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Marine Nationale


  • buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    08. 27. 2010 17:38

Actually, I would like to bring this issue into suggestion area since nobody bring this
issue in the "suggestion" forum. However I think it is better to discuss to all MN
drivers what need to be buffed.

In the barter area, it seemed that no one interested to buy/trade the MN BB crew
due to the MN BBs current nature (lack of accuracy and shell space)

I propose the MN bbs (bb3 and above, including PBB) to be buffed in the following
1. Accuracy
2. Shell space (2 more binds)
3. Speed (2-3 knots). The reason is, all MN BBs are the shortest range. And MN BBs
are the lightest BBs by nature due to the 4xCannon to save space and weight, right?


To recap:
Necessary buff:
1. Accuracy needs to be buffed from Dunk and up
2. Additional shell space
3. Speed needs to be buffed as well

Optional buff:
Total sailor in the Strasbourg should be the same as all BB3 (except UK BB3)


  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    08. 29. 2010 16:43


I thought nobody interested in buffing the MN ship.
Thank's for the input Nekoeu.


  • Re : buff the MN BB3 and above (PBB included)

    08. 29. 2010 10:59

My suggestion:

1. Fix premium FCS on Dunkerque.
2. Increase the base speed of Strasbourg by 1 and increase overheat ratio for 3 - 5%.
3. Add 1 more bind of ammo for the Strasbourg.
4. Increase the base speed of Richelieu by 1 and increase overheat ratio for 1 - 3%.
5. Add 1 more bind of ammo for Richelieu.
6. Add 1 or 2 binds of ammo for Alsace.
1 2 3 4 5