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  • anti sub warfare

    03. 13. 2011 07:06

in GB and GB2, one of the deadliest lurk under the ship, exspecially KM and IJN subs,
so here are some tips for you DD and FF users.

1.) stay close to your capital ships (BB, CV, BC, CA) as they are completly blind to
subs attack.

2.) move in threes, always in threes or more to triangulate the enemy position.

3.) always load a SONARMAN, hes cruitial in sub hunt, ignore the repairer or engine,
they are useless in DD.

4.) load HH projector of r slot, and depth charge launcher on T slot. guns are
acceptable if you want some AA or surface capability.

5.) speed, speed, speed, forget armor, grab all your speed and manueverabilty.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 18. 2011 19:32

a few add ons to the previously mentioned list:

-if you're got sonar on your FF-CL sized ship, or any others that can detect subs.
don't goose your engines to max, when you go "into the red" you lose the ability to
detect the sub until you slow down to normal speeds. and it's easy for a sub to slip
out of range while you're moving around to follow.

-stay close to them while they're submerged. Subs have a safety range on their
torpedoes. if you're inside of it, they'll thud into you, but won't explode (the same
goes for Torpedo Bombers off a CV, only their range is much smaller before they go

-of course, there goes the obvious, when a sub surfaces, get out of the way because
it's likely to attract a lot of firepower, and you don't want to be caught up in it. (the
same can be said if there's people launching HH at it while it's submerged.
some/many players will take a lowly DD/FF/CL out if it takes the Sub out in the same

-what goes down, must come up. any sub, no matter how high level it's planesman,
or how high the skill rating, premium or otherwise, can stay down forever. you may
notice BBs will take potshots at any surfaced sub coming accross the middle of the
map, forcing them down (and hopefully doing damage while they're at it). to sooner
you can force them down the sooner they're likely to come back up. once they're in
amongst your side, harrass them (hopefully without getting sunk yourself by them)
until they surface, using HH, or just detecting them so BB and CV can avoid them,
then pound them flat when they pop up into gun range.

and in the unlikely, or I should say, most likely event that your only warning is the
"torpedoes spotted" blaring accross your speakers, blindly carpet bombing the area
they're coming from with HH is sometimes your only option. and while they can
critical dive down to try and avoid HH/Torpedoes, any damage you can do will force
the sub back up faster. then you can finish it off quickly.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 18. 2011 16:11

oh i dont like ASW, thats prem HH have very big damage.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 17. 2011 21:14


ASW? What nooo. No one does that anymore.

As to respond to the first reply to this thread.

As Starluck said that is illegal and is punishable. It is called ghosting. It is very easy to
know when it is happening when your the only ship left and there are only 3 CV's left
on the enemy team and you get randomly torpedo bombed and die while submerged.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 15. 2011 17:46

I guess we are both doing almost the exact same thing with only the slightest differences.
We'll just keep going around now agreeing with each other, so I guess I'll leave it go
here. Good luck with your future fleet!

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 15. 2011 16:24

"""Again, you and I are in total agreement about the facts you presented. Where we
differ again is how we attack the problem. I have specially stripped down DD crews.
They are high level to gain the benefits but have only vets and exps. I planned my
ASW crew around this concept as opposed to doing it just to level. I strip down my
sailors as individuals where as you seem to remove them. Either way, none of that
is explained in the initial post."""

I see in that case I think we are even more similar with regard to this then. I too
strip my sailors recruits down and use as many vets and exp as I can. I've planned
mine around this concept also and my 4 british destroyer crews will continue with
this even once there are no more levels to rise. I've got every sailor onboard
reduced also but just removed the engineer in order to keep the sonarman with as
many recruits possible so as little % gained in the officers is lost due to low recruits.
But meh maybe our ship and non-crewing setups caused our differences, the
proportions weve dropped our armament crews to and such. I guess we agree upon
the basics and rules so lets leave it at that heh? Could go on posting until death. :D

Sorry I am not disputing that the poster in posting this did not consider this very
much or explain the tips very much. Just that some very basic statements are true, I
agree the exact teamwork tactic that was given is not viable. I agree no one else
either is going to go along with my teamwork in game unless I am playing the assist
role (shadowing so others can OH or being the bait in order to give other destroyers
a clear run) just that teamwork against submarines should you be able to get it
going would be a winner. Maybe with my flotilla once I start it I will luckily get some
other dedicated royal navy destroyer captains intent upon the overall goal rather
than the notches on thier score board in the mess. :D

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 15. 2011 14:55

I put just a sonar/asdic operator as your sight is everything I believe. I agree
regarding repairers and restorers I think they are even more pointless than
engineers. So engineers are the next most important support sailor within A/S
destroyers I agree. As I said the OH can be good in order to OH straight towards
the submarine should you already be a gonner or in order to dodge a torpedo or as
you say in order to escape larger ships that intervene.

