adjust fire.


  • Re : GB strategies for non-BB,CV,SS

    04. 15. 2012 08:42


There's ASW and Anti-Air duties.

CA-BB2 are totaly obsolete.  THey are obsolete because of newer, more powerful models that superseded them.

CV1 and CV2 are totally obsolete.  Not because of the ship platform, but because they usually carry T1 and T2 fighters. The fighters are obsolete because of newer, more powerful models that superseded them.

SS1-SS2 are totally obsolete.  They are obsolete becaue of newer, more powerful models that superseded them.  They were competitive before SS4 came out.

If a new BB7 came out, the BB3s and BB4s would be totally obsolete.

The BB1 became obsolete when the BB5 came out.  A BB1 may not be as good as a BB2-2, 3 or 4, but it has a fighting chance.  Not so with a BB5 or 6.  A BB1 vs a BB5/6 might as well just pull the plug and scuttle yourself first. You won't be able to land one shell before you are sunk.   Same for CVs and SS, etc.

NF creates new models and it automatically degrades the lower models into obsolescence.  It just occurs due to the improvement in the newer model.  Unfortunately, you have to grind through those models to get to the newer ones.

Yes, you have a BB-dominated game.  More specifically, a BB5 dominated game.  The best solution to handle all those BB5s is another BB5 or a PCV or an SS5.

ASW is very important.  In games without ASW, an entire side can be demolished with a good sub and a good set of BBs backing him up.  A sub provides vision when scouts can't get through AA, and that makes a big difference.

A well run FF with Depth Charges is all you need.  Get a good sonarman and find a fast DD or CL and you can run AA also. 

BBs do not disrespect you, they really appreciate your lighting up a sub and alerting them.   They want you to stay clear of their firing areas, they maneuver and need  a lot of space.

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