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  • MN/SN CV gunspaces

    06. 02. 2011 08:52

This thread should be to discuss what guns cvs should carry. First of all this is the
state of play for the "old nations".

US: 0 r-space
UK: 0 r-space
IJN:0 r-space
KM: -

US: 0 r-space
UK: 0 r-space
IJN:47 r-space
6"/50 L single
3"/60 Dual
KM: 37 r-space
5"/45 single
4.1"/65 dual
3.46AA and 4.1AA

US: 24 r-spce
5" Mark15D single
UK: 0-43 r-space
6"/50 MarkXVII L single
4.7"/45 MarksXIX dual
IJN:47(136) r-space
6"/50 L single
3"/60 Dual
(6.1"/60 L trips)
KM: 37 r-space
5"/45 single
4.1"/65 dual
3.46AA and 4.1AA

US: 61 r-space
7"/45 Mark2 L single
5"/38 Mark38 L dual
5" and 3" aa guns
UK: 63 r-space
9.2"/51 MarkXII D single
6"/45 MarkXVII D dual
4"/45 L trips
IJN:65-73(136) r-space
6"/50 dual
(6.1"/60 L trips)
KM: 78 r-space
5.9"/55 L dual
3.46AA and 4.1AA and KM40

US: 140 r-space
8"/55 Mark11 (L) dual
6"/47 Mark16L trips with lots of ammo
8"/55 Mark13D trips with 1 bind
5"AA and 3"AA
UK: 82 r-space
9.2"/51 MarkXII L single
6"/50 MarkXXII L dual
4"/45 L trips
IJN:73/80 r-space
6"/50 L dual
KM: 88 r-space
11"/52 D single
6.75"/40 L/40s D dual
3.46AA and 4.1AA and KM40

US: 70 r-space
5"/38 Mark38 L dual
6"/53 Mark16 D dual
5"AA and 3"AA
UK: 70 r-space
9.2"/51 MarkXII N single
6"/50 MarkXVII N dual
4"/45 L trips
IJN:70 r-space
6"/50 D dual
KM: 70-r-space
5"/45 SK C/41
3.46AA and 4.1AA and KM40

US: 82 r-space
6"/53 Mark16 L dual
5" and 3" aa guns
UK: 83 r-space
9.2"/51 MarkXII L single
6"/50 MarkXXII L dual
4"/45 L trips
IJN:85 r-space
6"/50 L dual
KM: 85 r-space
11"/52 D single
6.75"/40 L/40s D dual
3.46AA and 4.1AA and KM40

PS: ammo wise IMO 2binds for a dual/1bind for single gun is enough since cvs arent for
long battle but for selfdefense against dd/cl/ss.
BTW i think cv6 never got balanced gunspace wise since they have all the same size altough
differnet gunsize and number of r-slots.

Important: if u want to suggest other r-spces as I do please do it the same way as I did
below and always give reason. not just "I feel this way".

  • Re : MN/SN CV gunspaces

    06. 07. 2011 12:38

So to get this towards a ending i will try following:
3.9inch duals for SN CV3
5.1inch dual with 2binds for SN CV4
MN PCV stays

This updated fersion i will PM to mailman hoping he will include it in the next patch.

for cv6 one only the changes to bring mn/sn to equal gunsize but not the "huge" cv6 fix.
Furthmoer i would like to delay the t2 db fual issue till BB5 110guns/t5 fighter patch

  • Re : MN/SN CV gunspaces

    06. 06. 2011 17:58

Things that are broken should still be fixed, fine tuning should come later thats all.

  • Re : MN/SN CV gunspaces

    06. 06. 2011 17:26

If we leave the gunspaces out for a CV project, make sure the current MN CV values on
the test server are not put onto live servers.

  • Re : MN/SN CV gunspaces

    06. 06. 2011 12:46

@ NIborGER:

I 100% agree on your bomber fuel point. KM gets the shaft on this one and
their DB arnt all that special compared to IJN/SN. If you notice ALOT of high level KM
players (myself included) use T1 DB as opposed to T2 because of how limited the fuel is.
35 seconds less then IJN with less attack power is no good.

KM DBs got hit HARD with the nerf stick in the ONF cv patch. Damage was swapped with IJN
while IJN got a fuel buff and got nothing. Atleast when KM fighters (T3) got an attack
nerf they got a very large speed buff.

ONF CV patch:

  • Re : MN/SN CV gunspaces

    06. 06. 2011 07:03

a thing i observed that might need working on is DB fuel
IJN: 165
US: 160
SN: 155
UK: 140
KM: 130

KM: 140
so why has KM t1 10 less fuel and why has IJN with highest dmg the highest fuel? Either
order Fuel dmg wise: more dmg less fuel or make them all have same fuel (same as t1 dbs)
and give them all 160 fuel.

Keep this in mind till aircraft/110guns patch

  • Re : MN/SN CV gunspaces

    06. 06. 2011 03:24

hmm i thought we could do cv1-pcv atleast.

I took a look at sn cv3/4 again and the only solution i see is to
a) change one of the 5.1inch singles so it matches range with one of the duals
b) limiting it to 3.9inch duals

version a) will be rather experimental since range changes (as far as i know) are rather
tricky and for b) i dont know how much less dmg they do and the range will be less

what would you preferr?

  • Re : MN/SN CV gunspaces

    06. 06. 2011 02:33

Let's put this and the aircraft in a total CV project.


  • Re : MN/SN CV gunspaces

    06. 03. 2011 03:48

I'm happy to go with you guys on this because:-

A) With RL issues, I don't have the time to check it personally.

B) If it turns out a CV has overpowered gunspace, it should only really affect CV wars.
For fleet events that aren't just all CV's, then restrictions can be put in place.

C) Hopefully we can then look at it in the CV/Aircraft project.

I personally see this MN/SN project as bringing them in line with the current content,
rather than balancing.

  • Re : MN/SN CV gunspaces

    06. 03. 2011 02:07

the thing with 8inch single sound good on paper but actually they take 71/81 r-space. I
dont know how many degrees the gunsolts can fire but when its 180 degrees(which i think) i
belive the duals are fine. I want to go with them now and if they appear OP when test them
we can change them.

to summerice:
everyone seem to be OK with:

in discussen:
MNPCV (trips with 2binds or not)
SNCV3 (OP by number of r-slots?)
SNCV4 (OP by number of r-slots?)

if u think another cv then these 3 need rework please say.

PS: will delay CV6 till T4fighter rebalance

  • Re : MN/SN CV gunspaces

    06. 03. 2011 01:13

I personally think, for the aircraft patch, we can look at CV's in general, especially the CV6

However, for the time being, changes should only be made to MN/SN to make them useable
like the other nations, or non overpowered.

That includes submergence, turning, plane loadout, planespace and gunslots.
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