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  • Upcoming Proposal (WIP) - June 5th (updated)

    06. 03. 2011 07:23


BB Alsace: Large T space: 153 -> 139
BB Charlemagne: T space: 115 -> 87
BB Courbet: Normal Displacement: 5973 -> 15973
BB Courbet: Standard Displacement: 17189 -> 27189
BB Courbet: Maximum Displacement: 26000 -> 36000
BB Bretagne: Normal Displacement: 3320 -> 13320
BB Bretagne: Standard Displacement: 18230 -> 28230
BB Bretagne: Maximum Displacement: 25000 -> 35000
BB Lorraine: Normal Displacement: 7739 -> 19559
BB Lorraine: Standard Displacement:20230 -> 32050
BB Lorraine: Maximum Displacement: 28180 -> 40000
BB Paris: Normal Displacement: 8524 -> 21232
BB Paris: Standard Displacement: 19850 -> 32558
BB Paris : Maximum Displacement: 29292 -> 42000
BB Normandie: Normal Displacement: 9184 -> 20034
BB Normandie: Standard Displacement: 25230 -> 36080
BB Normandie: Maximum Displacement: 29150 -> 40000
BB Lyon: Normal Displacement: 8472 -> 15122
BB Lyon: Standard Displacement: 29000 -> 35650
BB Lyon: Maximum Displacement: 33350 -> 40000
BB Strasbourg: Normal Displacement: 13622 -> 24522
BB Strasbourg: Standard Displacement: 26500 -> 37400
BB Strasbourg: Maximum Displacement: 37500 -> 48400
BB Richelieu (1939): Normal Displacement: 17475 -> 25475
BB Richelieu (1939): Standard Displacement: 35000 -> 43000
BB Richelieu (1939): Maximum Displacement: 50548 -> 58548
BB Alsace: Normal Displacement: 17084 -> 20394
BB Alsace: Standard Displacement: 45700 -> 49010
BB Alsace: Maximum Displacement: 66690 -> 70000
CA Maxim Gorky: Armor weight constant increase by 30%
CA Kirov: Armor weight constant increase by 30%
SN CA Maxim Gorky: Turning force: 25 -> 18
SN CA Kirov: Turning force: 25 -> 19
BB Gangut: OH ratio: 34% -> 40%
BB Stalingrad: OH ratio: 30% -> 35%
BB Imperatritsa Mariya: OH ratio: 35% -> 40%
SN BB Gangut level: 67 -> 65
SN BB Izmail level: 68 -> 66


MN Lvl 120 x4 18.89 /45 Cal Model 1945 (BB6 guns): HE damage: 1500 -> 1450
SN Lvl 91 x3 16"/50 B-37 Pattern 1937: Gun angle: 40 -> 45 (only change this, range can
change, that뭩 no problem)
SN Lvl 89 x3 12?/62 SM-33 Pattern 1948: Shell weight: 1050 -> 550 (to fix the insane
penetration on these shells?we know other guns will be affected. Might have to deal with
that after this change)
MN Lvl 15 x2 3.5"/50 cal Model 1926: reload time: 0.8 -> 1.2
SN Lvl 36 2x 6"/57 B-38 MK-17 Pattern 1938: maximum angle: 45 -> 85
SN lv 38 2x 8"/50 Pattern 1905, 1x 8"/50 Pattern 1905: reload: 10.00-> 8.0
SN lv 38 2x 8"/50 Pattern 1905: Accuracy +1
SN lv 52 2x 10": range: Current-> lv 58 12" Pattern 1877 (do this via gun as we think it
shares shells with another gun)
SN lv 78 x3 12?B-36 Pattern 1937: Accuracy bonus -1
SN lv 67 3x 12"/52 pattern 1906: level: 67 -> 65
SN lv 67 3x 12"/52 pattern 1906: Accuracy: +1
SN lv 68 x3 14"/52 Pattern 1913: level: 68 -> 66
SN lv 68 x3 14"/52 Pattern 1913: 15.76 -> 16.68
SN lv 68 x3 14"/52 Pattern 1913: Accuracy +1


Richelieu big T slot firing arcs... (turrets should be able to rotate 360 degrees like all
T slots...)

