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U.S Navy


  • Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    04. 18. 2007 16:54

I had a bit of spare time last night, so I decided to start a compilation of the ranges of
the USN AA guns.

A few notes:

1. Some of the pics are mirrored, since I was testing with broadsides on both port and
starboard. So for the pics where you see my tag and name on the wrong side, that's because
it was flipped.

2. All shots were made at the golden angles listed at Trainworld, and the pics show where
the shell terminates in air. This should NOT be confused with the actual range of the AA,
since the engagement envelope is behind where the shell terminates. Higher angles also
mean that the engagement envelope is smaller.

All pics in the next post to optimize thread loading.

*Destickied by TimmyC - LK's request.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    07. 06. 2008 12:51

The 6" guns also have a horrendous reload time - if you miss a bomber wave on the
first salvo, it's unlikely you're going to get a reasonable 2nd shot. The 3" and 5"
guns fire fast enough you can get a few salvos out on a wave of aircraft. In
addition, only the Montana can fit the 6" as AA guns if I recall correctly (the Guam
might be the only other ship able to do so).

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    07. 06. 2008 12:44

In my opinion the 6" guns perform the best, the rest of them either have average range or
bad fire power.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    07. 06. 2008 10:14

can we have this restick ? it is quite importand information for players :)

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    06. 25. 2008 10:48

*bumped* for reference

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    02. 27. 2008 17:51

The search button did it again thanks LordKelvin I was wondering what the golden
angles were.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    01. 03. 2008 15:11

i honestly think the US gets snubbed compared to KM and Jap AA. compare the 3"/70s or the
5/38mk38s to teh 3.46" KM guns: KM guns have reload, dmg, and range, basically the perfect
AA guns. While the US has to 'pick your poison' sorta.

maybe TNF could create a 3"/70cal L (since it doesn't exist) that would have longer range
than the 3/70N with a better golden angle (like 35). That way we'd have a gun with good
range/rld, and decent damage (59)

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    11. 27. 2007 00:26

3" 70 for rapid fire to rape bombers
5" 54 for long range to snipe scouts
5" 38 for all around package
5" 29 if you have weight problems

I prefer the 5" 38. But thats personal preferrence, try it out yourself. Its not that hard
to test 4 sets of guns. :P

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    11. 27. 2007 00:08

"("so what is the easy-to-use, long range, fast reload AA(reload gunners) guns of all
for USN? The AA(reload gunners) guns that most of you USN users use? So that i
learn from the USN "pros".."

If you want to learn more, please read my other sticky:"

what i mean LK is that, in KM we just use 3.46 and KM 40 as default aa guns, coz
they are fast, KM 40 has range and kick, and effective in AAing. I am asking what will
be they're equivalent gun here in USN? I just want to know the gun code so that i
will try to use it, if i may ask politely. :D

sorry if i sound rude, but im not mad or anything sarcastic, i just wanted to know.

thanks LK.


  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    11. 26. 2007 09:34

> The /38 or /54 signifies the caliber of the barrel,
No. Unless I'm severely confused the caliber is the diameter of the gun, e.g. 8''.

> or to put it more simply, the barrel length
Yes. Or actually as noted in the next sentence the ratio of the barrel length to the caliber.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    11. 26. 2007 07:38

"so what is the easy-to-use, long range, fast reload AA(reload gunners) guns of all time
for USN? The AA(reload gunners) guns that most of you USN users use? So that i might
learn from the USN "pros".."

If you want to learn more, please read my other sticky:

"hmm i posted in the gun range data topic but no reply. so just trying here since its the
same thing.. does anyone know what does the name of each gun mean? like is there a
relevance between eg. the Mark 10 20 or the /50 /38s?"

That means that it's a completely different gun set that may perform completely differently.

The /38 or /54 signifies the caliber of the barrel, or to put it more simply, the barrel
length; multiply that number by the shell size (5", 8", etc.) to get the barrel length. In
general, higher caliber = more range (but there are also many other factors like maximum

The Mark designation signifies a different set of the same caliber gun. For example, while
the 8"/55 guns have Mk 11, Mk 13, Mk 14, and Mk 16 RF, each of them have their own
distinct characteristics: the Mk 11's are dual guns, the Mk 13's are extremely balanced,
the Mk 14's have more range but longer reload time, and the Mk 16 RF's have very short
reload times but weigh the most.

Don't confuse this with the N/L/D designations; that means that they're one variant in
that specific gun set. N is medium range, L is long range but longer reload, D is short
range and short reload.
1 2 3 4 5 6