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Marine Nationale


  • buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    08. 27. 2010 17:38

Actually, I would like to bring this issue into suggestion area since nobody bring this
issue in the "suggestion" forum. However I think it is better to discuss to all MN
drivers what need to be buffed.

In the barter area, it seemed that no one interested to buy/trade the MN BB crew
due to the MN BBs current nature (lack of accuracy and shell space)

I propose the MN bbs (bb3 and above, including PBB) to be buffed in the following
1. Accuracy
2. Shell space (2 more binds)
3. Speed (2-3 knots). The reason is, all MN BBs are the shortest range. And MN BBs
are the lightest BBs by nature due to the 4xCannon to save space and weight, right?


To recap:
Necessary buff:
1. Accuracy needs to be buffed from Dunk and up
2. Additional shell space
3. Speed needs to be buffed as well

Optional buff:
Total sailor in the Strasbourg should be the same as all BB3 (except UK BB3)


  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 18. 2010 05:00

but guns are 110+ ;)

dont even try it before that :P

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 17. 2010 16:23

@ wingmann the level requirement for the Alsace is the same as all other BB5s are

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 16. 2010 17:59

I think Mr. Pitt Possum resumed it quite nicely.

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 15. 2010 14:55

>>>All you need is Good Based and B/V/E crew even at-lvl.
check, still performes crappy until at least 30 levels above ship
>>>French is a very good nation in terms of Firepower(well the Alsace and Lyon With
>>>Normandie) and Speed.
You first say the nation has high firepower, and then you say one those 3 ships -.-
Dont get me wrong, i think BB1 have very good firepower (well they can use BB2 guns thats
why). BB2 are OK, but BB3 and 4 hit like girls, KM has a higher dmg output on those tiers,
and WAY (!!!) more range. BB5 firepower is on paar with UK and IJN, those however have
better spread making it easier to get huge hits. Btw MN armour penetration sucks hard, it
has what almost 19" 40 degree guns and cant get though some L1? L2, Monty and SY are way
better here.

Speedwise MN BBs are average at best, there are always BBs faster from other nations, and
not many BBs are slower.

>>>Well BB345 is very good in speed. Geez if you dont know how to use the Speed
>>>advantage on these ships Then I dont think you should play MN.
You dont want to tell me how to use a BB, belive me otherwise we can meet up for a 1 on 1
any time, and i show you how BBs are played. And as stated above, MN Speed is not THAT
fast that it can make up the range difference between ships, because there are always
faster ships with more range than the MN ones.
for the speeds (all with no bulge 0.2 belt)
BB3 goes 45knts max, with CA engine, damn hard to speedcap then, you will need BB6 crew to
speedcap it. With the supposed engine it goes 40 Knts (MN engines are fucked up all of em
the numbers are complete wrong, engine space is in no relation to HP like with all the
other nations). And hey sodak is haster, has more range, and more firepower, well every
BB3 has more firepower than strasbourg, except for 11" O2 maybe, but thats outranging
stras by miles then, and is only 1 knt slower.

BB4 goes 40 Knts, hey so do all the other BB4, some are only capped at 40 with high level crew
though. And they are not ranged by BB3, like the MN BB4, and hit way harder.

BB5 42 knts tied with SY for the fastes BB, outranged by every other BB5, but its fine for
gb2 tard fest nobody knows how to use range in there.

>>>And Pitt I lovez the Alsace~ Very good Firepower and Speed , but your right about
>>>the Normal BB Games. In GB2 Alsace can Pown. And Richelieu is Almost like Yamato.
>>>If you know how to AA those near planes down then You could Kill.
Rich is nowhere near yamato, the 2 are not even playing in the same sport, yamato is
vastly superior. The only thing rich has is AA, it has a small advantage here. However AA
doesnt kills other BB4, Yammi does. The Rich main guns are just plain crap.

>>>MN is not Ideal for new people. In My experience it's Alsace>L2=Montana>SY>H44.
>>>But Hey, Alot of people Disagree Alsace is the best or that H44 or SY is last or L2 >>>and
>>>montana come Second. The Spreads ok on the Alsace. I've seen alot of Spreads >>>from
>>>the Alsace.
>>>Mn just needs Alot of skill like IJN. If your thinkin Yea, IJN is a very tough nation to
>>>get the hang of.(Except for Ise and Fuso. They Pown even with lvl 70 Gunners.)

MN is really not good for new ppl exceptions is Lyon, but that only works vs other noobs.
Sure it takes more micromanaging like UK as you have very good anti scout AA and should
use it, without it the ships are helpless. You comparison to IJN or even KM is right here.
But the potential in IJN ships is way larger. A yamato blinded you? It will shoot once, if
it hits ur done. Rich blinds you? If it hits, which is not that bad as the shelldamage
sucks and the spread is bad, then you just shoot at the muzzle flashes and sink it, it
just cant really hurt you.

