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  • New Middle east strategy thread.

    03. 25. 2011 10:19

This thread is about current events in the Middle east and your opinion on them.

Please refrain from bashing.

Personally my greatest fear is that by interfering in Libya the UN has inadvertently
opened a pandora's box. Many nations in the world have policies of violence towards
revolutionaries. Is the UN going to step in everywhere?

The reason I ask is today Syrians began large protests to force government reform.
However, Syria is well known for violence towards protesters and indeed many have died
already. It's my personal opinion that they are hoping for the UN to step in as they have
in Libya and that had the UN not gotten involved those protesters would still be alive.
Some of them are so desperate for change that indeed they would and have died to bring it
about for their families.

This thread is not about Syria or Libya only. Feel free to discuss any middle eastern topics.


  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    04. 03. 2011 14:56

The thinking in parts of the world astounded me.

They always turn to certain nations in times of needs, but when those Nations aren't being
called up on they are insulting them or burning their flags.

On the same note how ever they are some people over there desperately in need of the
Western Countries help, and I believe that is why Obama helped the Libyans.

  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    04. 03. 2011 09:30

It seems that with the latest riots over that guy in florida burning the koran many people
are beginning to see just that.

  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    04. 03. 2011 09:09

We should just leave that part of the world on their own. With the kind of mindsets
prevailing there, it's a hopeless cause anyway.

  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    04. 03. 2011 08:34

Perhaps if I watched much But they have definitely had an effect on you it
seems. You must have nightmares of fox news reporters under your bed at night. Do you hear
hanity calling your name from the closet when you close your eyes?

Edit: For future reference however I have a AP direct news feed. I rarely have need or
desire to watch any network news channel.

  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    04. 03. 2011 02:48

well we can see what fox news has done to your intelligence

  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    04. 02. 2011 10:03

Well you can't be looking to avoid a flame fest as you state or you wouldn't have
responded. So your probably just another partisan fool.

As for Obama and Bush they are virtually Identical.

The only thing that as of yet Bush has done that Obama hasn't is the Iraq debacle.
Otherwise Obama has either kept or expanded all the Bush era tomfoolery. (Executive power
grabs-more czars then bush-expanded spec ops and drone bombings in pakistan-backroom
closed deals-guantanamo-partisan bulldozing bills through congress- etc.)

So please tell me where Bush is so horrible in comparison to Obama?

@everyone else

My current though is that we should go ahead and pull all troops out of afghanistan except
our air power. Create a no travel zone along the pakistan border, flood the area with
unmanned drones and blow up anything that attempts to cross.

Leave Libya it was a bad idea to begin with.

  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    04. 02. 2011 04:11

I have a simple but deadly plan to resolve everything no more global warming no
more lack of rescousres the plan is simple and effective.


we will probably all die and its probably better than the world we are living in.

  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    04. 01. 2011 23:07

I say 3 main goals:

1. Leave Libya
2. Leave Iraq and Afghanistan
3. Leave the U.N.

And everyone get along.

  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    04. 01. 2011 22:45


He's not the worst...look through history at least he didn't get impeached like a few
others have.

  • Re : New Middle east strategy thread.

    04. 01. 2011 21:50

i dont really want to nor do i have to (lucky me) seeing as your taking your facts from
fox news, which by the way, makes you look pretty stupid as well

and i would be delighted to debate if

A) you weren't such a troll bating for flame fests to boost your own ego/epeen
B) you at least tried to base your theories on actual solid facts instead of rumors
C) you stopped dragging your political agenda into every debate

anyways i too think obama isnt that great, however he cant get as bad as bush, i
mean hes one of the all time worst presidents, comparing the two must be some kind of
joke right ?
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