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  • Reduce HH surface attack damage

    05. 29. 2009 07:26

If I can put 2 Hedgehogs (HH) on the front of my Z99, along with 1 DC launcher in
the T slot, and still go 83 knots... I should be capable of doing minimal damage...
Instead I can fictory at the enemy, dodge most oncoming BB shells, lock onto an
enemy DD/TWCL and send it to hell in just 2 shots at 2 degrees with my HH...

Consider that each premium HH fires 7 shells, each of a 7.2" calibre shell, which does
a proportionate amount of HE damage to ships... That's 14 shells I can unload in
someone's face instantly... All the while I can keep doing ASW work as I always
have - with DCs and using my speed to stay out of the way of reprisal torpedo

It is simply not feasible to have such a high power weapon (against actual ships not
submarines) on a DD with such a low weight that it does not impact on the DD's
speed at all... Using this setup is almost akin to exploiting the game: using an ASW
weapon as a better alternative to gun damage...

My suggestion is to reduce surface (point blank shots) by 50% whilst keeping the
current submerged damage... This can prevent any further abusing of the HH

  • Re : Reduce HH surface attack damage

    03. 28. 2010 04:52

It has more recc's


  • Re : Reduce HH surface attack damage

    02. 17. 2010 23:41

since HHs are MEANT to be ASW, we should might as well jus make it effective to an
SS. Like AA shells attacking aircrafts, bt not to ships. Bt if it does land on a ship, it
should only get 50 dmg off the ship, not ten times that number...

  • Re : Reduce HH surface attack damage

    02. 17. 2010 23:18

And they just got a 30% buff to damage? Thanks for the big F U, $DE.

  • Re : Reduce HH surface attack damage

    02. 14. 2010 16:47

So, because you think subs are overpowered, then HH should remain overpowered
for their surface damage? This has NOTHING to do with sinking a sub at this point.
This has every bit to do with the same thing people are whining about with subs.
Low level ships flat out obliterating high level ships due to something being
overpowered. (HH SURFACE damage in this case) In real life, subs were one of the
biggest threats to large ships, that is a fact and you can argue that all you want, but
it's still a fact. In real life HH's DID NOT ARM until they hit water. (That's a fact as
well, don't bother arguing that either)
So, subs are overpowered because they can make quick work of a BB? (they did that
historically anyway) And, HH's are overpowered because they can be used as a flat-
out UNFAIR surface weapon against people who don't spend the $ on this game like
others do. I can deal with the HH spam against my submerged sub. But I think $DE
ignoring the fact that the HH's are being used as unmatched surface weapons, is an
insult to the players of this game.

  • Re : Reduce HH surface attack damage

    02. 14. 2010 08:02

No recommended.

HH surface damage is extraordinary because its weapon againist extraordinary enemy -
submarines - overpowered by SDE.

Look, not many ASW ships can mount decent weapons for surface attack due to lack of T, R

Yes, its stupid when you blast poor DD wiht HH. But not stupid as SS concept in Navyfield.
Remove shell-proof SS defence and we can talk about HH surface reduction.

  • Re : Reduce HH surface attack damage

    02. 14. 2010 02:16


Just watched this video, I almost wanna call using HH's in this way an exploit. This is
proof that $DE is keeping HH's the way they are to make $ off player's who use
them in this fashion. So, since the large majority of us who don't think HH's should
be used like this don't spend $100's and $1000's on this game, our opinion is

  • Re : Reduce HH surface attack damage

    02. 10. 2010 03:12

it is obvious that the premium HH shouldn't be used or set to be used in this way.

anyway, now the ppl should priorize his target to ASW Moltke before any other BBs -v-

  • Re : Reduce HH surface attack damage

    02. 09. 2010 08:08

"I think HH are much too effective
Today I saw a SW Moltke with Prem HH rushing forward and killed an elite Iowa with
3 hits!!!
Thats not the way the game should be played!
Best way i think is they do no harm to surface ships like AA.
anotherway the balance of the game will shortly be lost... "

Its already lost with Subs. I like the way the HH are now. Its your fault if you dont
kill the lil guy if he rushes you and hits with HH's.

I say leave em as is.

  • Re : Reduce HH surface attack damage

    02. 08. 2010 10:52


cause whit a edmen full prem hh i 1 shot a uk pca and kill a noob l1 in the same
game. (lol 89k att cl game)

and like slayer said in a z99 u can 1 shot almost any dd cl and u dont need to be at
2 angle , 40 angle 1 shot are easy too.

but god reduce the reload of regular hh, ist stupid that we have to pay to hunt

  • Re : Reduce HH surface attack damage

    02. 08. 2010 10:26

I think HH are much too effective
Today I saw a SW Moltke with Prem HH rushing forward and killed an elite Iowa with
3 hits!!!
Thats not the way the game should be played!
Best way i think is they do no harm to surface ships like AA.
anotherway the balance of the game will shortly be lost...
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