Alsace is way better here as the spread is Okish and the dmg is good, but then compared to
all other BB5 it loses, because it has to blind the enemy, all other BB5 dont. The range
difference together withthe fact that the DP has not been adjusted the NF NA servers make
it one hell of a oneshot, for every other BB5 not driven by a complete GB2 shared xp tard.

And that also about the only reasons why the MN nation works, "bugged" low level BBs,
making them superior to their tier counterparts, and a general serverpopulation that just
plain sucks in this game. If only half the ppl in BB5 would know how to lower a scout, or
how to drive any ship bigger than a DD,MN BB345 would be completely lost.

Btw: I think my amagi proves that know a thing or 2 about IJN, and the other 3 BB6 about
the other BB nations, even better i got all those before GB2, or even the new leecher
proofed Premium. The point here is you have no clue about BB gameplay. I mean look at you
you sunk 60 BBs in total. So plz stop trying to argue about things you just dont
understand. If you dont belive me get ur buddies MN account, as you dont seem to have one
on your own, and pm me for a one on one. (best write me a pm here in advance so i make
sure i get online that day, not playing so much NF lately the retard density in GB2 is
just too high)

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 15. 2010 13:56

All you need is Good Based and B/V/E crew even at-lvl. French is a very good nation
in terms of Firepower(well the Alsace and Lyon With Normandie) and Speed. Well
BB345 is very good in speed. Geez if you dont know how to use the Speed
advantage on these ships Then I dont think you should play MN.
And Pitt I lovez the Alsace~ Very good Firepower and Speed , but your right about
the Normal BB Games. In GB2 Alsace can Pown. And Richelieu is Almost like Yamato.
If you know how to AA those near planes down then You could Kill.

MN is not Ideal for new people. In My experience it's Alsace>L2=Montana>SY>H44.
But Hey, Alot of people Disagree Alsace is the best or that H44 or SY is last or L2 and
montana come Second. The Spreads ok on the Alsace. I've seen alot of Spreads from
the Alsace.
Mn just needs Alot of skill like IJN. If your thinkin Yea, IJN is a very tough nation to
get the hang of.(Except for Ise and Fuso. They Pown even with lvl 70 Gunners.)

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 15. 2010 09:18

I stopped playing MN period. I got so frustrated I decided to raise an US crew from

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 15. 2010 08:02


I kind of agree with Pitt's description. That's why I stop playing my alsace for now.


  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 15. 2010 06:58

@DeathAddict I don't know what ships you are talking about but no MN ship I've played
sounds like the ones you are describing.

Buffing MN speed will NOT make them better than or EVEN EQUAL to UK because the per shell
damage doesn't match up at all. We have the POSSIBILITY to do plenty of damage because of
how many shells we have in the air not shell damage. And that's IF we hit anything at all
with more than two shells.

Another way buffing MN spread or speed will not make us EQUAL to UK is the fact we have
about the same
durability as KM save the remodels, they can take a hit yeah but we aren't talking
about them we are talking about the Stras and up.

So where would giving us speed make us more powerful than UK? The only ship that might
cause a problem is Richelieu with a 120 crew even though it hits only a little harder than
H39 it can almost block shot at 120 but if I didn't get something by 120 that was actually
USEFUL then the whole MN grind would be USELESS.

I'm not saying you never played the ships but it's pretty apparent you never made the
grind from Strasbourg to Alsace yourself. Playing a nation and grinding a nation are two
different things.

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 14. 2010 15:14

BB3 is absolute crap until you have BB6 crew, then it only worse than all other BB3 and
most BB2, with equal crew.

BB1 are strong, BB1 remodels are strong, in fact BB1 remodels are better than the MN
BB2,3 and 4 they compare to other nations BB3, crappy range and medicore speed, but tiny
hitbox and decent firepower.

BB2 are mixed bag, normandie is crap, inferior in every aspect to Lorraine. As for Lyon
some ppl love it for its firepower I dont like it, id rather go for less dmg but more
reliable dmg, spread sucks bad until you are way below max range, and i have almost BB6
gunners, furthermore its slow as hell. The only thing that ship is good against are GB2
tards, but we have a lot of those so it can be good i guess, but its to much a gamble in
my book, for every time you two shot a BB5 you struggle at least 5 times to get half the
shells in an area as big as a h44.

Rich is crap.
Its one big emden thats about it. Its ranged by BB3, out damaged by BB1/2/3, spread is
abmysal, speed is medicore.

As said the only good thing about it is AA.

Alsace is OKish, hits pretty hard crappy range, crappy spread until you gunners are
BB6ish, good speed, good AA. Its a decent ship for GB, but will get eaten alive in any BB

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 14. 2010 13:56

I've Played Richelieu and Alsace on other people's account. Alsace is better than a
montana in some ways. Well the Life they put in it balances it out.
The Small BB123s Are very powerful. Dont Tell me they're weak cause I've played
them too.
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