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  • A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    04. 20. 2010 11:17

What exactly are the benefits of a Furious CA over the Emerald as an AA ship? I've seen
people saying that the Furious is a decent AA escort, but I can't for the life of me
figure out why.

What I can tell is:

* T-slots are a lot easier to aim with than R's
* Can mount a real armament as opposed to the Emmy's guns
* One extra crew position
* CA shared exp. as opposed to CL

* Twice the broadside strength
* More binds of ammo
* Smaller target
* Can perform ASW work as well

Given the only real bonus to AA that the Furious has over the Emerald would be the ease of
aiming with T-slots (the other bonuses don't actually affect AA capability), and the Emmy
can be an ASW ship in a pinch, I don't understand the use of the Furious unless you want
to play with the big boys and ninja a battleship to death, in which case AA is no longer
your ship's priority.

~ Ferrard

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    04. 23. 2010 11:47

Acting as the leading lover of large ships (Hood, Furious) in my fleet, I have to say, the
Furious is easily the best PCA I have used. I have all except the Asama. With 4 120
engineers, 2 AA gunners, main gunners and the essentials, I go 44 knts with AA and 15"
duals (My still preferred guns).

I don't think the Furious is a very good stand alone AA ship at all. The other nation's
PCAs can run without main guns and just AA for a perfectly great time but the Furious'
strength is in the main guns. Know how to turn a lot in your rush and the Furious makes a
very potent rusher.

For AA, I use the RP10A because if I use the Ds, I won't have space for shells since my
crew is so fat. In the earlier days of my AA gunners, I could use the 5.1" duals that come
on the Dunker. They're quite nice as they're so small, most can't tell you actually have
AA on. :P

The reason why a Furious is better than an Emerald is solely based on having the
devastating BB guns. Forget being a support ship, the Furious is a BB in my books. My
record is a 172k. :D Some wild times ago, I remember doing some CA battle where I was the
last one left against 6 or 7 Moltke/Pensas, I won. :P

Is the ship skippable? Yes. York and County are wonderful CAs as long as you don't mind
missing out on BB guns action for another few levels.

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    04. 22. 2010 15:59

You can certainly do without the Furious. Most people dont like it. With the exp
rates these days, you can cruise through lower lvls quite easily without much fuss.

I wouldnt say I know how to use the Furious well anymore. I used to be OK with it,
but that was quite a while ago. It requires alot of patience and you need to keep
an eye out on when to rush to get some attack in.

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    04. 22. 2010 07:58

@ Tha_viper: Ah, I forgot to consider the problem of fat crews. Good point.

@ Ram: Certainly makes sense now - I'm still keeping to my self-promise not to spend
money on this game, but the Furious sounds like a rewarding ship if one knows how to drive
it, which clearly you do.

~ Ferrard

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    04. 22. 2010 03:25

The furious is a huge target but more room for supports, aaguns in t spot, fun big R guns
and more scout space make it a fun ship to play with. I really like it, even though I seem on
my own here. Role here is a support bb killer. Help your bb's locate and sink other big ships. t
must be aa guns(yay!) with rp10D. Not the best guns but viable. Also you can put
hedgehogs on which is a great help agains subs. My first use of them scared the poop out of
a sub, which sank in one shot. He kept his distance from me after that. Good fun.

It is not as good for aa as the emerald, just more flexible and can kick like a mule with big

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    04. 22. 2010 03:17

Yep. I have high lvl gunners on moltke, so my spread is awesome, but it takes
FOREVER to kill anything. Today I put 4 full salvos on an AD that was already in the
orange, and his health didnt move -_-. I had to put another 4 salvos on him to sink

I last time I properly used the Furious before its buff, so was stuck using 15" duals.
Even though the gun mounts were so far apart, and spread was iffy, when it hits, it
hits HARD. It has only been improved since the buff. I played 1 game with the 15"
triples, post buff, and IIRC I got about 80k attack.

The furious is MASSIVE, but its actually pretty good. Its massiveness is a big
negative, but firepower wise, its probably higher than any other PCA. In GB, the
size doesnt matter too much since people dont like to shoot at CA. Sit near a BB,
and rake in the attack when it gets rushed.

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    04. 22. 2010 00:45

The emerald runs out of disp as soon as your crew hits lvl 40+ too

@ ram, is that because the moltke hits like wet paper towels?

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    04. 21. 2010 22:54

I think furious is more capable as a gunship than moltke.

My highest in moltke is only 121k, whereas in furious its about 170k.

Moltke seems to be a bit impotent when it comes to main guns.

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    04. 21. 2010 22:50

I've no doubt that in capable hands, the Furious can effectively be a team's 11th
battleship - the same is true of most all the PCAs (saw a Pensacola yesterday who took
down two Monties and a Dunk before running out of ammo as he was approaching our flagship.
Impressive exploitation of bad battleship players)

I just don't think it's as suited to an AA role as my bewuved Emmy.

~ Ferrard

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    04. 20. 2010 18:54

Just a question about the Furious, how fast can it goes without R guns but using T guns?

  • Re : A question of AA: Emerald vs. Furious

    04. 20. 2010 18:26

Furious AA isnt too bad. I used to do rather well with it.

I have several 150k+ games from GB1, and before the furious buff, using 2x 15
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