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  • A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    04. 20. 2010 11:17

What exactly are the benefits of a Furious CA over the Emerald as an AA ship? I've seen
people saying that the Furious is a decent AA escort, but I can't for the life of me
figure out why.

What I can tell is:

* T-slots are a lot easier to aim with than R's
* Can mount a real armament as opposed to the Emmy's guns
* One extra crew position
* CA shared exp. as opposed to CL

* Twice the broadside strength
* More binds of ammo
* Smaller target
* Can perform ASW work as well

Given the only real bonus to AA that the Furious has over the Emerald would be the ease of
aiming with T-slots (the other bonuses don't actually affect AA capability), and the Emmy
can be an ASW ship in a pinch, I don't understand the use of the Furious unless you want
to play with the big boys and ninja a battleship to death, in which case AA is no longer
your ship's priority.

~ Ferrard

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    09. 17. 2010 15:32

Mount decent gunners on a furious and you can take on BB1's. Or blind BB2/3's. I
haven't run a furious in awhile, but I use my pensa to hunt BB's after focusing on AA.

As per a ASW/AA ship, emerald all the way.

For Anti Ship / AA, Furious all the way.

One other big advantage, Emerald is a lot faster.

Don't forget, with scouts, you can drop mines too. If you get bored, go far north or
south with a scout, find an enemy cv, and drop a mine infront of it. Easy dmg. Can
kill an unaware CV with patience. (Good for long games or when you're

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    09. 17. 2010 12:31

Its more difficult for the Furious to fighter the smaller ships using 15" trips because
of that inconsitant spread and high shell hang time. Its only a real beast against
BB3s+ because then all shells could hit for a possible 20k salvo.

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    09. 17. 2010 11:09

i wouldnt say it was a waste of money, in terms of fire power its the best pca, trip
15" guns puts it on par with BB'S keep it at raneg with good gunners and the furious
is an animal. the trick is actually aiming those guns. if your gunners are not +12 bve
as a minimum with a good stack of vets and experts the spread is terrible.

its not much cop for AA though. ive cleared out many a blitz rooms in the furious buy
simply staying at max range and raining down death on wll who are silly enough to
think their 7 inch of belt can stop those shells.

with bad gunners the furious is rubbish. but it is a fast ship

oh, and at high level those trip 15's look like they block.

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    09. 15. 2010 11:34

Yeah, no, sorry, the Furious doesn't even compare to the Emerald in terms of
effectiveness as an AA boat. The Furious is still a decent ship, but it also doesn't stack
up to the likes of the Pensacola or the Moltke. It's pretty much a waste of money
especially when the UK have the rather excellent York and County as CA's already.

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    09. 15. 2010 10:28

i loved the emerald for aa...

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    09. 15. 2010 09:21

i brought a special pair of reload gunners that i keep at level 81 fr my emerald and
rp10d's EBVE lol machine gun fire. and a noob BO no supports. excellent AA for uk

i like to use gradual fire as i can target individual shots to make the shells count
more rather than spamming them all off in one big go. playing like that has no delay
for when your fireing. its liek insta fire lol great fun and very effective

i strictly play only AA in the emerald though and only carry AA rounds. pom poms in
the t slots for when shells dry up.

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    09. 15. 2010 09:13

the furious prem AA has a more range. and a higher calibre = more destructive

but i prefer reload gunners on the emerald, it just works alot better. it fires really
fast too. elite reload gunners.

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    04. 24. 2010 15:20

also, dont forget about the 2 extra support slots on furious

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    04. 24. 2010 15:11

No doubt the Emerald is the better AA ship, but I was happy enough to muddle around in my
Furious when my crew first got too high level for Blitz. A crappy crew means that you will
get eaten alive in a BB in Great Battle (well if you're new to Great Battle, anyway). I
found the Furious was kind of like a BB with training wheels, and allowed me to get a feel
for GB without taking up a BB slot - with the added ability to shoot down planes (which
the other RN CAs and low level BBs are pretty useless at).

But purely as a question of AA, Emerald is the go.

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    04. 24. 2010 05:45

I think that you forget that because the Furious is a higher lvl ship, they exp earned is
greater as well as the creds/points.
I always AA on my Furious and i find that with my trainee reps/engies i do around 45 knts
without armour (you cant armour this thing anyway so nvm)
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