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U.S Navy


  • USN Battleship Speed Cap Listings

    10. 16. 2008 16:47


Continuing my work on engine-related stuff, I thought that I'd make a table for the
requirements needed to reach the speed caps on all USN BBs. I'm actually only able to
this now since Adalbert figured out how Engys stack, so remember to give him your
for this thread.

And in the event that this gets stickied (or if people reply past 10 posts, either or),
I'm going to put the bulk of the data down below in the next post(s).

  • Re : It's Over Nine Thousand: USN BB Speed Caps

    10. 30. 2008 15:58

Ah, guess I didn't read the entire post^^
BTW, many people, especially those who really care about caps, often have 5 or 6
engineers. I could immagine they would like those data to be included as well.

  • Re : It's Over Nine Thousand: USN BB Speed Caps

    10. 30. 2008 15:42

That's because speed capping at 23 cruise requires 69.565%, which is basically the
full 70%. Capping at 24 cruise requires 66.667%, which is basically 67%.

Basically, minus that one Engy, your effective overheat is between 67% and 70%,
and that extra Engy adds that final 3% or so. Check your Engy performance ratio
with Adalbert's formula to make sure.

  • Re : It's Over Nine Thousand: USN BB Speed Caps

    10. 30. 2008 15:37

I have experienced exceptions for your theories I'm afraid. For instance, on my Montana,
the speed caps at 23/39 and that at 24/40 do not require the same amount of ability. To
reach the cap at 23/39 I am required to add an extra engineer. In other words, if my
Montana is stripped for armour and I add the minimum number of engineers to reach the cap
at 24/40 and then add armour until the base speed drops to 23, my OH speed drops to 38,
not 39. When I add another engineer it raises to 39.

  • Re : It's Over Nine Thousand: USN BB Speed Caps

    10. 30. 2008 09:25

Wow, this is fantastic to have!

  • Re : It's Over Nine Thousand: USN BB Speed Caps

    10. 30. 2008 08:05

Five or six engineers on the Iowa and I'm still not close. Crap.

  • Re : It's Over Nine Thousand: USN BB Speed Caps

    10. 22. 2008 11:39

Well....I could always unsticky ;)

  • Re : It's Over Nine Thousand: USN BB Speed Caps

    10. 21. 2008 01:32

Congrats to LK owning 60% of the stickies

SOMEONE! (other than LK >_>) please release a sticky, LK is gonna be the next
Epidemic O_O

  • Re : It's Over Nine Thousand: USN BB Speed Caps

    10. 20. 2008 17:02

holy crap...LK is taking over! Quick everyone! To the bunker!

  • Re : It's Over Nine Thousand: USN BB Speed Caps

    10. 20. 2008 15:23

Maybe this should be changed from the USN sub forum to the LK sub forum? >.^

edit: I appear to be repeating myself... o_O

  • Re : It's Over Nine Thousand: USN BB Speed Caps

    10. 20. 2008 12:30

Holy crap, I officially own half the stickies in the USN subforum now... o_O
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