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Marine Nationale


  • buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    08. 27. 2010 17:38

Actually, I would like to bring this issue into suggestion area since nobody bring this
issue in the "suggestion" forum. However I think it is better to discuss to all MN
drivers what need to be buffed.

In the barter area, it seemed that no one interested to buy/trade the MN BB crew
due to the MN BBs current nature (lack of accuracy and shell space)

I propose the MN bbs (bb3 and above, including PBB) to be buffed in the following
1. Accuracy
2. Shell space (2 more binds)
3. Speed (2-3 knots). The reason is, all MN BBs are the shortest range. And MN BBs
are the lightest BBs by nature due to the 4xCannon to save space and weight, right?


To recap:
Necessary buff:
1. Accuracy needs to be buffed from Dunk and up
2. Additional shell space
3. Speed needs to be buffed as well

Optional buff:
Total sailor in the Strasbourg should be the same as all BB3 (except UK BB3)


  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 14. 2010 08:51

I'm done playing the Rich until they fix it and the lvl requirement for the Alsace.

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 14. 2010 04:02

@ DeathAddict while your right that not every MN ship needs a buff your wrong about just
everything else.

But hey, 60 BBs sunk in 2100 games, you sure now what your talking about ;)

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 13. 2010 17:27

I say the only thing needed for Mn is Binds. Seriously Making the Speed go higher is
BullCrap. No offense but your gonna make MN more powerful than U.K if you do this.
Alsace Speaks for itself. The Spread might not be that good but if you got 11/11
gunners with nice vets and full b/v/e you'd have enough Acc to Farm Everything.
Richelieu Can do alot too. They Already copied SY and Yammy with the Speed and
AA. Alsace can still go 42 with AA and so as Richelieu. The others are very small and
are hard to hit so don't Tell me they need further buffs than Ammo. Alsace is even
more Overpowered and Deadly than Montana and L2 Combined.

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 13. 2010 00:56

Most nations need 110 gunners to get good spread ( for MN its useable spread after that,
with the odd pre buff autosodak spread every 3 shots)

BTW MN BB3 has same support slots as every other nation, the BB1 remodels have one support
slot too much, thats why it seems the that the bb3 is a step back.

If it wasnt for the BB1 and their remodels (which are the better "BB4") i think i never
played MN BB line at all, its the only ships that make the entire grind to bb5 bearable.

Problem is the entire nation is carbon copy from the Korean servers, where everything is
uncapped, guess what, doesnt works on NA server with all the caps, but it would take
effort to balance it, so it will never happen.

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 12. 2010 21:05

Yeah, but with 110 gunners its kind of expected that you are good with every set of guns.

I don't mind the range, ammo , or ship durability really. I just want accuracy AT LEAST.
If not accuracy more ammo. If neither then i could go along with more range but that
wouldn't help the situation much.

And if Alsace is going to have have 12 guns like Montana but larger shells than Montana I
would love it to do AT LEAST the same damage as Montana. It's nice to feel powerful but
hitting as hard as SY without the range of SY is ridiculous at BB5 level.

I admit, I've pulled off some amazing kills with it. But I would prefer consistency to
every once and a while great duels. I think, this is just my opinion, that a little more
range on Richelieu and Alsace would actually make them fine.

Rich can be a total monstrosity at 120 actually. and Alsace just isn't very competitive as
is. I hardly ever see them on New York. I see most veteran players use Richelieu over
Alsace with their 120 crews and decimate entire battle lines. It's bad when the worst
talked about ship is chosen over the ship that had been the most anticipated.

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 08. 2010 07:16

" bad spread at level" -- even with 10 level above and with elite acc bve, the spread still

I heard that to have a good spread the gunner must at least lvl 110 or above.

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 08. 2010 05:59

less QQ more pew pew

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 08. 2010 05:53


+ Large number of guns (High damage salvos)
+ Fast BB4 and 5
+ Pre-nerf IJN AA
+ Small hitboxes

- Weak ships
- bad spread at level
- Low ammo
- Low range

The only thing which needs to be fixed is the low ammo really.

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 07. 2010 23:13


@Selethe: I couldn't agree with you more :)

  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    09. 06. 2010 09:33

Yeah okay, but if it were a true evening factor and not just a horrible balance issue
there would b a counter balance like all other ships.

KM has the longest range and some of the slowest ships.

US has no strengths or weaknesses.

IJN has the weakest armor but the best HE shells for punching through armor.

UK has the most shell damage and best armor but the longest reload times.

MN has the worst spread, some of the most difficult to speed cap ships, low range,
lowest ammo, and worst spread issues.

If MN is going to have the worst spread it should have more ammo. If it gets a better
spread then the ammo issue would b rectified.

If MN is going to have such low range then it should have faster ships to get into range.

THAT is balance as a whole, not just nation to nation. Give us low ammo as our
NATIONAL disadvantage as it was stated, but don't just hand us this with almost
every DISADVANTAGE in the NF library and say we are SOL because we are small.
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