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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • CV6 V.s BB6

    05. 06. 2010 08:36

So Right now I have 2 B.Os, 1 is in Kongo and 1 is in Ryujo. Im planning on lvling one
of them to 120 first be which 1 should it be? For the people who say just lvl both I
shall say no. I want to do 1 fully then do the next.
Amagi= Decent BB6, But Shells are in the air FOREVER. Great AA.
De Grasse= Looks nice xD, alot to pay for repair, most plane space, Fits guns for
close combat, Costy like Amagi.
Keep giving me the Pros and Cons for these 2 ships pls and tell me in your opinion
which would be best to lvl first. And I will be using prem(50% chance) or not.

  • Re : CV6 V.s BB6

    08. 23. 2010 19:39

dont get me wrong i like cvs also but i think their equally god

  • Re : CV6 V.s BB6

    08. 23. 2010 19:38

lol angus ur right i cant do that in a cv but i can get many more creds in a cv1

  • Re : CV6 V.s BB6

    08. 23. 2010 19:30

This really got offtheme LOL...

Wel it depends entirelly on what u want and need for your fleet. If you are not in a
fleet, I suggest u go for the amagi.

Amagi is the worst BB6 both for GB and HA(Altought having 2 or 3 doing AA isn't a
bad idea). But IJN De Grasse is problly the best SCV for HA and GB's.

The discussion about BEST SCV VS BEST SBB is idiotic... it depends on what "best"
means. I think in such a situation it would depend more on luck then "skills". A skilled
blind BB6 can easily be killed by noob rushing BB5's. Also, CV6 can also easily lose
against 1 lvl 120 PCV with good BB players.

I would say go for the BB6 if you wanna play for the fun of it and use the BB supports
to make yourself a uber cool IJN SS so you can easily kill ANGUS725 without much
skills in game xD and type LOL afhterwards...

I started playing NF with CV, and by the time I reached CV4 I started a BB line since
Playing CV at high level is really boring. AND bombing is a really good idea with cv1
and cv2. with CV3 is where the break even point is where using fp or bombers might
be just as good of an idea. Using bombers only from cv4 to cv6 is where it starts to
be a nooby idea.(unless you are really good at manual bombing that is).

btw thanks to the fact I did CV, by the time I reached my BB6, I had more then
enough credits and points to buy it. So if you wanna be able to buy easily your bb6,
do the CV line to or trade allot. For the cv6 you won't need to trade much.

Winrate depends on many factor including disconecting when losing or leeching. I
personally never had lower then 49% winrate and remained about at 50% untill I
reached my CV4(about 6000 games(back in the ol days with no premium -.-")). Is
where I started my BB line and since I
played ALLOT with CA, I already knew how to play with BB and my winrate started
increasing when I started the BB line. ironiclly I reached the BB6 before the CV6.
Grinding in CV takes about two times longer and it's boring if you wanna win(fp-
whoring ftw).

NOTE: You learn on how to play bb in a CV(since you can see everything in a CV),
and you can learn how to play good in CV doing BB line first(you know what bb
needs(usually fps))

Every medal has two sides, remember that wel people!

  • Re : CV6 V.s BB6

    08. 13. 2010 11:13

ye, forgot to remove that as my jollyroger_ account has a _ at the end there.

  • Re : CV6 V.s BB6

    08. 12. 2010 10:54


Necro ftw... sorry, I just wanted to see if mine worked. :)

EDIT: Aaaand I guess it didn't. And I look pretty dumb for trying. That sucks. :
EDIT EDIT: Yay I gots it to works!... you have an extra underscore in there at the end.

  • Re : CV6 V.s BB6

    05. 26. 2010 11:45

i would post mine, but i cant.
Angus knows my stat's :P lol

  • Re : CV6 V.s BB6

    05. 25. 2010 18:12

Post the account name and server, I'll do it for you then...

  • Re : CV6 V.s BB6

    05. 25. 2010 17:37

Tryed it, it sats unknown user

  • Re : CV6 V.s BB6

    05. 25. 2010 15:19

How much more detail do you need to understand me?

As for your stats, use this:
<*img src="">

Without the * and replace the serverhere and namehere with yours.

  • Re : CV6 V.s BB6

    05. 25. 2010 14:07

Sure, Uhm first can you tell me where to go to find that cool looking sign that shows
your account. And you haven't answered my last post yet.
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