(On this point, I think that you and I are saying roughly the same thing. I am in
agreement with the facts you are presenting, but we just approaching the problem differently)

However once your crew is getting too large (assuming your using your A/S
destroyer more than to just level up to a cruiser) you will need to reduce recruits
upon your sailors to make them fit onto your destroyer. And the tonnage that is
being used up by those engineers is better spent in my opinion on keeping the
sonar/asdic operators at thier peak. Keeping the distance at which you can spot
those submarines as large as possible: larger the sight range the larger the area
you sweep whilst on your patrols, the more warning you get than a submarine is
nearby, the safer the distance you can shadow those submarines at. Next in line to
keep as many recruits as possible is the bridge operator seeing as they affect the
distance you can spot torpedoes at.

(again, you and I are in total agreement about the facts you presented. Where we differ
again is how we attack the problem. I have specially stripped down DD crews. They are high
level to gain the benefits but have only vets and exps. I planned my ASW crew around this
concept as opposed to doing it just to level. I strip down my sailors as individuals where
as you seem to remove them. Either way, none of that is explained in the initial post)

Regarding the working in groups again I know barely anyone just happening to be
in the same game is going to coordinate rather than try getting the stat by to being
a loner screwing the overall objective. However that does not matter as working
together would still provide the best strategies against a submarine. Does a great
strategy stop being one just because no-one uses it? Majority in destroyers just go
straight towards the enemy battle line in order to get blown up does that mean
thats the best strategy to use in order to be a usefull destroyer rather than going
as a dedicated A/S destroyer? I reckon the coordination may be available within
squadrons (flotillas to us destroyers and frigates ;D) or fleets I dunno although I
wish to create my own flotilla eventually.

(I agree with you that charging at the enemy is a HORRIBLE idea for a DD. If you see an
ASW DD, they tend not to do that. I think that you are also correct in that fleet on fleet
combat, teamwork is much better coordinated! Getting back to the topic on hand, he is
talking about these "threes" and "triangulating" Good luck! That means that one poor DD is
closest to the enemy battle line and is as good as dead as some BB1 that can't range out
BBs is going to blast him for something to do. As far as the other two points go, that is
a great concept, but good luck finding someone that wants to waste 5 minutes waiting for
the room to start, then waste another 2-3 minutes waiting for the SS to come, then spend
another 2-3 minutes "triangulating" while someone else kills the sub and then finishes the
game, wasting another 5 minutes in a DD USUALLY (not always, but usually) unable to make
another meaningful contribution to the game. The feeling, walking away from a game like
that isn't too good.)

Yes, I do some ASW in a DDX sometimes. No, I'm no superstar with huge stats. I'll tell you
that when you do ASW, sometimes you don't get to shoot at a sub and you try to do other
things to help out. A L60 guy asking all these people to waste all their time isn't going
to fly very far. People simply aren't going to do it; its unrealistic.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 15. 2011 14:14

You need to understand what constructive criticism means. If you get offended from
people pointing out that you are wrong because you put little effort in creating your
post then you should think twice before posting in the first place.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 15. 2011 14:09

Lionel it is Po not Co. ;D

I put just a sonar/asdic operator as your sight is everything I believe. I agree
regarding repairers and restorers I think they are even more pointless than
engineers. So engineers are the next most important support sailor within A/S
destroyers I agree. As I said the OH can be good in order to OH straight towards
the submarine should you already be a gonner or in order to dodge a torpedo or as
you say in order to escape larger ships that intervene.

However once your crew is getting too large (assuming your using your A/S
destroyer more than to just level up to a cruiser) you will need to reduce recruits
upon your sailors to make them fit onto your destroyer. And the tonnage that is
being used up by those engineers is better spent in my opinion on keeping the
sonar/asdic operators at thier peak. Keeping the distance at which you can spot
those submarines as large as possible: larger the sight range the larger the area
you sweep whilst on your patrols, the more warning you get than a submarine is
nearby, the safer the distance you can shadow those submarines at. Next in line to
keep as many recruits as possible is the bridge operator seeing as they affect the
distance you can spot torpedoes at.

Regarding the working in groups again I know barely anyone just happening to be
in the same game is going to coordinate rather than try getting the stat by to being
a loner screwing the overall objective. However that does not matter as working
together would still provide the best strategies against a submarine. Does a great
strategy stop being one just because no-one uses it? Majority in destroyers just go
straight towards the enemy battle line in order to get blown up does that mean
thats the best strategy to use in order to be a usefull destroyer rather than going
as a dedicated A/S destroyer? I reckon the coordination may be available within
squadrons (flotillas to us destroyers and frigates ;D) or fleets I dunno although I
wish to create my own flotilla eventually.

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 15. 2011 12:29

I'm not mean. I just don't like it when people are giving bad advice. What do you think
happens if people start listening what you said and end up in failure??? Perhaps the best
thing that could happen is you change your initial post and fix it up or perhaps we get a
mod to lock it?

  • Re : anti sub warfare

    03. 15. 2011 05:41

wow, some people are so mean
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