SN New gunset: (For BB1, to make it less useless, which it is with the current guns, no
one uses it)
3x 12"/52 pattern 1904
1. Turet Type: x3
2. Req. Ability: Heavy
3. Level: 63
4. Cost: 23000
5. Weight: 1400.0 t
6. Space: 260
7. Caliber: 12.00
8. Train Speed: +35
9. Muzzle Velocity: 800
10. Reload Speed: 13.00
11. (Max.) High Angle: 40
12. Range: same as SN lv 61 2x 12"/40 Pattern 1895
13. Shells: Same shells stats as SN lv 67 3x 12"/52 pattern 1906
14. Sprite: The same sprite used for the SN lv 67 3x 12"/52 pattern 1906

--- explanation/reasoning:
1+2. Quad AA (or trip) on these T slots is way to much. Need to be dropped to duals.
3. All SN high lvl guns are @ 45 degreees, and this should fix the range roughly as we
want it.
4. penetration on these shells is to much. Let's see what the lower shellmass does. Values
are the ones richard recommended. This will also affect both BB3, we will ahve to deal
with that later.

  • Re : Upcoming Proposal (WIP) - June 3rd

    06. 05. 2011 01:39


Until we have time to deal with the SN 12", we should give them a damage nerf; I would
go as far as to say Vanguard damage or even less. We can fix them at a later time.

I'm still not 100% with the turning force, I think the problem is with the tiers itself. I
want to look at a setup BB6 with the turning as I never got chance to at the test last
night. Needs a normal displacement increase to prevent going 37.

Needs a T slot nerf to prevent trip/quad usage on the AA (No BB's with a decent AA
battery should be using the trips on the T slots)
Needs a slight armour penetration nerf to its HE (it goes through 10.2" of QV deck at Max
angle, which is the setup I was using on QV with AA). However, an alternative for this
could be increasing the armour amount of QV, but an unintended side effect could be
other ships having their shells bounced by QV (We can't have it fitting 12" on otherwise it
would bounce Montana)

The MN T slot nerf should be checked over all MN BB's to prevent the usage of trips and
quads where we don't want them.

Other changes that we still need to test for;


SN and MN Submergence.

Test results for the SN gun changes

Test results for the Alsace spread

BB5 Battle tests


Battle Testing of the Richy, its chaotic at the moment

BB3 and below:-

Everything very chaotic at the moment.

  • Re : Upcoming Proposal (WIP) - June 3rd

    06. 04. 2011 02:53

I'd support short range MN AA tbh, if only so the T ( or R) Slots on the CA's, Mandel
and Reynaud could get small enough so the 3.5" won't fit any more.

  • Re : Upcoming Proposal (WIP) - June 3rd

    06. 03. 2011 22:06

Which fall right into the incomplete AA patch, USN AA guns were completely broken.

  • Re : Upcoming Proposal (WIP) - June 3rd

    06. 03. 2011 18:32

" USN,IJN,KM,UK use real "AA gunners" type, not main gunners."


USN and UK use reload gunners.

IJN uses DP gunners and KM uses Chief AA gunners. Everyone else uses normal
gunners. (USN AA gunners are awful with no reasonable gun choices)

  • Re : Upcoming Proposal (WIP) - June 3rd

    06. 03. 2011 16:02

First, USN,IJN,KM,UK use real "AA gunners" type, not main gunners. That means they got to
save 2 spot on the ship for a while before able to use them correctly.

Segundo, the other nation guns you are talking are only used by AA gunners.

Tercero, USN,UK,IJN must delay and put effort in order to fire fast at delaying. Exclude
KM, since they are overpowered and good thing KM can't fire HE. But yet, you know that lot
of people do not delay correctly or don't even bother, or class on time because they think
AAW would have an effect, hence the fast reload at the cost of having negative reload ability.

Why do you think there's only few guy that put effort at training dedicated AA gunners and
US A gunset? It is a slap right in the face you're giving to UK,IJN,USN. But then, if you
can convince and make SDE creating dedicated AA gunners to use AA for MN, and not machine
gun, I wouldn't be posting this right now.

  • Re : Upcoming Proposal (WIP) - June 3rd

    06. 03. 2011 15:37

IJN, KM, USN, RN all have a set of extremely low range rapid firing guns, which all of
their reloads are around 0.8 sec. I don't see why MN shouldn't have one that can fit on
the T slots of a few lower level ships like the other nations.

  • Re : Upcoming Proposal (WIP) - June 3rd

    06. 03. 2011 11:53

Rollback this please.

7. MN Lvl 15 x2 3.5"/50 cal Model 1926: reload time: 1.56 -> 0.8
Why wanting another AA gunset? Don't we have enough with the 3,5" and the new overpowered
quad/dual 5,1 set up on some ship?
Plus, why the hell, angus didn't remove the HE,AP shells? Just rollback it, especially,
when it is a main gunner which use them.

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